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Rogers, AR Real Estate News

By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Virgate is the new word of the day. Well I found another word dealing with real estate that I have never heard of.  That statement is not surprising sense there is I’m sure a lot more of them around.  I keep looking and on some days I get lucky.  Well this is one of those days so let’s get to the meaning of (vur’git) is an old English unit of land measure varying greatly in size, but most commonly equal to about 30 acres.  So did you know it what say you?  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith. 
Comments 9
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Drum is the new word of the day. This is not the kind of drum that you find in bands and hit with a stick (drumsticks).  It is not a fish and you do not beat or tap something with your fingers.  This word in Irish or Scotland in origin and the meaning of (drum) is a narrow hill or ridge.  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith. 
Comments 5
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Rote is the new word of the day. I made a post using this same word long ago.  I knew I would revisit it again and today is the day.  I like this word and the meaning I’ll use for it today.  Most of you will remember this once you hear the meaning.  For those of you who live around an area that has this my hat is off to you.  Now for the meaning of (rot) is the sound of the surf betting on the shore.  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith. 
Comments 3
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Equivoque is the new word of the day. Most of you would say I posses this problem and most of the time I would agree.  There are times however when I fell I’ve lost that touch but it doesn’t last for long.  I know some of you posses this and you do it very well.  Alright enough yadda, yadda and the meaning of (ek wi vok) is double meaning (don’t ask me I just wirte down what is in Webster’s®).  Think you know the meaning to some of the words I post only to find out it is something you never thought of using the word.  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith. 
Comments 3
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Or is the new word of the day. I can see the look in your eye James has really lost it this time. Such an easy word right?  Let us not jump to conclusions.  So one may say I know it is an abbreviation for operating room and you would be right in fact there are several meanings for this simple word.  The meaning of (ar) is a person or thing that does a specified thing.  Don’t ask I’m just quoting Webster’s®.  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith. 
Comments 4
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Mensch is the new word of the day I can tell you without any thinking I know some of these people.  Then here are those who do not possess this issue and what a shame it is.  Of course all of my clients possess this and now I will give you the meaning of (mensh) is a sensible, mature, responsible person you know like me.  What say you are you one of these and do you know someone who possesses this quality? Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful are of Wordsmith.
Comments 4
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Resile is the new word of the day. Can we say been there done that?  I know I was able to withstand this problem in my younger years but now not so much. It hurts when this happens to me now and I don’t recover as fast.  I bet you’re wondering what the meaning of (ri zil’) is and the meaning is to bounce or spring back into shape or position after being pressed or stretched.  Just thinking about it makes me cringe.  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith.
Comments 3
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Calvities is the new word of the day. Well I can say been there done that.  The thing is there is not much one can do about it.  There are treatments but they are expensive and besides the side effects would cost so much over the years would it be worth it?  The meaning of (kal vish’iez’) is a loss of hair, esp. on top of the head.  You could get a transplant but the cost of haircuts etc is going to cost you a bunch in the long run.  So what say you did you know the meaning?  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of words. 
Comments 5
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Tuck is the new word of the day. Well now what do we have here?  If you follow me at all you can rest assured you will not be able to guess what meaning of the word I have chosen.  Actually I’m going to use two different meanings of the featured word.  Well the way the word is pronounced is all the same it just depends on who you are talking too of the word.  The two meanings I have chosen are to eat heartily and to beat or tap (a drum).  Interesting word isn’t it so did you know those meanings what say you?  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of words.   
Comments 6
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Lute is the new word of the day. Well what do we have here maybe it is and maybe it isn’t.  I can tell you it is not a stringed instrument that is related to the guitar.  Now do I have your attention?  Anyway onward we go so the meaning of (loot) is clayey cement used to keep the joints of pipes from leaking and as a sealing agent.  So did you know it?  Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of words.   
