
Bella Vista, AR Real Estate News

By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Bodega is the new word of the day. When I was a youngster living near Russellville Arkansas when we went to town we drove by one of these.  For some reason they had what I wanted and I got several boxes of them each time I went in.  Looking back now I sure do wish I had taken pictures of that place.  The meaning of (bo da’ge) is a small grocery store the boxes were 22 rounds and I would go hunting almost every day when I got out of school. it also has another meaning of a wine shop; a bar; tavern.  At the time Pope County was a dry county so the meaning to me is a small grocery store.  Old times I remember them well
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Pavid is the new word of the day. OK Word® doesn’t recognize the word so I know I have a good one.  I’ve been there and done that so I speak from experience.  I know every one of you have experienced this but the question I would have is have you experienced this while you were an agent?  Now for the meaning of (pav’id) is fearful; afraid; timid.  So now what say you?
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Well what have we here for one thing the Internet connection is down and I'm doing this only phone so if there are any mistakes please excuse them. Can you imagine what my life must be if I have time and like to browse through Webster's (r) looking for words to write about, not exciting for sure but it's fun for me and apparently for you also. So when I get comments I do especially when the comments are funny and I actually LOL while reading them. Now for the meaning of ( maf' ik) is to celebrate in an exuberant, unrestrained manner. Now do any comments on your posts make you maffick?
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Logorrhea is the new word of the day… Almost sounds like a sexual disease doesn’t it?  Well if you know me you know words that I use are usually not what you first think.  So I’ve known people with this disease if you want to call it that.  Would you like to know the meaning?  But before I give you the meaning most people usually relate this to a female and I’ll call it a 50/50 so to keep peace.  Now the meaning of (log’e re’e) is excessive talkativeness.  I’ll let the definition speak for itself and say nothing more now what say you?
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Relativism is the new word of the day. On this word I’ll save my comments at the end of this post.  So we’ll get right to the point and the meaning of (-iz’em.) is any theory of ethics or knowledge based on the idea that all values or judgments are relative, differing according to circumstances, persons, cultures etc.  So I often wonder why certain Countries try and bring their cultures and values to different Countries.  You cannot successfully dictate your values and culture on a different culture than yours.  If you do so you certainly are looking for a revolution now what say you?
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  400,000 a milestone. As I am posting this I should be close if not over the 400,000 mark another milestone on my way up the leader board.  It began slowly and over the last couple of years I have found my niche and haven’t slowed down sense.  Now it’s not going up the leader board as much as it has became an obsession to post and write.  I’m motivated and rocking on down the road.  Thank you all for the comments you’ve made over this journey it inspires me to keep on going.  Enjoy the day I know I will.
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Pawn is the new word of the day. Now, now I know what first came into your mind but I assure you it’s not what you think.  We all know pawn shop where you take in an item and either sell it or give it to the broker for some funds.  Then there is the pawn used in a game called chess but in both cases you would be wrong.  The meaning of pawn (pon) I have chosen is a person used to advance another’s purposes.  I like being used as a pawn for my clients.  I help them advance through the maze of buying or selling property.  So now what say you?
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Adinitium is the new word of the day. OK all you word seekers what have we here?  We all started out at this and where we will end up is anyone’s guess.  The question is on what stage and how you get to the end is the story of one’s life and the progress both bad and good along the way.  The meaning of (ad’ I nish’ e em) is at or to the beginning.  So for some of you this is the beginning or the first day of the rest of your life.  How will the last one be and the memories you leave will be the journey.  Enjoy the day my friends.
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Otiose is the new word of the day… I must say I recently dealt with one of these.  Don’t know about you but I don’t like them or even want to be around them.  These people are something I would like to give to another agent that has wronged me. :~) Not really I just go and try to work with them for a little while.  I’m not one to beat around the bush and tell them outright when they are serious come see me again.  Usually that is the last I hear from them.  So the meaning of (o’she os) is ineffective; futile or useless.  So now what say you?
