
Univ of Ark at Fayetteville, AR Real Estate News

By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
 Thanks for stopping by and taking time out of your day to read my post. My intent is to put a smile on your face. Hopefully you’ll go away with some information you may have forgotten about or did not know. Now sit back and enjoy the post for the day.Eliza McCardle was born in Telford, Tennessee back in 1810 to John and Sarah. She lost her father when she was a child she was raised by her mother in Greeneville, Tennessee. In 1862 Andrew pulled into town with his parents. The two instantly took a liking to each other and they married in 1827. Andrew was 18 and Eliza was 16. He taught Andrew to do arithmetic and to write because he never attended school. They had four children and as Andrew matured she stayed out of the limelight. She had poor health and died of tuberculosis in 1876 havi...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  I’m a “litterateur” I bet you are to. Yes I’m proud to say I’m one of these.  However, I bet ya you are one to.  How do I know this well for one thing I just know?  Can’t give away why just now but I do bring things to you every day that I hope you enjoy.  The meaning of (lit’er a tur’) is a literary man; man of letters.  We know letters and letters like in an alphabet are selected to form words and words form Wordsmith.  If you make a comment on a post or write a blog you to are litterateurs.  Aren’t words wonderful?  What say you?
Comments 15
  Has anyone spoke to you in a “contumely” manner? OH Buddy!! I can relate to this one.  If only I had a dollar when people used this one on me.  Once someone talks to you in this manner and I’m sure they have you’ll know it.  This kind of behavior has been known to bring about a violent result.  So the meaning of (kan’tyoo mele) is haughty and contemptuous rudeness; insulting and humiliating treatment or language.  Bet ya you have experienced this especially in the business.  So tell me your story via AR.  I promise I won’t tell anyone… J.     
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