Fashionable voluntary simplicity in Orange County, CA?
By Evan Little, Eco, Live/Work, Sales and Management
(Surterre Properties)
Want to know when a home is for sale or lease in this neighborhood? Add your information by checking the box labeled "12 @ Elden" to be notified when a home becomes available for lease or for sale in this neighborhood. click here Previously another common Costa Mesa 12 unit apartment complex, now 12 fashionable homes available to purchase after a thorough 2008/09 renovation by Better Shelter. The 2nd project completed by Better Shelter in Costa Mesa. 1.7 Ocean Ave being their first. Homes have been subdivided, taken down to studs and meticulously renovated. It's VERY rare to see such a tasteful renovation with this many small homes on such a large lot. Typically these homes are knocked down and replaced by new, two story condos. It's refreshing to see a niche re-development style and mo...