refer them to the best Commercial agent you know, and tell them specifically why this is in their best interest.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Dorie Dillard Austin TX
Austin, TX
Brenda Mayette
Glenville, NY
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Christine Kankowski No...
Poway, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Friends help friends by placing them in competent hands (COE Article 11) !
Brenda Mayette
Glenville, NY
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Michael J. Perry
Lancaster, PA
Definitely refer it out or work it with a local commercial or business specialist. It is a violation of the COE to work outside your area of competence.
Dorie Dillard Austin TX
Austin, TX
Christine Kankowski No...
Poway, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Seek to make a referral to someone with more expertise!
Dorie Dillard Austin TX
Austin, TX
Dr. Karen Lewis, Broke...
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
I'm a commercial broker and I refer out business opportunity transfers. A couple of reasons. Number one, it's extremely difficult to valuate the (especially intangible) assets of a business and my E/O insurer requires special disclosures for me to do it at all. Also, you need special title/escrow to conduct UCC search and properly transfer over all parts of the business. If you ask around, you'll find that most of your title and escrow companies will not handle this type of transfer. There are brokers who specialize in business transfers. I strongly suggest that you refer to them.
Dorie Dillard Austin TX
Austin, TX
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
I totally agree with Bob Crane & Michael J. Perry - You're serving their best interests by referring them to a trusted commercial broker.
One additional thing that you can do is ask the commercial broker if he/she minds allowing you to 'participate' as perhaps, an assistant during the transaction. That may help your friend feel like you're still involved in their sale.
Good luck, Karen!
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Kasey & John Boles
Boise, ID
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Follow the NAR Code of Ethics and don't do what you have no expertise for. Find a good commerical agent and get a referral fee.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Dr. Karen Lewis, Broke...
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I know that specific companies deal with specific businesses that are on the Market for sale, i.e., a Sign Shop would be sold by a business that sells Sign Shops. You could refer someone, to the proper company that would do their sale, and that is if you even could, and that might be done on-line, though you are putting yourself in as a 'middle person', so I'm not sure that would be wise Karen Jones Lewis, MBA, Realtor. Especially since they could check-out the same companies on-line that you could . . . and you could certainly check-out companies in S FL that might consider working with you, though I have no experience working with a business of any type. For me, if would be, 'I don't know what I don't know'. Best of Luck for your friend!
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Refer to a commercial agent.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Better ask your broker. We cannot dabble in & out at my company. Either you do it or you don't. I checked the box for 'no thanks'.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Dr. Karen Lewis, Broke...
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I agree with Bob Crane!
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Dr. Karen Lewis, Broke...
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Co - list with someone you know who does commercial
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Dr. Karen Lewis, Broke...
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Sorry, but your question makes absolutely no sense.
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Dr. Karen Lewis, Broke...
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I'm with Bob Crane refer them to the best sommerical guy you know!!
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
If you plan to go into commercial real estate, find a qualified mentor or commercial co-broker to work with you on it. Don't miss a great opportunity! If you plan to stay in residential, refer it out.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
I wholeheartedly agree with Michael J. Perry on this one! Been there, done that and NEVER, EVER again...!
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Karen Jones Lewis, MBA, Realtor Selling businesses is a specialty all of its own. Refer it someone who works this in this area. Also, refresh yourself with Article 11 of the NAR COE before taking this on.
Dr. Karen Lewis, Broke...
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Just remember that the commercial "pros" all had a 1st listing @Karen Jones Lewis. Take it, you may love it and it may become your thing. Good luck.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
You need a pilot on point with everything esle co-piloting
Dr. Karen Lewis, Broke...
Fort Lauderdale, FL
If not comfortable, refer to a trusted agent and stay in the picture to give your friend comfort, as needed.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
If that happened to me, I'd partner with a local commercial agent and tag along to learn the ropes.
Dr. Karen Lewis, Broke...
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I suggest you either refer them to a great commercial Broker, or co-list with such a Broker. In this way, you can gather important knowledge on the process, but also honor the Realtor code of ethics by making sure your client has the best representation in his/her sale. You should not take on a listing exclusively you are not competent with.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
I believe that you need to refer your clients to a FL lic. Business Broker. They typically charge 5 to 10% commission.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Refer to a competent commercial agent with experience with this specific type of transaction. See what Ken Jones and Candice A. Donofrio have to say!!
Dr. Karen Lewis, Broke...
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I would list it and let them a you will be working with another agent
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Pompano Beach. That is where I will vacation.
However I'm on the other coast.
Talk to your broker to identify who in your office works commercial/business real estate. Be sure to distinguish if you are selling a BUSINESS or COMMERCIAL real estate. That is REALLY important.
You are in luck. There are agents from Pompano here on AR.
Try the AR referral system for a more proactive method.
It's not your baby, until you figure it out.
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
Send them out as a referral them to a commercial agent you know, and tell them specifically why this is in their best interest.
I see you already received a response, but I wanted to chime in also. I totally agree with those who indicate you should just refer it to a commercial broker.
Karen Jones Lewis, MBA, Realtor - never say no to the business! In fact, this is a great learning opportunity. Just take it.
For me it would be easy, since my friend is a business broker& realtor. Do you have someone to guide or mentor you?
I was going to suggest colisting with a commercial agent but be prepared they may not want to do that as this type of property takes different skills and approach.
Like many others have said, I wouldn't do it, I'd refer it out. Possibly, if the business/commercial broker was willing I'd see if I could be part of it to learn, but not to respresent my friend in something out of my area of expertise. -Kasey
When listed my irst business, i asked an agent in my office who did a lot of businesses to assist and split it. Now i have done so many it is agents who ask me. It is tough to turn down a listing from a friend but tougher if it does not sell. If you do refer it, make sure they will be as good as you would be
Find the best agent in your area who specializes in this niche. Either work out a referral deal for a referral fee. Or you and the other agent work the deal and split the commission.