Camarillo and Things to Do in Camarillo
By Mana Tulberg, Real Estate Agent - Camarillo CA
(805 County Real Estate)
Things to do in Camarillo: Are you new to our city? Or maybe you are just visiting for a while and would like to know what one can do in this peaceful and beautiful southern California City of Camarillo? The answer depends on what type of a person you are and what sort of activities you enjoy. From the extremely active to the lover of leisure, Camarillo has something for everyone. For the Art Lovers: Camarillo Art Center: A place to view the work of local artists. The Gallery section of Camarillo's Art Center is open only on Saturday and Sundays from 1:00pm - 4:00pm. For the Readers: State of the Art Camarillo Public Library: A branch of Ventura County's Library, Camarillo's new library is a place of literacy wonders. With over 150 magazine subscriptions, audio books...