I used to offer. The only time I received any requests was when the market started to tank ...people wanted valuations to use to get their property tax reduced. I did a few for free than started telling people I would do it for a fee. Next.
I no longer have the CMA feature on my site. It's request a consult. They get a valuation after we meet and I see the property.
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
I do Mimi Foster
I did get a 1.4M listing from a client asking for a CMA on my website.
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I do, but I have different title and I advertising it differently and I have gotten listings from it.
I run a "ready to move?" "thinking of selling" "ready to hire a professional to help you sell your lake house?" ad and send people to that landing page.
My former broker taught me to "ask the right questions" to "get the right people to answer" and I continue to look for the right questions.
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I don't especially push them on my website and virtually never get a request for one. It's not where my listing business normally comes from.
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
No. I thought about it though. Didn't think the automated solutions were any better than a zestimate and didn't want to do manual ones, due to the time involved and really needing to see the property for a true number.
I don't feel I've lost any business. Also recently took off the search the MLS feature too, since it wasn't used.
Becca Rasmussen
Highlands Ranch, CO
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Never got a client from it.
Becca Rasmussen
Highlands Ranch, CO
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I have not got any calls from my offer for free CMAs on my web site.
Becca Rasmussen
Highlands Ranch, CO
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
Mimi Foster - I think I do have a teaser on my site (and also in Facebook Ads). Works well to generate leads.
Becca Rasmussen
Highlands Ranch, CO
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
Historically, the "Free CMA" is one of the reasons that Realtors don't receive upfront fees or charge hourly rates. It doesn't matter how hard you work, or how much you spend on marketing. No sale means no commission.
Compare that to say, lawyers... I have a friend who just lost a long, drawn out legal battle. His lawyer still made over $100K from the hours that he put in.
I would like to see the word "Free" be abolished from the Real Estate Industry.
Becca Rasmussen
Highlands Ranch, CO
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
The "free CMA" pitch is really out of date. I don't know anyone in the biz who is charging a fee to provide a CMA. If you like food with your meals, this probably isn't the way to pitch your services to the public.
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
I do offer it and am going to take some of the suggestions in your responses to get more action on it. Thanks for asking the question!
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Maybe put a little qualifyer before the offer such as "if you are planning to put your home on the market", then check out BEFORE you do the CMA's that they are not under contract yet. Also, only present them IN PERSON, not just email them out.
Becca Rasmussen
Highlands Ranch, CO
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
Many people are shopping around checking the values given to them by Zillow and/or agents they've interviewed. Or, getting ready to sell FSBO.
Becca Rasmussen
Highlands Ranch, CO
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
I think it is important to save some things to be done in person, so I don't offer them.
Becca Rasmussen
Highlands Ranch, CO
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
I market online and offline offering a Free Market Analysis....my website is on every postcard....we are listing agents and my marketing creates about 60 to 70 new listings every year.... half will call and the other half will fill in the information on the website.... and I get that in my email....
do it, Mimi....
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
No I have never encountered that ever. I have those what's my home worth systems for FB & another one I just put up on my RM site. They are the auto pilot variety but I get their contact info.
Possibly someone on TV suggested it? I remember a rash of insurance agents telling people to get them 'free' to see their net worth.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
We find that every thing is market specific. It depends on the messaging, and if your marketplace believes in "free". This seems to be a theme today...getting something for nothing, here a blog, here a soda, here a college education, this is a "free" bonanza. A
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
I don't offer it on my web sight , but no one in my area charges so no point
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
It does happen, but rarely garner any business from the offers for free CMAs
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
I have a feature where they can request an evaluation but it has not brought in any real business.
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
No, not a fan of free CMA coupons either.
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
It is a special type of gifting to give a homeowner in my opinion. What they do/feel after that...who can say
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
About 75% of my calls and past clients wanting some info and they are confirming the listing price as I am accurate and have a name for it.
I call asking why I was not listed. I have not got one apoligize yet except one.
Loyalty does not hold water in this environment. Often the listing agents are very inepxerienced and many have little experience if any.
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
A lot claim that it is one way to learn the name and email of a few folks who are considering selling.
I do offer free CMAs, and it does end up being just that FREE. My web site attracts more buyers than sellers.
I do not offer on my website, but used to via flyers and postcards. Did get some business from postcards.
Free automated CMAs? Those seem to be about on par with the much derided Z-estimates and I would never use them. Automated systems just cannot take into account all the different home conditions, upgrades, deferred maintenance issues, etc., etc., that a human can if they actually tour the house, review the comps, and so on. Automation is great, but it has its place and in my opinion, valuation is not the place. To me they border on bait and switch: "here's your automated CMA, but call me for a real one".
Offering a free non-automated CMAs? That's something I might consider in order to be able to practice, practice, practice doing CMAs. If I did, I also imagine it's something I'd then have to stop once I'm busy and only do for listing appointment situations.
In every case you mentioned you actually talked to someone with real estate on their mind. You just got to them a too late.
Clearly you see a FREE CMA does have value to those with real estate on their mind.
Tailor your message to target a little further upstream.