Comments 6
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Negus is the new word of the day. All of you may be wondering what the new word has to do with real estate.  Actually this one has nothing to do with real estate but when I read the meaning I thought I would like to try it.  The meaning of (ne’ges) is a hot beverage made from with, hot water, and lemon juice, sweetened and spiced.  Sounds tasty doesn’t it?  Anyway nothing to do with real estate just a neat word. 
Comments 4
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Sconce is the new word of the day. Okay this word has three count em three different listings in my Webster’s®.  They are all spelled the same and pronounced the same.  I find it most interesting depending on what one is talking about the same word has different meanings.  The one I’m going to concentrate on has something to do with money (hint).  That’s it for the hints so the meaning of (skans) is a fine for breach of manners.  I want to know who determines what manner was breached and how much was the fine.  I could not find that out. 
Comments 5
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Flag is the new word of the day. Thinking about the type of flag that waves in a breeze?  Well you could be right but not this time.  What other things come to mind when you saw the new word?  There are other several things that come to mind but this one is obscure so let’s get to it.  The meaning of (flag) is to lose strength; grow weak or tired.  So did you know the meaning?  Smile and the whole world smiles with you frown and you’ll do so alone. 
Comments 8
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Ignominy is the new word of the day. Okay you Wordsmith people do you know this word?  I can’t recall seeing or hearing this in any classes I’ve attended but that is not to say someone mentioned it.  Anyway if you have had this happen to you are you still in business?  Anyway let us get to the meaning of (ig’ne min’e) is the loss of one reputation; shame and dishonor.  It also means contemptible quality, behavior or act.  Smile and make someone’s day and maybe your own. 
Comments 7
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Minute is the new word of the day. I can see your eyebrow raised but at least you know it is not the first meaning of this word you thought of.  In fact although they are spelled the same you’ll see in a moment it is not pronounced the same (hint).  What say we just get to the meaning of (mi noot’) is of little importance or significance; petty; trifling.  So did you get the right meaning?  Smile for a good start to a great day. 
Comments 5
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Pergola is the new word of the day. Well I’ve seen them and called them by different names but not this one.  I would wager this is not one of those stumper words as I’m sure most of you will get it.  so that only leaves one more thing for me to do and that is to give you the meaning of (pur’ge le) is an arbor, one with an open roof of cross rafters or latticework supported on posts or columns, usually with climbing vines.  So did you know it what say you?  Smile and the whole words smiles with you frown and you frown alone. This is number two so please find the first one for today
Comments 11
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Dock is the new word of the day. This is just getting to easy.  This new word of the day has a host of meanings the question is do you know the one (meaning) I’m going to give you.  Well if you guessed boat dock you are wrong.  If you guessed a platform you may be right also but the meaning of (dak) I’m looking for is the place where the accused stands or sits in court.  What I’m trying to say is don’t go to court and be a dock… :~)  Too much fun I just had to do it…  Smile now that you have been given a new word for today.
Comments 11
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Stir is the new word of the day. Well now boys and girls what do we have here?  Soooo many meanings but there is a stir I’m sure most of you did not know.  Tell me what comes to mind when you read the new word of the day (be kind).  If you guessed to evoke memories, to move or change positions, to change positions and of course the list goes on.  The meaning o (stur) that I have chosen is a prison. Now tell me did you know the meaning what say you?  
Comments 7
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Hic Jacet is the new word of the day. If you get this one before reading the meaning pat yourself on the back.  Speaking of this word there are some famous ones around but if I told you where you would know exactly what the meaning is before I give it to you.  Well I guess I’ll just go ahead and give you the meaning of (hik’ ja’set) is here lies; a tombstone inscription, an epitaph.  Now aren’t you glad you stuck around for the meaning. This is the second post for today.  Please make sure and look for the first one.  
Comments 4
By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Convivial is the new word of the day. Well have you ever been to a carnival?  (BIG HINT)  I have and all the sights to see and smells (another BIG HINT) makes it either a pleasant thing or something you would not want to revisit.  So with those hints if you do or did not get it you won’t.  The meaning of (ken viv’e el) having to do with a feast or festive activity, fond of eating, drinking and good company you know like getting to post on AR. 
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