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Flummery is the new word of the day. This is so good I will tell you right up front its origin is Welsh. I’ve had clients and so called friends do this to me and I was not impressed.  So what I would like to know is how often it has happened to you and do feel it’s happening now?  The meaning of (flum’er e) is meaningless flattery or silly talk.    So you don’t need to tell me a lot of my posts is meaningless flattery or sill talk but until now I didn’t know they had a word for it…
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Macadam is the new word of the day… So tell me have you been on one of these?  Bet me just bet me cause I know you have.  It’s a common thing so want to make a wager?  OK all joking aside I still say you have been on one of these can you guess what it is?  Alright I’ve held you in suspense for long enough the meaning of (me kad’em) is small broken stones used in making roads; esp., such stones combined with a binder such as tar or asphalt.  So tell me did you guess it?  Isn’t this fun? 
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Mesne is the new word of the day. Having been to real estate school I don’t recall this word showing up.  Just looked in the booklet provided and sure enough it’s not there.  But anyway it does exist so having found it I thought I would write about it.  Have you guessed its meaning?  If not join the crowd so the meaning of (men) middle; intermediate; intervening: mesne profits are profits accruing from the time possession of land has been improperly withheld from its rightful owner until his or her reinstatement in possession of the property.  That was a mouthful now what say you?
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Expiate is the new word of the day. Have I been there done that, you bet ya I have more than once.  I didn’t know they had a word for this but apparently they do so I’m introducing you to it.  Do I think I’ll do this again you bet ya I will but hopefully not too many more times?  Now for the meaning of (eks’pe at’) to make amends or reparation for (wrong doing or guilt) to pay the penalty or; suffer for; man if I had a dollar for every time I’ve done that.  Anyway now what say you?
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Debenture is the new word of the day… I have my signature on a host of these.  Although there are not as many as in the past but they are still there.  Most everyone I know has these but the question is are you overloaded with them?  If so you might want to get rid of them as I know I want to so I guess now is as good a time as any to tell you the meaning of (di ben’cher) is a voucher or certificate acknowledging that a debt is owed by the signer.  How about that credit limit It seems some went over it on the mortgage market what say you?
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Oligarchy is the new word of the day. I know I just know this may come back to bite me but I’m not know to back away from a confrontation.  So with that little tidbit of information I came across this word.  So the meaning of (al’I garke) is a form of government in which the ruling power belongs to a few persons.  Isn’t that’s what we have?  We vote them in and then gripe about them while they are in office.  Crazy world isn’t it?  Have a great day
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Naches is the new word of the day I wonder for those who will read this if they can guess what the word means before reading the meaning.  For me it was of course my parents, my wife and kids and very few in between.  Have you guessed the meaning yet?  If you haven’t you won’t get it so here is the meaning of (nakh’es) pleasurable pride, esp. in another’s achievements.  So what do you think about today’s word?
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Don’t know about you but I like this.  It does feel good and I like to return the favor.  Now don’t get me wrong you can’t go doing this to everyone so be careful.  If you do this to everyone you meet not only will it cause you some trouble it may get your backside beat.  So without further adieu the meaning of {tak’shen} is a touching or being touched; contact. 
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  Yes I have had several cops and deputies refer to me by many names but I bet they never thought of calling me this.  If they had I would have needed to look this one up.  After retiring I’ve heard some of the names they called me.  After leaving they all knew they had lost someone who cared for them and still do so the meaning of (mart’n et’) is any very strict disciplinarian or stickler for rigid regulations.  While they all cursed me under their breath they knew who would be first to defend their actions.  I do miss the guys and gals in uniform.
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    Self examination for Alzheimer’s how well will you test?   OK here are the rules there are six simple words and you are to fill in the blanks and say the first word that pops into your mind. 1.  F_ _ K 2. BOO _ S 3. S _ X 4. _ _ NDOM 5. P _ N _ S 6. P U _ S _   Now let’s see how you did.     Answers Below:   1.    FORK   2.    BOOKS   3.    SIX   4.    RANDOM   5.    PANTS   6.    PULSE     Bet you got all 6 wrong…. Didn’t you?   You do not have Alzheimer’s   You are a Pervert…   Join the club    
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  I’ve dealt with a “haberdasher” have you? I have had dealings with these people and I bet most men have also.  Ladies I’m not leaving you out of this you have dealt with these people also I’m sure of that.  They are in most stores but not all of them.  The meaning of (hab’ er dash’er) is a person whose work or business is selling men’s furnishings, such as hats, shirts, neckties and gloves.  Now that you know the meaning what say you?
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Bella Vista, AR Real Estate Professionals