
Garfield, AR Real Estate News

By Faith Marshall, "If it's on or near Beaver Lake, WE sell it!"
How wonderful is this for Garfield, Arkansas? The school received word from the state this week their school ranks in the top 5% in Arkansas! Our community has worked and given to the elementary school for years. People retire here on the Beaver Lake and give of their time to the students.A big shout for the Garfield Staff, Students and all of the volunteers!THANK YOU!!!
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Oliver Blackburn was born in Rochester, Pennsylvania back in 1860 to Aaron and Mary. After graduating from the public schools, he attended Beaver College, then went on to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, graduating third in his class in 1880. He was assigned to the flagship Lancaster, returning to the United States in 1883.After his service to this country he found employment with the Union Switch and Signal Company in Pittsburgh. He became Chief Electrician spending winters in Colorado and his summer in Rochester at their research laboratories. He resigned in 1891, due to poor health but continued as a Consulting Electrician.In 1897, he organized the Colorado Electric Power Company where he was its President until his death in 1898. What you may not know about Oliver Black...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
I answered my phone.Yesterday (Sunday afternoon) I was on the golf course (not surprising) when my phone rang. I answered it of course and a woman said her and her husband was driving around a small town in our county. They noticed a for sale sing in the front yard of the home. They called the agent (one of mine) for two days, with no call back from the agent.They wanted to see the home and while I was still playing I made contact with the agent and made arrangements to show the home today. New client all because the agent who is also the owner did not answer their phone or return a call. Their loss my gain. I just don’t understand; anyone have an answer for this one?
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  Don’t you wish your closings would “antedate”? Man oh man if we could just this to happen.  I do wish all the red tape would go away but on the other hand if it does someone would take advantage of this and all the red tape and then some would return like a runaway train filled with dynamite.  OK enough of my thoughts if you haven’t already guess it the meaning of (an’ti dat’) to make happen earlier; accelerate.  Just think closing within one week after all the documents get signed.
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  Do you feel sometimes you are in a field of “acephalous”? Man when you get the meaning of this word I’ll bet ya you’ll say been there done that.  So anyway I know I’ve seen this happen more than once and in various situations.  With my personality I find it difficult to say the least to stand around while this is going on.  Now for the meaning of (a sef’ e les) is having no leader.  So now what say you?
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  I give an “abrazo” to a lot of people I know do you? Not only do I give one I like receiving them also.  It makes me feel warm and when I get one from certain people I feel loved.  I think to give this to someone you are meeting for the first time is OK in some instances.  So I guess you would like to know the meaning of (a b ra’ tho) is an embrace or hug when greeting a person.  So do you like to give or receive an abrazo?  What say you?  
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  Do you “keck” about news related to the housing industry? Why is it if some official decides to make an off comment about something the next day its headlines?  Could the news industry be so consumed by events they grasp at anything they think will be a jump on the competition?  Anyway there would be volumes about the housing industry with the good news.  If you haven’t guessed it by now the meaning of (kek) is to feel or show great disgust.  When the headlines reads housing is down and I’m having one of my best years it makes me keck.  What say you?
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Yogi Berra VS Hank Aaron I have not verified this story to be true but never the less the meaning will be the same. As the story goes Yogi Berra was giving some pointers to Hank Aaron as he (Aaron) was getting ready to go bat.  Yogi told Hank he as holding the bat wrong and to hold it where he (Aaron) could read the writing.   Hank didn’t say anything just went out to the batter’s box and swung on the first pitch and a called “Strike” went out.  On the second pitch Hank hit one out to the left outfield and out of sight a home run.  As Hank rounded third base and was in the home stretch he looked over at Yogi and stated “I came here to play ball not to read.”  That got my attention and I ask you did you or will you go to work today wanting to read or to play the game of the real estate...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Sure you have I’ve seen my number and had one myself.  Everyone has one the question is when do you use it?  I did use it almost every day in my former profession it was a requirement of the job.  Now not so much as I don’t see the need.  I see this in some of my clients faces but usually not.  Now with that out of the way the meaning of (le pid’ e fi’) to turn into stone hence the term stone or stoned face. 
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Subject: Fwd: : Cowboy named Bubba   Had to change this up a bit to avoid copying someone else’s material.  Hope you enjoy   A cowboy named Bubba was overseeing his herd, in a remote mountainous pasture in  California, when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced toward him out of a cloud of dust. The driver, a young man in a fitted suit, Gucci shoes, RayBan sunglasses and YSL tie, leaned out the window and asked the cowboy, "If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, Will you give me a calf?"    Bud looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing herd, and calmly answers, "Sure, Why not?" The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects it to his  RAZR V3 cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, wher...
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