when I read a post that's unbelievably well written and a great topic, I reblog.... Google indexes reblogs.... other members comment on the reblog....and reblogging is a compliment to the author of that post.... a very nice compliment....
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Hannah Williams
Philadelphia, PA
La Jolla, CA
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Jeff Dowler, CRS
Carlsbad, CA
A great blog yes I would reblog and especially a newbie to help get them recognized.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
I rarely use that function. When I do, I am really touched by the post. A
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
I don't do it often but when I do, I like to disable comments on my reblog and invite readers to the original. They wrote it and I would like that they be allowed to engage with those who read it regardless of reblogging.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
For some time, my posts have included two reblogs each day. It is an easy way to pay it forward.
I do not think the minimum number of words applies to reblogs.
Blogging Points
Scoring Events | Points | Frequency |
You published a new blog post | 225 | 10 per week |
Your blog post was featured | 100 | 1 per day |
A member bookmarked your blog post | 25 | 3 per day |
Your blog post received a new comment | 6 | 50 per day |
A member "Liked" your blog post | 5 | 25 per day |
A member re-blogged your post | 25 | 1 per day |
You reblogged another member's post | 25 | 1 per day |
A member subscribed to comments on your blog |
0 | N/A |
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
I reblog posts that I think have valuable information or inspiration. I reblog when I want to share that post with my readers.
Jeff - I have used it on occasion when I really like a post and think it provides some great information that could benefit others. If I want to share a post, then I will re-blog.
I try to find something worthy of a reblog everyday, this week I am reblogging all of the meetup posts that have a reblog link on them.
Jeff, I was gone for a while so I dont know what's in or out. Guess I'll need to watch and see.
No. I seldom read something I want to reblog that I can add value to, rather than just rebloging content for the sake of the 10 points.
Rarely now.
I may reference a post I have read with a link to that post or member in my own post.
I do from time to time if I feel the subject matter and quality of presentation warrants a reblog, especially to the public. I also write an introductory comment.
Good morning Jeff. I seldom re-blog any post, but will if I am making an introduction for a new member.
Good morning Jeff. It's rare that I re-blog anyone post. Barbara did give a good answer.
i use it very rarely. Most likely because so much of the content that I really like is just not relevant to my local audience here in Canada.
Jeff Dowler CRS I do use re-blog - love to spread the great message from so many great bloggers here, including your posts, Jeff....
rarely use it, but every now and again for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it's to benefit my readers, sometimes it's to support a cause and sometimes it's to give exposure to a newer bloggers
I do reblog sometimes. A lot of time, I miss a good one the first time around.
Yes I do as there are some excellent posts that I want to share with my readers.
I don't reblog often but yes, I always write something about what they are going to read and why I thought is was worth reblogging.
I re- blog when I think the readers of my outside blog will like it . I also will re-blog if it is great information for the community and think they may have missed it . Sometimes there is nothing like a good re-blog
Yes, I have reblogged. I am bookmarking really good blogs to reblog at a later date.
Always felt uncomfortable having other people's content on my blog. So that's why I don't do it.
I do not use the reblog. It has to be fresh information in order to blog.
I really don't re blog. But when I do I will disable comments to encourage the membership to comment on the author's post.
I think the reblog feature is a great way to share useful information posted by other bloggers. I haven't used it much but intend to do so more this year.
Once in a great while, but it must be a blog with highly valuable information
Jeff, I re-blog less these days than when I first started. I do think it is useful and when I see a great post ... or a post I want to help get the word out on (like the winter meet-ups) I will re-blog.
I have been around long enough I can come up with my version.
With that being said, I have a reblog for a contest.
Sam Shueh
I use the reblog only on blogs that I notice needs more publicity. Do you know how fast our posts zooms by every second???? I can't even find my own posts if I am a minute or two distracted.
Yes, I reblog and write a few words why I reblog. Good post should be shared.
Jeff, Very, very rarely. In general if a topic sparks me I want to write my own version tailored to my local market.
No, but I see many who do and usually they are good featured blog posts.
I have re-blogged in the past but not recently. I don’t why I stopped.
I usually get around to re-blogging at the end of the week. I did several this weekend with intro's but for some reason didn't get points for them. I like highlighting other's post especially if they didn't get a lot of traction the first time around.
I use it, but probably just 1-2 times per week. I like sharing good content.
Jeff, I don't use it as much as I used to, but when I do I do include some kind of introductory paragraph.
I've done it once as part of the contest. I guess since I'm new I'm trying to gain a little more experience writing my own original posts. I will incorporate reblogging more soon, though.