Annette Lawrence , Palm Harbor, FL 727-420-4041, Making FLORIDA Real Estate EZ  (ReMax Realtec Group)

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Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Real Estate Broker Retired

We would get into our robo driven honda to the for sale site where we would be dropped off. Greeted immediately by a robot (dressed with an apron like the Jetsons) & shown graciously into the house. During that time the 'apron robot' would tell us all about the cost effective features of the house to save $$. The house would have a carbon footprint number.

The buyer would produce a credit card with their loan credentials & preapproval if they decide to buy the house. Just like an ATM they would swipe the contract approval. We would be ushered again back to the office by the honda driving robot that tells jokes during the ride.

I am awarded top sales agent for the month of March from my broker robot.

Mar 09, 2017 09:41 AM
Ryan Huggins - Thousand Oaks, CA - Thousand Oaks, CA
Residential Real Estate and Investment Properties

First we need real intelligence before we can go artificial!

Mar 09, 2017 10:28 AM
Kat Palmiotti
eXp Commercial, Referral Divison - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

What fun.

Someone who wants a home would speak to their device (computer, laptop, phone, ipad, something else not invented yet) and answer questions such as how many bedrooms they want, what location, etc., and then they'll be shown short videos of potential homes or perhaps some sort of 3D images would appear in front of them, hologram form. Then, (using your idea), the retina review and heart monitor software will narrow down the list to the top three homes, details of which will be sent to their phone/watch/computerized shoes/whatever. Their automated ride will appear at their front door, and out the door they will go. They will be automatically transported to the three homes, and as soon as they walk in the door, the information that was sent to their phone will provide either a hologram or a voice overview which explains what they are seeing. As they walk room to room, the software will sense where they are and will change the description appropriately. After the last house, the car will deliver them back to home. If they wanted any of the three homes, they will say outloud, "I want the house at 123 Smith Street" and their AI system, which already knows everything about their finances will choose the best financing program for them, which they will accept (or not), and the deal will be done. All title reports, etc., are already computerized and available for every house for sale. There would be no closing, no attorneys. The house would become theirs, and if they wanted a moving van, they just have to say "Schedule movers for Friday the 12th" and they would be set. 

I, on the other hand, will be cultivating a huge vegetable garden the land near a cabin in Montana, as I will not be needed in real estate land any longer.

Mar 09, 2017 10:10 AM
Kathleen Daniels, Probate & Trust Specialist
KD Realty - 408.972.1822 - San Jose, CA
Probate Real Estate Services

Data mining and data drilling has been taking place for years.  We see the best use of this in real estate with sites that sell predictive analytics. Beyond that Annette Lawrence , Palm Harbor, FL 727-420-4041 I am all about connecting with real people in real ways.  Building relationships with people face to face.  

Mar 09, 2017 08:22 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Not sure, too early for the imagination to run wild!

Mar 09, 2017 08:29 AM
Bob Crane
Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified - Stevens Point, WI
Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671

I will wait and see what those who deal in things like AI come up with.

Btw, what do you mean by "club rules"?

Mar 09, 2017 08:20 AM
Praful Thakkar
LAER Realty Partners - Burlington, MA
Metro Boston Homes For Sale

Annette Lawrence , Palm Harbor, FL 727-420-4041 - perhaps I will repeat what Barbara Todaro usually says, 'beyond my paygrade' lol!

Mar 09, 2017 11:11 PM
Debbie Reynolds, C21 Platinum Properties
Platinum Properties- (931)771-9070 - Clarksville, TN
The Dedicated Clarksville TN Realtor-(931)320-6730

How about hologram loan apps with the lender and being teleported into the home to view it much like a drone can do now? The buyer can control to direction and what they want to look at. I guess anything is possible.

Mar 09, 2017 07:40 PM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

     I know a couple of agents who could use some "artificial intelligence", to make up for the shortfall in real intelligence.

Mar 09, 2017 12:58 PM
Inna Ivchenko
Barcode Properties - Encino, CA
Realtor® • GRI • HAFA • PSC • Short Sale • Probate

I agree with you, it is a matter of near future, we already have selfdriving cars, virtual tours, holograms, advanced absolutely stunning smart computers. It is not on a mass level, but it is coming, no doubt. 

