
Crowley Lake, CA Real Estate News

   Vegas Bob ran into this wonderful "Fixer-Upper" in Northern California, would you like to step inside? Well If you were to see what's inside this home, I really don't think you would want to step inside.  VB jumped the fence to take a look at this beautiful home, and Nu Nu snapped several photos of me and then I took some more that I may share over the weekend. If you take a look at this photo real good you can see some solar flares & prisms from either the lens, some paranormal entity or some Aliens trying to zap VB for being around this home. PARANORMAL STORIES & EXPERIENCES       People, friends, and others sharing stories of Real (PARANORMAL EXPERIENCES) with a group. If you are worried to Post about yourself Post someone else's story in your words. The more CREEPY the better! R...
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By Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
 Nuture Your "Children"  Do you take care of your "children"?  You may never have thought of your dreams as children, but that's what they are.  They are offspring - the joy of your today and the hope of your future.  Protect them.  Feed them.  Nurture them. Encourage them to grow. Care for them. For someday, they may take care of you.    Cherish your visions  and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.  - NAPOLEON HILL -  This photograph was taken in the (wild) not a farm in Mono County California by: Robert Swetz
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