How do you prevent other agents from using your listing photos?
By Mark Organek, It's not a game, it's your life.
(And the United States of America)
How do you prevent other agents from using your listing photos? Apparently, according to the law of oridinary commerce, unless you file for copyright protection on your photos, any brokerage can use them, regardless if the furniture is still there or not. Even if it took you countless moments of arguing with the photographer about how you want the lighting, even if you fight over the angles, the exposure, the color, any brokerage can steal your photos and pass them off as their own. There is a loophole that allows us no protection on our photos even though the copyright laws state that the "creator" of the photos, not the employed photographer, owns the images. If a brokerage is willing to use photos of rooms that no longer contain the furniture and in one case, has been remodeled...