I'm not sure about real estate, but I really really want a AI house keeper. It would save so much time:)

Mar 09, 2017 10:06 AM
Nina Hollander, Broker
Coldwell Banker Realty - Charlotte, NC
Your Greater Charlotte Real Estate Broker

Sorry, Annette... this is not my kind of "exercise" and I have no imagination in this regard.

Mar 09, 2017 08:47 AM
Big Block LPT Realty 858.232.8722 - La Jolla, CA
Coastal San Diego, Veteran's & Retirees Services

Robot tour of homes.

Mar 09, 2017 08:28 AM
Annette Lawrence , Palm Harbor, FL 727-420-4041
ReMax Realtec Group - Palm Harbor, FL
Making FLORIDA Real Estate EZ

I'll go first with some creepy stuff.

AI in the form of utilizing the web-cam on the 'puter or device to analyze expression and posture and presenting information through animation directed by AI analysis.

A furrowed brow or reclined posture suggest need for a specific type of message.

Mar 09, 2017 08:21 AM
Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers
Serving the Greater Phoenix and Scottsdale Metropolitan Area - Scottsdale, AZ
Coldwell Banker Realty

Lyn Sims nailed this one!

Mar 10, 2017 04:24 AM
Troy Erickson AZ Realtor (602) 295-6807
HomeSmart - Chandler, AZ
Your Chandler, Ahwatukee, and East Valley Realtor

Annette - I can't really do any better than Kat Palmiotti. She gets the gold star on this one.

Mar 09, 2017 10:03 PM
Kasey & John Boles
Jon Gosche Real Estate, LLC - - Boise, ID
Boise & Meridian, ID Ada/Canyon/Gem/Boise Counties

I am honestly not creative for an exercise like this.  I loved Kat Palmiotti 's answer.  If I can think of something I will come back and edit this comment. Fun to read some of the responses.

I honestly do think that VR glasses and a Virtual Reality tour of homes is going to be a thing of the future.  We've gone from Virtual Tours in video form to MatterPort 3D virtual tours and a full on virtual reality tour doesn't seem so far fetched. 


Mar 09, 2017 08:31 PM
William Feela
Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.

I have better things to think about

Mar 09, 2017 02:44 PM
Richard Alan Naggar
people first...then business Ran Right Realty - Riverside, CA
agent & author

It would be along the lines of a talking application where you answer questions put forth and it helps to conclude your business at hand. Just picture a licensed "Suri" ...

Mar 09, 2017 01:37 PM
Robert Newman
Inbound Real Estate Marketing L.L.C. - Buffalo, WY
Creating Enduring Online Marketing Results

It's already here. It's called RankBrain and Google uses it everytime you post a video or do a search for your real estate business.

Mar 09, 2017 01:17 PM
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Napa Consultants - Carpinteria, CA
Luxury Real Estate Branding, Marketing & Strategy


I cannot go there!  Real estate will always be a people to people business, unless we all become robots which is also being discussed.  A

Mar 09, 2017 12:45 PM
Raymond E. Camp
Ontario, NY

It would look like the blank stare of a newbie after being asked a question they do not know the answer to!

Just like anyone or thing; if it gets through the hard knocks it will possibly work!

Mar 09, 2017 11:29 AM
Sandy Padula & Norm Padula, JD, GRI
HomeSmart Realty West & Florida Realty Investments - , CA
Presence, Persistence & Perseverance

A drone with a Z or A on its cowling.

Mar 09, 2017 09:43 AM
Jennifer Mackay
Counts Real Estate Group, Inc. - Panama City, FL
Your Bay County Florida Realtor 850.774.6582

I've got nothing for this

Mar 09, 2017 09:28 AM
Toronto, ON

AI is still a rapidly developing field.  It also depends on what aspect of real estate you are looking at: e.g. buying / selling, developing, investing, renting, financing, designing, operating the property and so much more.

Mar 09, 2017 09:18 AM
Joe Pryor
The Virtual Real Estate Team - Oklahoma City, OK
REALTOR® - Oklahoma Investment Properties

It will take over data, prediction, and judgement within 5 years or less.

Mar 09, 2017 08:59 AM
Dave Martin (703) 585-4687
Fairfax Realty - Fairfax, VA
Making Realty Dreams a Reality #WeWillGetYouHome

About like what it does now I think ZILLOW so we have a bit of work to do before we are THERE.

Dec 10, 2017 08:45 AM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

Virtual showing of homes for sale. No need for showing agents.

Mar 10, 2017 06:46 AM