No cats were injured in the recording of the following:
Grab the neighbors cat and toss it through the door first.
You can not know how an animal will respond. If small kids are in the entourage the DANGER IS MUCH HIGHER.
What would I do?
Advise buyer dog is present. Is this a NO GO?
Enter the house leaving door unlocked.
Get cozy with dog find leash and secure dog.
Dog and I will find a corner in which to reside,
Invite buyers to enter and proceed as events indicate.
Or, most likely, I simply send in my mobile security system named Sasquatch in to subdue the threat and proceed as usual.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Joan Dickie
La Crosse, WI
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Angela & Stephen Hardi...
Spokane, WA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Personally, I've never met a dog I didn't love and I seem to always have dog cookies in my pocket! However, not all dogs love my clients. I would have to move on to the next home and let the listing agent know the dog needs to be secured prior to my next visit.
Troy Erickson AZ Realt...
Chandler, AZ
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
I would ask my clients whether not the dog scared them. If if it did, then I would move on. If not, I would grab the dog by the collar and hold on to him/her . I am totally cool about dogs, but not everyone is...LOL A
Troy Erickson AZ Realt...
Chandler, AZ
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
It depends on the dog, the breed of the dog and the clients. If the dog is not friendly, scared, nervous or one of those breeds, we move on. If the clients show any hesitation we move on, if the clients are dog lovers and want to go in, we go in. I have gone so far as to keep the dog corralled so the buyers could look around. Never turn your back on a strange dog, they get brave when no one is watching.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Angela & Stephen,
We don’t go in period. As I tell sellers, you have never seen your dog when you aren’t there. The friendly dog when you are there can bite when you aren’t there.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Do not go in. That dog is the owner's problem and the agent's burden - not yours. Do not take the chance that that dog will turn on you.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
To many liabilities not just about if it offends your buyer or the risk of getting bit ,,but what bout the dog getting out and taking off?
Angela and Stephen - I would actually try and reach the listing agent, or the sellers, and find out more about the dog. I would want to make sure there would be no issue, otherwise, I think I would have to pass. If I don't know anything about a dog, I would not put my clients, or myself at risk.
I would also have a serious discussion with the listing agent, and depending on how that went, with their broker. Any pets roaming the home need to be noted on the MLS.
It depends on the buyers and how the dog acts. But it would be best to call listing agent and find out status of dog. Maybe a neighbor could come over and take dog for a walk. I would take dog for walk myself, but the owner might not like that. And if dog got loose and got hit by car, owners would want to sue me. Better safe than sorry.
This has happened to me before. I called the listing agent immediately for instructions. On another occasion, I couldn't get the listing agent, so I very very carefully opened the front door inch by inch and saw the dogs were in a crate so we went in. It would be so much more helpful if listing agents/owners made sure everyone knew of any pets on the premises.
Not everyone is OK with dogs, so it depends on the person. Always make sure you ask the client as well, if not comfortable, then go on to the next property.
talk nicely to the dog, pet him and make friends, and grab his collar.
Then hold him securely while your clients tour the home.
or you could just pass on this home and show another, if you do this make sure to send a feedback note so they know of the missed opportunity.
Angela & Stephen Hardiman / HouseTie.com you can't do much about it but to call listing agent....(or run, if they come at you...)
Inform the seller that you will not be touring the home because of the dog and continue to the next home.
I first ask if the buyers are ok with dogs. I then enter first and control the dog if possible to make sure the dog doesn't escape when buyers come in. I might keep the dog busy while the buyers looked around.
If the owners are home, have them secure the pooch. If not, skip the house and inform the listing agent about the dog and try to reschedule.
I will often venture into a property even with a big dog because I have found they usually calm down immediately. However it may not be a situation my clients want to venture into. If they are the least bit skiddish after I volunteer to go first as the test case I would reschedule the showing.
Try sticking your client's foot through the door first. If it remains intact, enter.
Angela & Stephen Hardiman / HouseTie.com It is important to record everything.
I would usually contact the listing agent, or seller to find out if the dog is friendly. After I receive a response, then I would proceed into the house, or onto the next one.
If it seemed friendly I would go on in .. If not, well I would reschedule.
Being an animal person, unless the dog looks unfriendly, I power on if my clients are willing.
reschedule.....man's best friend has sharp teeth and you're a stranger....
I'd pat Rover on the head, then ask the buyers if they mind if Rover is the tour guide. I'm a dog lover and most of my clients are dog lovers.
Angela & Stephen Hardiman / HouseTie.com I am a brave man and have run into this situation often over the past 20 years. I'll gradually open the door to see whether the dog is friendly or not. If it is, I'll try to get him into the backyard before letting the clients into the home. Sometimes the clients are comfortable with friendly large dogs so they may not be concerned once they know the dog is safe.
If the Homeowners were present I would ask them to please restrain the dog while we look at the house. If the dog was alone in the house I would not enter. I have no idea what the dog will do once I am actually within its territory and I wouldn't jeopardize my Clients. I love dogs and I wouldn't want to see my client hurt or the dog get in to trouble because it protected its territory.
Had that happen my first year in RE - except were told the dogs were fenced in their run by listing agent. They weren't, and when the client went outside, they charged him. Got him in the house with just a skinned knee and they dumped me and bought from a builder. Lesson learned! SOOOOO . . . as much as I love dogs, we would not be viewing that home until pup was secured or owner was there to contain him.
It depends if it is a nice dog or mean dog and if you are afraid of dogs or a dog whisperer.
Call the agent immediately! Fortunately, local agents kindly disclosure any possible issues and i never had to deal with a large dog without a notice.
Gently close the door. Ask the buyers if they have any fears of issues with dogs. If none ... then proceed to open the door slowly with just a crack. I kneel down to the dogs level and talk to it. Extend the back of my hand for the dog to sniff. If friendly and not feeling threatened in any way ... I'd enter the house. We cannot assume the dog will NOT have an issue with one or both of the buyers. Some dogs don't do well around men, for example. Proceed slowly with the buyers IF the buyers are still interested.
I would try to immediately call the listing agent. If I couldn't reach them, I would probably not show. Can't take a chance with safety of the clients or yourself. It's a liability thing.
Hope that he is friendly; if he is anything like mine his bark is worse than his bite. If his barking with his tail up and wagging I will go in; if the shackles are up adios senorita!