I've heard that, but at this point I don't care.
Amelia Robinette
Falls Church, VA
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Sure do, but to shut off most of those features shuts down the apps most people love to use. I dont think you can win these days
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Raymond E. Camp
Ontario, NY
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Yep, I know & agree with Scott. Very frustrating that I take off apps & Sprint updates put them right back on. I'm afraid to root my phone because if it's done wrong you end up with what they call a 'brick' - a useless phone.
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
All the time.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
George Orwell was a prophet. So was Aldous Huxley.
We are indeed living in the "Brave New World" of "1984".
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Big Brother needs to know we are not terrorists!
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Maybe that is why I leave it in my office when taking a shower......
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Greg Cremia we are in the world where privacy is #1 concern.....despite our right to live a life we want to live..
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
It might as well be, big brother is watching from everywhere else too.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Yes I know and I choose to keep the tracking own so if I lose it I can find it.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
good luck to my cell phone....hope it enjoys all that it hears!!!
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Greg Cremia Yes, everything it asks for your location, they are monitoring your location, your surfing habits, your buying habits etc.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Oh yes. But I tolerate it. I leave the tracking on for safety, or else I would shut it off. Every bit of data on phone and computer is being tracked. No privacy in the world anymore unless you are totally off the grid.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Yep! What can you do in this age of technology?
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
It doesn't bother me that my phone is spying on me. It probably thinks I am boring and work too much.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
I think even my new microwave is spying on me.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Yes but most of us make that trade-off. The weather app needs to know where I am, the map app needs to know where I am, Siri needs to know where I am so she can find the closest Starbucks. Most of us don't know anywhere that's secret or exciting on our daily rounds -- and if I do, I'll leave my cell phone at home!
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Yep. Which is hysterical, given that my speech-to-text thinks I say all kinds of stuff I don't. So whoever's listening to me thinks I'm 2 Corinthians shy of a Bible. Here come the Bible ads.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC