2011 Annual Howl-idays Fund Raiser! Get Your X-Mas Photos with your Dog!
By Larry & Laurie Weichman, A Tradition of Success
(Weichman Real Estate, A Trusted Name In Orange County Real Estate)
The Annual Howl-idays Fund Raiser will be held on Saturday November 5, 2011 at the Costa Mesa Bark Park 890 Arlingtion Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM . Back for another year by popular demand, the BARK PARK PHOTO STUDIO will be taking pictures of you and your dog on our special holiday set. For $15.00 we will take 5 photos and put them on a CD. We will also have our Boutique open for purchasing tee shirts, sweaters, and all kinds of doggie wear. All proceeds go to the Bark Park Operating Fund. (Sorry, we can’t take credit cards so bring your checkbook!) Weichman Realtors is proud to support this organization and many other fine Costa Mesa based groups! Larry Weichman is President and Broker of Costa Mesa-based real estate powerhouse Weichman Realtors,”the most trusted name ...