Second Homes in Phoenix
By Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ, HomeSmart Elite Group, REALTOR®, EcoBroker, GREEN
(Value Added Service, 602-620-2699)
A while back I decided it was time to review my database, to clean it up a bit. Scouring the database, I could easily see names that needed to be edited as they’d moved out of state, gotten married, had babies, or gotten a divorce! Databases are indeed gold mines and sometimes second home buyers' needs change. Scouring names and dissecting which person needed to go in what group, I happened upon a name of a former client. They had purchased their second home in the North Phoenix area eight years ago. They had been referred to me by a former neighbor. They were sisters from Ohio. This couple were very nice and we had a good time during the process of helping them purchase their second home. So I was surprised when all of a sudden they stopped responding. I wasn’t sure why, but fi...