I got a new lisitng today and I just started using virtual tours for my listings. So I just added the listing to our central coast Multiple Lisitng Service, created and added a virtual tour for the home, added the home to PostLets.com which creates a flyer and puts the home on multiple web sites, and put the home on our new website. Let me know what you guys think and what else I can do track down some of these internet leads without spending a ton of money. Listing: http://ccrmls.rapmls.com/scripts/mgrqispi.dll?APPNAME=Centralcoast&PRGNAME=MLSLogin&ARGUMENT=3lq%2Fn4REnL1y0NvKg7Wy9%2BT%2B2DmF3wNlDJUdZZeDqxw%3D&KeyRid=1 Website: www.SynergyAtThePark.com PostLets http://www.postlets.com/res/1159388