If seller initiated the contact, you can usually talk to them. I wouldn't provide feedback, unless just to say showing was canceled. I just wanted to add, that you can list a property that is already listed if the seller initiated contact. I've had signed listing agreements that were scheduled to be active the day current listing expired.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
I agree with most of the responses, you can talk to them, I would not provide feedback and definatley can not solicit the listing until it is canceled.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Jack Lewitz If a seller calls, you are allowed to speak with them. If the current listing expires or is terminated, you may go after the listing. You can not solicite the listing as long as it is listed.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
You aren't under contract with anyone. If he wants to talk to you, let him talk. You may eventually get his listing later. Just be friendly!
Now that's a new one on me! But to answer your question, as long as the seller contacts you while under a listing agreement with another firm, you can speak with them. But don't disparage their current agent.
first of all, I hope you actually previewed that home and saw the interior with your own eyes.... every phone call should be handled as a telephone interview...so make sure you have all of the bases covered... you should not be soliciting the listing.... but to have some conversation about their home is acceptable in my book....you can't have that if you haven;t seen the property.... but then, how could you solicit a listing that YOU HAVE NOT SEEN!!! the fact that seller called you directly is not a license to solicit someone else's business....
Sure, you can talk to them if they call you, but I would not provide any feedback.