
Bentonville, AR Real Estate News

By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Man oh man do I like this word.  For those of you who chose the military, law enforcement or the fire department for a career I know you have this phenomenon.  Is it only for those professions of course not but it helps.   The meaning of (techt): touched; slightly demented: also used humorously.  After seeing all the things you come into contact with on a daily basis as I have you develop this sense of humor to keep sane.  When things go downhill as they often do in real estate it might help you if you developed a demented sense of humor.  Join wordsmith on Activerain.  It's a great day to buy or sell a home.  
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
For those of you who know me present me with a challenge and step back. In my former profession I was injured in the line of duty. While the event was going on I kept telling myself I will not quit, I will not be defeated. I challenge you to accept this challenge. Say to yourself over and over again when you fall upon hard times, I will not accept defeat, and keep on keeping on. It’s a great day to buy or sell a home
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Let's face it I like talk radio.  I'm a fan of Glenn and Rush not too happy about Hannity but we all have our limits.  Anyway I was listening to one of my radio stations and they were commenting on a speech that Sarah Palin gave in Tulsa at a rally.  If you haven't guessed it already one of the stations I listen to is Tulsa the other one is Fayetteville, AR.  One of the statements she made was where she came from you don't retreat you reload.  Man oh man it hit home.  I know she was talking politics and I don't want to get into that one but how it rang true for real estate.  Have you had those days, weeks and even months when nothing went right?  If so I have a statement for you don't retreat reload.  Remember every no is just one more closer to a yes.  It's a great day to buy or sell a...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
May you never do this to any of your clients.  To knowingly do this would have your career in real estate come to an end.  You caution your client not to do this but if they insist you can back out and have them get another agent or you can document everything and go ahead.  The meaning of (huv' el): any small, miserable dwelling.  Don't sell your client just anything to get the sell. Join wordsmith on Activerain.  It's a great day to buy or sell a home. Visit me at
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I've done this before and it's not a pleasant task.  This is never a joyous thing but it's part of the job and happens frequently.  The question is how many times must you do this?  The answer is more times than you want.  The meaning of galbanum: a bitter, bad smelling Asiatic gum resin, obtained from various plants.  I know we all try and not leave that bitter taste in our client's mouth but sometimes you have no choice.  Strive to conquer and bring some mouthwash with you...  Join wordsmith on Activerain.  It's a great day to buy or sell a home. Visit me at
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
If you do this to each of your clients be they sellers or buyers you'll do well.  I've tried this and most of the time it works but sometimes it doesn't, when it does happen the real estate transaction goes smother and with less headaches.  The meaning of fictile: that can be molded.  Mold your clients into the real estate transaction.  Go over each and every contract so there is no question the client knows what to expect and what not to expect.  No surprises and a happy client is your goal. Join wordsmith on Activerain.  It's a great day to buy or sell a home. Visit me at  
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
I just hate this when it happens.  I go out to eat with my lovely bride of 42 years and most of the time this doesn't happen.  When it does for me anyway it spoils the whole evening.  I know none of my fellow agents do this but for those of you who do please consider the other people around you.  The meaning of cachinnate: to laugh loudly or too much.  Join wordsmith on Activerain.  It's a great day to buy or sell a home. Visit me at  
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
I'm sure most of you know the meaning of dally or do you?  There are several meanings of dally and the one I'm concentrating on is (to waste time: loiter).  If you waste time and do not respond to your clients you'll lose them.   I have a new listing because the client said that the agent did not return any or her calls and very few of her emails.  It's your business and your call.  Join wordsmith on Activerain.  It's a great day to buy or sell a home. Visit me at
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You may think you have friends but who will stand by you when you're down family.  Otherwise if you want someone to believe in believe in yourself.  How can you be successful if you don't believe in yourself?  If you don't believe you're the best listing agent, negotiator, buyer's agent and so on do you really think anyone else will?  Believe in yourself and watch your business grow.  It's a great day to buy or sell a home. Visit me at
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Come on out there in blog land I know I drew a smile and vivid images with this word.  You should try it you'll like it.  I try and do this on a daily basis and when it happens it made my day.  I know people have done it to me and I really appreciated it.  The meaning of bawcock: a good fellow.  Be a good fellow to your clients and fellow agents.   Join wordsmith on Activerain.  It's a great day to buy or sell a home. Visit me at  
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When I was looking today for a word to write on I came across this one.  I did not recognize it so I got out the old trusty real estate guide when I was in pre-license class.  Nope not in there either.  That struck me that each and every day I learn something new about real estate which is a good thing.  The meaning of usufruct: the right of suing and enjoying all the advantages and profits of the property of another without altering or damaging the substance.  And to think you only thought you knew everything about real estate.  Welcome to wordsmith on Activerain.  It's a great day to buy or sell a home. Visit me at
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By Charles Edwards Bentonville, AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker
(Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 )
Georgia O'Keefe and Winslow Homer along with other world famous artists are on their way to Arkansas. Well sort of. With the opening (likely in 2011 or 2012) of Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art northwest Arkansas will become home to what is expected to be one of the most extensive collections of American art in the nation. Today I made the 35 mile drive from Eureka Springs, AR to Bentonville, Arkansas to view the construction site of the coming Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. The ground breaking ceremony was held back in 2007. The artists rendition of the finished museum is below as is a link to Crystal Bridges website. Take a few minutes to read the rest of the story.   Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art Welcome to Crystal Bridges. welcomes all to celebrate the Americ...
