Some Things You Probably Didn't Know About MeMe
By Anthony Clark, Real Estate. It's About Lifestyle!
For those of you who are new to blogging on Active Rain, MeMe's are our little "Getting to Know You" ritual. They come in all shapes and sizes. And here's another: James Downing tagged me for this MeMe. And my targeted list of seven will follow. Here are all of the ground rules that need to be followed:1. Create a blog post with a link to the person who so happily tagged you. See above!2. List all of these rules in the post. Feel free to cut and paste this.3. Share seven things that others may not know about you. Do I or have I HAD a life outside of real estate? 4. Identify seven friends, contacts or near enemies in which to adorn this MEME. Tag them at the end of the post and give a link to their blog. 5. Contact each of the tagged members and let them know that you were i...