If I lived in a situation that called for it, it makes sense.
Richard Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
David Landau
Newtown, CT
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
Ha - they'll only use them if they have wi-fi
We all have basements up here and still they never really get used in an emergency as people tend to want to watch the storms!
David Landau
Newtown, CT
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
David, I live in Western Colorado and we would not have much need for a storm room. I see it as a useful storage room for can goods and canning supplies. But I am sure where you are from this is not old school but maybe a necessity.
David Landau
Newtown, CT
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
We rarely get major storms in the Toronto area. The last time we had major damage from a hurricane was in 1954 when Hurricane Hazel struck. The odd time a tornado hits a very localized location. I don't know anyone who has a "storm room" in Ontario.
David Landau
Newtown, CT
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
In my market that is called a basement.
David Landau
Newtown, CT
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Up here in Toronto, we don't need to hide from storms...although there have been tornados once or twice a year, here and there. Lol, we're likely to go outside to watch them...and say to ourselves, Wow, those are real! Outside isn't where we are supposed to be around tornados, but humans are as curious as cats....
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
I agree, David. It's like a generator (or insurance for that matter). You may never need them but feel better knowing you have it!
David Landau
Newtown, CT
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
I'm in PA and we don't really need them
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Just makes good sense to me that if you live in an area that is storm prone, or constant weather pattern changes ... to have a storm room or we call it a Fall-out Shelter. Not old school, just smart!
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
Isn't that kind of standard in Nebraska & OK? I think it was worse when I was a kid here in the Midwest. I've only run for cover with the dog once in the last 5 years I would say.
Some people still have cellars here in the older homes.
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
David Landau I agree, storms seem to be getting more severe all the time.
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
David Landau - I am even North of CT - though did not find a real need for a 'Storm Room'....
You may be old school, but we have definately had an increase in storms around the world.
I've wanted a walk-in fridge on some of the summer nights here. One I could put my bed in.
Other than that, sounds too much like a panic room/safe room to me. Granted I'm building one of those...
When I lived in upstate NY it was never a necessity. Perhaps if it was closer to the coast, I might change my mind.
While I'm not in the Northeast, I have no problem with being "old school" as part of your modus operandi.
Florida. Hurricanes.
Interior hallway or MBR closet is the safe room.
We have a supply of food, water, gas lamps, propane stove, etc. I have seen power out for two weeks. Stores emptied. Roads blocked with fallen trees.
Be prepared!
It depends where you live in the northeast. I grew up in Buffalo which had a lot of snow. I could see it closer to the ocean.
It would not be a necessity for me! It is fun to sit on the deck with a cocktail and watch the occasional storm blow by!
We have not had a need for it in New England (excep for Ocean front) however many new contruction homes are adding them as an option.
In Florida, it wouldn't matter - if a hurricane wants to get us, it will :)
A storm room should be a necessity on the entire East Coast as well as many other areas!
We do not see storm rooms in our area. However, many homes do have basements.
We can put underground shelters in garages in Oklahoma City for as little as $2200. It is an add on like granite counters that enhance the home.
Not really... and how would one do this when one lives in coops or condos in a big city?
When I use to live in the Midwest we called that a basement. Now a basement isn't a common feature in my area, but I do have one. I like that sense of security.
In the entire time I've been in DC, I've only grabbed the dog and headed for the basement once during a wind storm with a tornado alert. Most of our storms involve heavy rains.
Makes sense. Seems like weather is getting more violent with warmer temperatures. It might be a fad to come soon.
I live in Tennessee and we have bad storms too but I do not feel the need for a storm room. If a bad storm comes I guess I would go seek safety under the staircase.
If I lived in Midwest or Texas Panhandle, where my brother lives, yes I would have a 'storm room' but here in western PA a 'storm room' won't be much help in a snow storm. Food, wine and wood for fireplace that's my storm list.
We have basements here for that, though I seldom use mine, I have however survived 3 tornados in my younger days while hanging out in the basement.
While I would not insist on it a storm room would certainly give me good piece of mind.
It can also be used for safe room in case of intruders / home invasion, as well as stack for MRE's and distilled water, etc. Storms shelters are a good idea, although i don't know what value an appraiser would give for one.
When I grew up in New England (CT), there were basements, but they were not Storm Rooms, and I've never seen one, or it was not called that. I'm thinking in other states like KS, OK, etc. they definitely need Storm Rooms, because they could save lives David Landau - I don't think of them as 'old school' for certain areas at all.