Another relic that has seen better days Will.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
I get a wall calendar from my insurance agent and hang it on the inside of my pantry day. It is my dream vacation calendar. Others may like one too.
Will Hamm
We send out magnetic calendars every year. Yes, I think they are worth mailing.
Not as a mass mailing - but nothing stops you from asking your distribution list by email if they would like one - send only to those who want one - and your email gets you in front of your entire list...
We just got calendars today from our Title Company. Desk callendars and notebook calendars. I would answer your question as No!
I know several people that would love them, but I personally have not used one in years and years.
I have had listing presentations on homes and stared at a calender from a different agent Will and got the listing. I think they are taken for granted.
I get a calender every year from my credit union and I like the calender plus I use it. I think it is a good thing to do.
Depends on your market, but for me any trinkets that I give away are best with OUT an expiration date.
No. I get a few and they tend to go in the trash. My ENT gives out a gorgeous wall hanger made of bamboo and has artwork around the Chinese animal of the year on it. I have that up and save them at the end of the year.
Unless I get one that I really like it goes in the garbage. 8-10 a year.
Will Hamm I don't really think they are worth it. I've received calendars during the summer that started the year in September of 2015 through 2016. Nice photos, but how many calendars can you hang up on the walls?
It depends on your market and your clientele. I think if it is something your clients use, then it's another way to keep your name in front of them. I use my phone/computer/iPad for my calendar, and I suspect many others do, too, but if you are sending either a fridge magnet calendar for "at a glance" or a calendar of gorgeous scenery too beautiful to toss, it may be appreciated.
Personally, I would say 'no.' Most of use use calendars on phones or computers these days.
In 26 years I have seen tons of calendars from agents on refrigerators who ae not the listing agent, so my answer is no.
Here in SB many of the top agents mail out a beautiful calendar with photos of the SB landscapes and lifestyle. People love them. Personally, I would look at all the pictures, and put it away. In Santa Rosa, where we have another, her clients love the refrigerator magnet style calendar. I think they are OK and would toss it, but her clients actually call her and ask her if she is doing them again...so go figure, each market is unique, which is why we travel so much. A
I do not believe so. My guess is that many may end up in the trash. You know your market best.
Each market is unique unto itself. My clients don't have paper calendars but instead, use their phones and/or computers.