That is a loaded question. I'll send you a copy of my book when it is finished.
Althea Kippes, Esq.
San Francisco, CA
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
To get this, you could buy my book, The Irreverent Guide to Real Estate, available on Amazon.
Althea Kippes, Esq.
San Francisco, CA
Pretty good, when making money.
Not so good when last check was in October.
Really sucks if the new agent thinks the broker is going to take care of them.
In exactly the same spirit, 'What life like as a student at the Utah School of Real Estate?
Read my blogs. Get my book.
Althea Kippes, Esq.
San Francisco, CA
I lounge all day drinking bloody marys, sell a house here and there, attend closings, get big checks.
life as a licensee doesn't really mean anything. i took some classes and passed a test filled with info that i never use. much like my organic chem class from college.
life as an agent? it's a life of daily dichomoties. simple and complex, frustrating and rewarding, expensive and lucrative, boring and exciting.
go meet with an agent in your market one on one to get a full picture
It is like running your own business. You are fully responsible for your results( including financial).
There is not enough time or space. But read a few thousand blog posts here and you might get a glimpse.
I could easily write a post about this rather than just answering the question
It can sometimes be hard to get motivated, so you need to have a plan and stick to it.
It is amazing, rewarding, stressful and fun all at the same time! For example, I thought I was going to be with a client for at the max 2 hours yesterday and ended up spending the entire day with her. We were together for 8 hours, never stopped for lunch or dinner, but she placed a contract on a new construction home. There you have it; stressful, fun and rewarding all at the same time! By the way, my husband was happy but after he realized my whole day sacrificed was not in a vain.
With nearly 36 years in the business I don't have enough time left to give you all the details of what my real estate life has been. Saying that I am still in the business should be proof that is has been good to me.
I can't take the time to explain my work life, Shawn. Suffice to say we work more than full time and have to prioritize carefully.
The best way to describe it is a Real Estate agent needs to be available when others are off. That means nights, weekends and weekdays
I have a license to thrill...myself and others with a life-changing event
I love being a broker. I got tired of handing over so much of my commission to someone for doing absolutely nothing for me.
I had 38 years of it, and the past 10 years have been marketing for others....I love what I do and always had a niche or two ..... new construction carried me through in fine style.... but I earned every penny.... was a licensed builder in MA and had a thorough knowledge of the product and the process.... dealt with the best builders in the area and had their listings for decades..... they were good to me and I made life easy for them.... a great working relationship that I'll always be thankful for....
Shawn Richardson You have come to right place. Keep reading ActiveRain posts
This is simply a matter of a career selection.
Agents and brokers are not all the same.