If you are a realtor, constantly engaged in conversation and sales, you know the significance of having the right descriptive words to enhance your communication and to increase the chances of a sale.Here are some that we use almost daily. PRINT and place on the wall close to your computer ABUNDANCEa lot, loads, excess, abundance, excess, plethora, oodles, googolplex, surplus, overmuch, beaucoupADDIncrease, augment, enlarge, multiply, double, append, annex, acquire, obtain, accrete, supplement, summarize, sum upARRANGERedo, renovate, organize, adjust, classify, systematize, coordinatedATTRACTLure, draw, catch, magnetize, entice, capture, captivateBEAUTIFULGraceful, stunning, amazing, spectacular, sensational, stunning, refined, irresistible, charming, exquisiteBIGHuge, enormous, immense...