I would love it. I have some aspects of that, when it comes to remembering appts and dates. A
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
I have one and use it all day long. I am used by other agents to recall info for them. Side note I am the official designated keeper of all family history, time dates, places, names, what you were wearing at the beach in 1964.
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
The ability to recall details of homes we've seen with buyers, especially if they are on a short trip and seeing many homes in a two or three day period.
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Having an eidetic memory can be an advantage or disadvantage, depending upon the circumstances. Just ask Dr. Sheldon Cooper or Dr. Spencer Reid.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Paul S. Henderson, Realtor, Broker, Tacoma Washington as much as I have my Google calender reminders with me, I usually remember what my day and week will be just by hearing dates.
I am gifted with good memory - with numbers, times, dates and events. It helps.
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
I never forget a property address that I've listed.... when I see an old client from 30 years ago, I may not remember his/her name, but I'll tell him where he lives!!! his/her jaw drops....
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Good morning Paul S. Henderson, Realtor, Broker, Tacoma Washington . I use it to remember properties and events associated with the inspection process. I do have a photographic memory. Sometimes, my film gets over exposed
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Good morning Paul. My past clients are always saying that they are amazed by how much I remember about them.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I can usually remember the layout, but could not tell you what furniture the home has.
Remember all properties shown and all commentary. I'm pretty good with names and faces even years later
I do good at remember 6 homes for a buyer and also make buyers rate homes 1 to 10, 7 to 10 I make sure I remember.
That is a great question. Just remembering everyone’s name would be a good start.
I have a pretty good 'sense memory' -- not Mike Ross on Suits eidetic but pretty good. And it comes in very handy. I can also forget very selectively which is my secret to a happy marriage. ;)
I would love it. At one time, we had an attorney with a photographic memory and it was ideal for teaching since he recalled every lecture he had attended.
To help clients remember every nuance of each property visited when reviewing homes at the close of the appointment. I ask them to take notes and continually ask what they liked or disliked about a home, but still much gets forgotten.
I would remember things I might other wise forget. My memory is good, but better would be awesome.
I am able to process and read contracts quickly. I only use this ability when I have to. Otherwise it stays in an observation type mode. I assume the same with your subject photographic memory
This question reminded me of a time when I went to a hardware store and a salesman came up to me and said he had a photographic memory and asked me to describe what I needed. After I told him what I wanted he ran off in another direction. After what seemed like a long time I went looking for the salesperson and found him talking to another customer. When I approached him he asked me what I needed and I said " Your the one with the photographic memory?"
It has its ups and downs and generally a good thing.
There is a lot I wish I would forget!
I would love to be able to remember names, so that would be helpful if I could at least see their name and remember it.
For everything from remembering names, phone numbers, homes, what people like dont like or what one client hated another may love
Sometimes I do well and feel like I have a photographic memory. Other times I feel like a camera without film!
I wish I did. I know the knowledge is up there, but pulling it out of storage is very difficult for me.