I love it. when agents want to set up appointments or call to say they are running late they can call this number and someone is always available.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
We use them. Easier then the old days when we had to call an office or worse the listing agent.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Sorry you had that issue. We've been using CSS for years. At first, agents in neighboring associations with their own MLS were having difficulty. Now they are using (I believe) the entire state roster of licensed agents. Practically speaking, only agents from two adjoing counties had trouble which was resolved. As a listing agent I love the service. Longer hours than our office, they call me if there's an issue (rarely have one), and the automated feedback kept in a journal for review is great, too. Even our MLS contracts with one, Showing Time. I used it in the past with foreclosure listings to try it out. It's main benefit was a single click from the listing for a showing agent to make the appointment. Very convenient for a 'show and go' type listing.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Some of our old timers don't like it because they like to talk to the showing agent first about their listing .
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
I think it is a great advance for the industry, saves a lot of phone time for the agents.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Good morning Amanda Brown . I do have a system that is centralized that is pertinent to the home inspection industry.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Amanda Brown we have ShowingTime - which is fairly good showing scheduler service.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
I prefer to manage my own schedule. If someone wants to see a property, they SHOULD reach me. That way I can feel them out and answer any questions. Some random joe in a foreign call center isn't going to be of any use in answering questions about the house.
Amanda Brown
Stansbury Park, UT
I don't use a centralized scheduling service.
It's not that common in our area.
Amanda Brown
Stansbury Park, UT
Our mls has its head stuck somewhere dark and refuses to use any system. It sounds like it would be wonderful.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
We have a showing coordinator who handles most requests but I am not a real fan.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
I do not use a system but can see its merits!
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
No, I do not use. People usually call/text me to schedule and i like ask few questions.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
I did, but our MLS has a pretty good system for setting up appointments. And while CSS works pretty well with properties that are vacant and on lock box, they seem to have a hard time with occupied homes. I often wind up calling the listing agent for an intervention.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
We do use it. When we first started, 10+ years ago, most of the offices (big or small) did their own. I think this is a better "system", but the people that work there don't get enough training, respect or I imagine pay, so the turnover is very high.
Amanda - I am not a big fan. I would much rather call or text the agent directly and be done with it.
Sorry you had an issue but once you are in the system Centralized Scheduling Service is wonderful 99% of the time.
I typically set the showings on line, unless for some reason the MLS number is not working. Love the fact most agents are using them, and helps when setting many at one time.
Yes, I use Showing Time and the feedback is much more efficient to collect.
the agents in my office do and they love it.... saves them tons of time....
I wish we did here. It can take me all day to set up 3 to 4 appointmnts as I have to wait for agents to call me back.
It clearly identifies agents who provide 'lesser' service.
These same agents are the ones who cry, "Why don't you give me buyer feedback!" without acknowledging they started the 'lesser' service agenda.
The good news is it creates for these agents the confidence, 'there are others to blame.'
If you belong to the MLS they should have found you!
The only time I dislike it is when an agent has to be called; if they want a call set it up that way. Another is when they say no more showins as the property is under contract; a lazy agent not updating their listing!
I've never had that problem ever. Possibly a newbie at CSS. It saves alot of time in the overall scheme of things vs. the old days.
There are good and bad showing services. Most you can set up using a link from the MLS sheet. While others as you say require a call and it can be pain full to wait, try to understand them and get very frustrating.
Back in 2003 we were the 1st office in the MD/DC region to sign on w/ CSS. If it is the 1st time you are using they need to verify who you are through MLS info. They do not randomly give out access to a property unless they know you are an agent. The first day we were signed up, it took 60 calls away from our switchboard and the online access is the best.
I've used CSS for years; last year our MLS replaced them with ShowingTime. I've used this type of services for over a dozen years and can't imagine doing business efficiently without them. Love it as a showing agent and as a listing agent.
It's annoyimg in many cases. Some agents don't know how to use it. I've had cases where I called them, then was told my appt time must be verified- they took 3 hours to get back to me saying The appt time you requested was not approved", followed by- " no additional information was provided." I guess these dumb ass agents think I'm going to keep calling and trying to guess a day and time that will be accepted. Idiots.