12903 22B AVE South Surrey BC V4A6Z4 Gordon Barthels
By Kelowna Real Estate Lew MacDonald Realty Match
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12903 22B Ave South Surrey BC To view this 12903 22B Ave South Surrey BC home, a 5 Bedroom 3 Bath home steps to Crescent Park Elementary School, call Gordon Barthels Gordon Barthels will provide the advice necessary for you to purchase a home. This 5 Bedroom 3 Bath home steps to Crescent Park Elementary School located at 12903 22B Ave South Surrey BC has 4 Bedrooms, 4 baths, and much more. 5 Bedroom 3 Bath home steps to Crescent Park Elementary School we want our children to become caring responsible citizens who will contribute to our neighbourhoods and community of this 5 Bedroom 3 Bath home steps to Crescent Park Elementary School located at 12903 22B Ave South Surrey BC. To achieve these goals, it is important for all students to develop positive school habits, including regular att...