Annual Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club Fish Fry
By Christine Donovan, Broker/Attorney 714-319-9751 DRE01267479 - Costa M
(Donovan Blatt Realty)
The Annual Lion's Fish Fry will be held on May 31 through June 1, 2008 at Lion's Park, located at 18th and Park Street in Costa Mesa. As always. there will be a carnival with rides and games, food, entertainment, and the baby contest. Carnival rides open at 11:00 am. Dinner start at noon. The Baby Contest will be held on Sunday, June 1, 2008 at 1:00 pm with the awards presentation at 2:00 pm. Completed forms and $5 entry fee must be sent by 5/31/08. For more information, go to See for the entertainment schedule. Christine Donovan