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It really doesn't make any difference what finger their using.  It can be in some States considered as obscene but in Arkansas a federal judge ruled it is a freedom of speech and therefore you can point or show (the finger) at anyone and there is nothing the cops can do.  I would be interested to see what a judge would do if someone did this to them in their courthouse.  Anyway whichever finger a person uses look at it as those it was a bauble and the meaning of bauble: a jester's baton with an ornament at the end.  Join wordsmith on Activerain.  It's a great day to buy or sell a home. Visit me at
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I don't know about you but at one time it happened to me.  I talk to other agents from time to time and they also have experienced the same with their broker.  I can tell you if you haven't experienced this just a little then you're not doing any business.  Oh yea the meaning of labefaction: downfall, deterioration or a weakening. Join "wordsmith" on AR.  It's a great day to buy or sell a home. Visit me at
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By Nicky Dean, The BEST REAL ESTATE AGENT in Northwest Arkansas
(Collier & Associates)
St. Valery Downs in Bentonville Arkansas is a beautiful gated community with large lots. Most are 1 acre+. I lived in St. Valery Downs for about 7 years and absolutely loved it! Although there is not a community pool many of the homes in here already have an in-ground pool or there is plenty of room to build one. Click to view homes (if there are any) for sale in St. Valery Downs       
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By Nicky Dean, The BEST REAL ESTATE AGENT in Northwest Arkansas
(Collier & Associates)
  BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS FARMER'S MARKETBe sure to check out the Bentonville's Farmers Market To keep up with what is happening in downtown Bentonville - includingthe Bentonville's Farmers Market check out: I really enjoy the Farmer's Market. Fresh flowers, produce, coffee, and a wonderful atmosphere! Fayetteville also has a Farmer's Market - Click here for more info. about Fayetteville, AR's Farmers Market... Here are some photos I took this past Saturday... Enjoy! If you are looking for a home in Northwest Arkansas, visit or call me @ 479-236-3457 or EMAIL ME!
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
When you were young (I'm still that way at heart) and you went up against someone you knew was better at sports what did you do.  Did you tell yourself I'll never be as good as Sally, Bill or whoever if so then I bet you lost the contest?  How about in real estate when you know you're going against what you think is a better listing agent or buyer's agent.  As Nancy Grace would say BAREAKING NEWS!!!! You are just as good if not even better but screw your head on right and get that listing or make that sell.  Believe in yourself and no one can defeat you.  It's a great day to buy or sell a home. Visit me at    
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By Cody Burnett, Real Estate Pro
(Connect Realty) Economist Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, says federal programs have led to an artificial stabilization in the market. In order to deal with the glut of distressed properties, he feels people facing foreclosure should be allowed to stay in their homes as renters until they can renegotiate their mortgage. Add a comment to this post: --
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By Cody Burnett, Real Estate Pro
(Connect Realty)
According to The Department of Commerce's April report on new residential construction, ( housing starts jumped 40.9 percent from last year and 5.8 percent above the month before. Ian Shepherdson, chief U.S. economist at High Frequency Economics, said increased demand from the home buyer tax credit lifted construction but its expiration has homebuilders wary, noting the 11.5 percent drop in building permits. Despite the drop in permits, which suggests starts will also fall off this summer, a recent report from the National Association of Home Builders ( showed builder confidence at a 2-1/2 year high. More here (
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By Cody Burnett, Real Estate Pro
(Connect Realty)
The housing market's current mix of ups and downs has experts and industry insiders forecasting a variety of possible outcomes over the next few months and beyond. The shadow inventory looms large among many factors influencing whether the recent stretch of stability continues or the market takes a downturn. Estimates of the number of homes that are ready to sell but haven't been put on the market vary. A recent report from Barclays Capital says the shadow inventory will peak this summer and begin falling as the market stabilizes. But with an estimated 4.5 million homes potentially hitting the market over the next few years, an orderly pace is required to prevent flooding the market and driving prices down again. More here (
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