When you have been in the business a very long time, you can ramp up the needed energy at any time.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Winston Heverly The beginning of the week after a restful weekend.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Midweek is usually our most productive time. We often take at least a few hours off on the weekend.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
When are you most effective when it comes to sales?
Too subjective.
Clearly the MLS suggests listing agents are most effective on weekends evidenced by the explosion on new MLS entries on Monday.
Observation would suggest buyer agents are escorting more buyers on weekends where work interference is lessened.
As it applies to me it is like asking 'When does ice start to melt?' I've had ice cubes evaporate in the FREEZER. "Most effective" will be highly subjective based on ones anticipated outcome. A Saturday morning door knocking can be the most effective action in which a newbie can engage.
Which is more important, the planting or the harvesting?
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
I have to stay steady as each day brings its own challenges. The weekends are not always for rest, more work than rest as of late,
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
There really is no specific day it varies with my clients. When I'm not busy with people I'm busy with desk work.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
It has been said that Tuesday & Wednesday are the most productive days of the week. Perhaps the reason for this is, those are days most scheduling takes place. For me Monday is the worst and Thursday is the best.
Great answers from the pack here.
I think Mondays are I am effective -- feel more energetic and reach out to prospective buyers and sellers.
I am an early riser and can solve any and all problems upon awakening most effectively. As to days and weeks etc, this ability exceeds any other considerations. It works well when called upon too at any hour if it must
6 Days a week, my trick that works is to have my to-do list that has to get done so everyday is productive.
In this business you have to wear so many hats that it all depends on what hat you need to wear. For example for me showing houses is most effective on a weekends because at that time my buyers have the most time. On Tuesdays I meet with other agents in the area and talk about their listings and if there is anything that my clients would want. On Thursday evening I'm a web guy and I build my community sites.
My best CEO day in the office is each Monday. My best selling day in the market is Saturday. My favorite networking days are Tuesday & Thursdays. But, what keeps me effective weekly, are Sundays; my weekly day off to recharge the batteries.
I would say my team and I get most of our business completed at the beginning of the week. Looking from the outside in, it would appear to be the opposite.