I can usually find whatever I am looking for by using the search bar. Is it possible you used a different name for the blog? Do you remember when you wrote it? If so you may be able to find it in your archived posts. You could also search by keywords with your name and it may surface.
John Meussner
Fair Oaks, CA
If you know the title or most of the title, the search bar will usually work.
Sadly, it does not always lead you to the old blog.
Good Wednesday morning John. I typically do what Joe does, and that is go down the stats roll.
John - That is a good question. I would have a hard time remembering the title to any old post, so a search would not even help me.
go to your stats and try part of the headline. Sometimes even if you are off in a space in the search bar it won't come up. less is more.
Go to stats and type in a key word in the search space near the top on the right side.
I often just put stuff in the search bar and it generally (but no always works). If it was a public post, you can try google. sometimes that worked better for me. or if you know date/you can go back to stats area.