No.... I have taken video and shared with clients.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Noah Seidenberg
Evanston, IL
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
YES!! And it was a BLAST! I was down on the floor showing the client a flaw in the hardwood and we were giggling the whole time. My client LOVED the tour and submitted an offer on the condo "Sight unseen". I started the tour from the street, through the parking lot so she could see exactly where the condo was situated. We went to the pool, met a couple of potential neighbors and toured the grounds area. Would do it again in a heartbeat. My client lives in Sitka, Alaska.
Cynthia Larsen
Cotati, CA
Thomas McCombs
Akron, OH
Any form of video, streaming or not can be of benefit
Chris and Dick Dovorany
Naples, FL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Not tried that. Why? Didn't know it existed.
Thomas McCombs
Akron, OH
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Yes when one of the buyers was not there and I wanted the buyers to make a decision and not prolong it. Skype also works and is effective since the buyer on the other end can ask questions and ask to see something one more time with a narrator.
Thomas McCombs
Akron, OH
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I have, but need wireless to do it and ask sellers permission thru listing agent when I do.
Dusty Rhoton CLHMS, AB...
Flagstaff, AZ
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
No, apparently it's only for the ipad/iphone. I have an adroid. But I have used something similar. I think it worked better when I just did video though.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
I have husband/wife clients who used FaceTime during the purchase process. The husband is currently working in Baku, Azerbaijan and he saw properties on FaceTime.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Actually sold one last year at Easter. For some strange reason a REALTOR® listed a property on Easter Sunday morning at a great price. I had an investor in California ready to buy and knew that the timing was perfect. I go an appointment to show before Noon, and I showed it to him on Facetime. We had a signed contract that evening. 26 years ago I was taught in real estate school, time is of the essence, so this enabled us to contract a home that is a 9% cap rate.
Annette Thor
Westport, CT
No I guess I am too old. I have taken pictures and e-mailed them.
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA
No I have not. It's not easy for an old dog to learn new tricks especially since I'm doing well enough just using all of my old ones. Learning the new tricks would just take away from the time I can spend serving my clients.
Short-sighted? Not Really. Am at the stage of my career where I'm just not concerned if I fall behind in a few years.
Thomas McCombs
Akron, OH
I use Android, so it doesn't work for me. But I've "walked" a home with clients overseas through skype.
Thomas McCombs
Akron, OH
We have had two buyers who did use it....to show their family the house who could not be on the home tour....both bought after they used it !
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Yes! Yesterday we showed a home to the wife while having the husband on FaceTime. Works great and it keeps you from showing a house twice.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Yes, quite a few times. It isnt necessarily my favorite way to do it but we have sold quite a few houses this way. Being in a military community, I think people like the idea of having everything ready to move straight in and not have to wait in a hotel for several weeks.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I have sold two homes to out of country buyers just using facetime. The clients can see any parts of the house as many times as they like so they get a good enough feel to purchase without even seeing it in person.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I don't do Facetime. It can be limiting. But I do take videos of properties for out-of-town buyers.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Yes, whatever it takes. Sometimes I would just record a video by Iphone and text them. I use Skype for international clients.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Dusty Rhoton, SFR, SRS, CDPE, RSPS - I did not - however, my client showed the home to his wife thousands of miles away, using Facetime.
And yes, he bought that home!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
My experience has been that the taker and the receiver have vastly different points of interest which is lost in the form of vertical video scenes. The viewer has no control to zero in on their particular likes and interests. It's a cool toy but not for real estate, save it for the amusement park.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Every time I've tried this, the quality of the connection was to poor for good video. I've found it easier just to take videos of any parts of the home that is of special interest. (Provided I have permission from the sellers and their agent)
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I never have, but one of my younger agents had a client with limited time moving in from across the United States. The buyer had received a job promotion in a rural area near San Antonio and the agent literally showed the property they were interested in via Face Time and it worked, they made an offer with a 10 day feasibility period, flew in and proceeded with the purchase!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Yes, with a relocation buyer who was out of town. The wife flew in to find a home and we facetimed from every home we went to, we narrowed it down to 2 and the husband flew in to help choose.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
I tested it at my own home and it worked great but when I went to do it at a home that an out of state buyer was interested in it wouldn't work so I'm still trying to figure it out.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
OK, ok, OK! I am going to check it out already!!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I did not but I had an agent do it on one of my listings and it work great. They put in an offer but were too late.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
No...I have done my own version by talking with a buyer as I walk thru the houses.. Telling them everything that i see on t he cell phone. They bought the houses...LOL ...must have described it well...
I've used skype to show a client who was overseas a warehouse. I loved it and would use it again. He got enough of a sense of the building to make a decision about offering on it. My client was a droid guy otherwise I would have chosen facetime.
My client did that for his wife as she couldn't attend. It worked for them so I need to try it next time!
I have not but it sounds like a great idea, if the person is able to connect.
That is very interesting, Dusty! Actually, it never occurred to me; good idea. Question: would we need Seller/Agent permission? I've taken photos but always asked permission.
Thank you!
Yes. I was showing the husband homes with the wife on facetime. Worked great and allowed her to participate real time while thousands of miles away. They were able to choose a home togther and we closed escrow. Amusing now, but I just about froze to death while the wife enjoyed the view off the back porch of a poperty during a horribly cold and windy day!
I didn't know about Face time. I use video and photos. I'll check it out, I like learning new stuff,
I would not think that Facetime would lend itself to show a property in it's best light. WHat you get most times is a firehose effect where the camera is being waved around much too fast. Note that this is different from a video that is edited and filmed properly.
But judging from some of the responses maybe I should rethink this.
Yes, several times,
Being in area where most of our buyers live at least 2500 miles away and many times in other countries (Canada the largest buyer). We use Facetime, Youtube, Vimeo, and now I even create a private facebook page for my clients, only they can see it, and it so much faster and easier to upload a video than the other choices - and who doesnt have a facebook account - lol
As I am writing this I am with a buyer who was back home in Gehring NE wanting to buy a hot new listing in Cincinnati, oh. In an effort to be the first offer on this gorgeous home we Skyped them through it and used DotLoop to write the offer and get it presented and accepted all within 3 hours of it hitting the market. This was last Saturday and they flew in Cincinnati to walk thru the house they are buying to see it in person. Guess what. Doug the Buyer just said "this house is practically perfect". So there you go. ...technology at its best.
I recently completed video tours of 10 homes for a client. The videos I took were uploaded to YouTube and my client viewed on their own time. They made an offer (which was accepted) on one they had previewed that way. No Face time -
I've done it to preview homes for out of state buyers. It's kind of fun!
Dusty - I have not had the opportunity to use FaceTime, but would certainly not be opposed to using it.
No I have never. I have used photos and videos to sell homes to out of state sellers