Greg Cremia I believe ALL participation has dropped off due to the elimination of those points. I for one do not see it as a good thing. It has not slowed down the stupid and redundent questions by the Utah students.
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Wayne Zuhl
Cranford, NJ
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Dan & Laurie Pittsenba...
Bellingham, WA
Susie Kay
Plano, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
I don't know.
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Karen Climer
Orlando, FL
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Dan & Laurie Pittsenba...
Bellingham, WA
Susie Kay
Plano, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
I don't know but it hasn't changed my outlook about AR
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Dan & Laurie Pittsenba...
Bellingham, WA
Susie Kay
Plano, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Consequences intended and unintended are a part of life. Definitely seen in many parts of ActiveRain.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Dan & Laurie Pittsenba...
Bellingham, WA
Susie Kay
Plano, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Life is like a chess game where every move counts....
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Wayne Zuhl
Cranford, NJ
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Dan & Laurie Pittsenba...
Bellingham, WA
Susie Kay
Plano, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Ya noticed that too? LOL
The fix is in.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Dan & Laurie Pittsenba...
Bellingham, WA
Susie Kay
Plano, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
There are more points being awarded now than before the ban.
Bob, Bob "RealMan" Timm when one reads a question on AR every response should get an upvote. These responses of fabric should get a comment.
What I am experiencing is many are seeing value in keeping the community bond by showing "I see you."
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Wayne Zuhl
Cranford, NJ
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Susie Kay
Plano, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
No that's not true at all Greg. There are also comments like 'blog about your choic' everyday all day. I answered don't know when people asked about certain programs that I had never heard about.
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Susie Kay
Plano, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
I dont know, but wait, yes i do. They were not help full. and although they are gone. Many others seem to be gone too.
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Dan & Laurie Pittsenba...
Bellingham, WA
Susie Kay
Plano, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
I don't know...
I've been gone until yesterday and have been enjoying cherry picking questions. I would say though that "I don't know" can be a very valid answer. I do think though that there will be a greater chance for people who ask about products to feel ignored as "never heard of them" is a valid answer, but why would I bother answering it now?
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Mel Ahrens, MBA, Kelly...
Hood River, OR
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
I notice that. I personally think the "I don't know" can also be useful as a statistic. It tells me how many agents/lenders know the answer to a certain thing. I'm also with Wayne Martin , anyone should be able to say so.
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
1 less incentive to look through all these questions. I wonder what the EFFECT will be if one loses 10 points to answer some of those questions.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Mel Ahrens, MBA, Kelly...
Hood River, OR
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Susie Kay
Plano, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
It has slowed quite a bit but not all gone.
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Susie Kay
Plano, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
I don't know, was that any help with your question Greg? lol Yes I have noticed.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Susie Kay
Plano, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
I am on the fence on this one. if you truly don't know, you should be able to say so!
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Susie Kay
Plano, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
The Q & A section filled with I don't know's has diminished to a halt. A good thing if you ask me. Not sure what I don't know's ended up doing but they either found another platform or found another way in the Rain to gather points. Do you know?
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Dan & Laurie Pittsenba...
Bellingham, WA
Susie Kay
Plano, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
I don't care is my answer. Never came to Q & A for stupid points. I come for fun and laughs and to learn a few things along the path.
Steve Higgins
Kelowna, BC
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Karen Climer
Orlando, FL
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
I've noticed life still goes on without the points.... and the questions have improved....
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Karen Climer
Orlando, FL
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Margaret Rome Baltimor...
Pikesville, MD
Yes and I think it's better this way. If your comment means something to somebody, they can like it and some points are "earned".
In the minority, there are some questions posted that are somewhat "pointless" and should Not receive points for posting the question (I haven't bothered to look and see what gets points and what doesn't) and the two or three word answers to these apparant point hound questions should also not be awarded points. However, this type of "judgement" would require too much monitoring and arguing between the monitoring body and the public. For the most part - the majority - when someone post a question on AR, it's a valid question. And the reason they posted the question to a board is to get some help and/or input on something. "I don't Know" is zero help in that situation. And I've seen someone post a question about how to do something with a certain software. A bunch of answers, like "I don't Know" or I don't use that software etc. All of those type of answers are of zero help to the poster of the question and zero help/interest to anyone following the thread if they happen to have the same question. And in my opinion, all those answers were pretty much 2 second point grabs. Now if someone asks a question that indicates that an "I don't know" answer to be helpful answer - like a poll with a "How many of you know_______" then "I don't know" is a helpful answer to the poster of the question. In my opinion, if someone is asking for help - like how to do something - if you don't know the answer at least put something that's some how helpful to the poster of the question or don't answer the question at all. I'm a fan of the new point changes.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Liz and Bill Spear
Mason, OH
Dario Ferreira
Attleboro, MA
Mel Ahrens, MBA, Kelly...
Hood River, OR
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
I have not noticed.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
The answers have dropped quite noticeably and the usual suspects that offered them are now exposed as MIA in the Q&A. There is one in particular I knew would leave and "what a surprise", she did.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Mel Ahrens, MBA, Kelly...
Hood River, OR
Good job by AR of getting rid of the riff-raff. What about the "Groups"... did AR ever fix that?
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Mel Ahrens, MBA, Kelly...
Hood River, OR
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
I know I have spent less time here, but have been busy.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Susie Kay
Plano, TX
Doug Dawes
Topsfield, MA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Dare I say ...
I don't know.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Karen Climer
Orlando, FL
I dont know...
But plenty of silly questions remain, perhaps even more now.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
I have to admit that I do not notice this kind of stuff. But then, I am by nature a contrarian...LOL A
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Not that I was ever a "I don't know" responder, my participation has dropped because I'm busy with other stuff. My blogging has dropped dramatically too and there are plenty of points to be had there.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
I noticed; but could be time of year? Could be many reasons
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Thank you for posting, lol.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Although I've noticed I'm getting a lot more points form people liking my answers than I ever got before.
Greg Cremia
Nags Head, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT