
Death Valley, CA Real Estate News

By Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker, Put 40 years of experience to work for you
(Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker)
I am one of those extremely fortunate people, I suppose, who has very few regrets about the choices she has made when facing that fork in the road, you know, when either way you go, whether left or right, can change your life completely -- except maybe in the year of 1970 when I decided to fix the transmission on my car instead of taking a trip to London. That's only because I did not realize how much I love traveling and the adventure that typically accompanies it. But I also did not truly appreciate the things I could have better appreciated through the eyes of a kid. I'm making up for some of that neglect and oversight now that I'm older and (I hope) a bit wiser. Smaller, intimate vacations that don't interfere with selling homes in Sacramento is my answer. Besides, it's good to come...
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By Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker, Put 40 years of experience to work for you
(Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker)
The blog I wrote today is not really about the wildflowers in Death Valley, although I included a bunch of photographs we shot of wildflowers on a hillside around 3,000 feet in elevation. Most of the wildflowers in Death Valley have already bloomed and died back this year, because the weather is unusually warm. Climate change most likely. But you can find wildflowers at a slightly higher elevation. The valley floor of Death Valley is about 200 feet below sea level in some places we visited. Early morning is also generally best for hikes but that would entail hauling one's body out of bed as the sun rises, a feat best left to some of the older people at our hotel. Ha, ha, yes, Death Valley is a good spot for people of a certain age to feel so much younger than all of the other tourists. ...
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By Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker, Put 40 years of experience to work for you
(Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker)
Everybody we talked to, including the park rangers, warned us that the trip to The Racetrack would take at least 8 hours, and we probably should not drive down that gravel road all by ourselves. Since driving that winding road would mean I would have to rent a jeep and drive it because my husband can't, and since I have actually owned a CJ5 myself many years ago and am a pretty darned good jeep driver, I considered it. But then it seemed like it would be far more enjoyable if I could shoot photos along the way and admire the scenery without driving off the road. We tried to hire the jeep tour across the road but all of their guides had recently quit, they said, and they were down to one person, and that one person was booked. Thank goodness for an internet connection and Google, because...
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By Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker, Put 40 years of experience to work for you
(Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker)
The one thing I have discovered since coming to Death Valley is there are more things to see and do than a person can probably accomplish in 5 or 6 trips to this remarkable National Park. Yet, we're trying to squeeze in as many attractions and serious photography as possible. Of course, everybody goes to Badwater Basin, because it's the one thing we can remember and have heard about before, but if you do nothing else in Death Valley, make sure you see Mosaic Canyon. This incredible natural phenomena is not the result of a glacier, although you might be tempted to believe so, it's actually created by water, sand and silt pounding and polishing the rocks. You can see all of the photographs and read more about Mosaic Canyon in my personal blog today about Death Valley Photos from Mosaic Ca...
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By Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker, Put 40 years of experience to work for you
(Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker)
To say I was unprepared for the beauty and spectacular views in 20 Mule Team Canyon would be a gross understatement. It would be like saying I sell only a few homes a year  in Sacramento. The place is incredible, and it's only the beginning of our adventure here in Death Valley National Park. I also had no idea that a resort in the middle of the desert could be such a wonderful place to stay even if they don't have room service anymore. We have a spring-fed pool on the property. And of course, there are Ingress portals here and a well stocked bar, so I'm happy. You can read more in my personal blog today and marvel at the photographs at this link: Photos from 20 Mule Team Canyon, Death Valley.
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 Death Valley National Park by Robert Swetz 3-31-2011    Where are all these people walking? When I pulled into the parking area of this part of Death Valley there were cars, buses and motorcycles everywhere, why? When I took this photograph the temperature was around 92 degrees. So with this HOT temperature what could be so interesting on this walk?  I have the answer ... "Do You"?   Videos By Vegas Bob Apr 1, 2011 ... The Flowers are in Blume in Death Valley National Park, beautiful Death Valley National Park by Robert (Vegas Bob) Swetz Death Valley . - Cached - Similar - Block all results Not helpful? You can block results when you're signed in to search. ► Death Valley California - Thousands...
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My brother mentioned that he had viewed News channel several days ago about the "WILD FLOWERS" in Death Valley National Park, and how it's been almost 30 years since Death Valley has had such a huge turn out with some Wild Flowers. So Robert (Vegas Bob) Swetz jumping in his car March 30th and drove out to Death Valley, with the short cut he knows it only took VB one & half hours to get there from Vegas. At first VB was looking around and thought that the News channels and other sources were pulling his leg, but after driving further in VB noticed Thousands of "Wild Flowers" everywhere. Here is a very short video of the "Wild Flowers" and the video shows very few flowers compared all of them growing out there. Temperature in Death Valley when this video was taken was around 102 degrees a...
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This ones for you my friends & members from Activerain that are still fighting those Winter Blues, and just waiting for the snow to go away. This post is what some people would call a "Mirage" and what better place to capture a Mirage then the desert. Hang in there everyone and the snow & storms will be gone before you know it, just a thing of the past!     Death Valley Park Take a Trip to Death Valley And Do Trip Research With Our Online► Death Valley information Find facts, visitor stories, and info on threats to Death Search Results Death Valley National Park (U.S. National Park Service) Official site, including information about natural and historical resources, news, events, weather, camping, lodging, fees, permits...
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 Within the next month I will be bringing everyone the natural Beauty of "Death Valley" California  Las Vegas and the surrounding areas have been getting hit real hard with rainfall. around 10 days ago Las Vegas Nevada had the same amount of rain in a day in a half then what we had in all of 2009.  That means around the 2nd week of March the wild flowers are going to all over the "Death Valley" National Park area.  So I will be going to Death Valley and sharing a part of the world that most people think is dead.  I have another photographer friend that has some photographs taken several years ago that are just breath-taking. And this year Robert Swetz (Vegas Bob) will be bringing the beauty to my friends at Activerain.  Here are some photos I shot last year on our visit to Death Valley...
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   This blog is dedicated to Scotty's Castle in Death Valley and Scotty himself.  If you have never been to Scotty's Castle it is a must see and he was a remarkable man.  I am posting this blog in remembrance of Scotty and to the EXPRESS WITH PHOTOGRAPHS AT ACTIVERAIN  group.  I formed this group when I first joined Activerain and it is one of my favorite groups with some great members.  Here are just a few pics from Scotty's Castle in Death Valley and Scotty himself would be excited if he were around to read this post himself. There is a brass sign with some of Scotty's words that he lived by and I found he words to be very interesting.  Here is the red gate that goes to one of his open patios.  Looking down the spiral stair well  Where Scotty use to live  Some of the fees to view Scot...
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 Our visit to Death Valley by: Robert Swetz (Part Two)  Not everything is dead in Death Valley and I have the proof to show it. I posted several blogs before this one on Death Valley and I have so many photographs that I wanted to share with everyone.  This photograph above was taken right in the middle of Death Valley and there were Palm trees every where, it was so beautiful, green and alive.  The photo above is of Old Dinah that dates back to 1894  The photo above is another shot of vibrant life in Death Valley.  Another photo of life in Death Valley.  I will be posting two more blogs on Death Valley and the next blog will be on Scotty's Castle, a must see post about a castle built in Death Valley back in the early days. photographs above taken by: Robert Swetz in Death Valley Calif...
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 We had a wonderful time in Death Valley and the different colors of the sand and mountains is breath taking. We may have planed our visit a little early because the flowers bloom in March some time, so we will be taking another drive to Death Valley in March.  In the photograph above it looks like water or ice in the middle of the picture, but that is salt!  The photos below show the many different colors of sand to create the striped colored mountains.  Below is another photo and the different colors.  Below is a Hotel over looking Death Valley.  Below is a photo of Nu Nu and Vegas Bob 282 feet below sea level, lowest point in the United States.  I will be posting more photos of Death Valley this week because I have so many, stay tuned!  photographs above taken by: Robert Swetz in De...
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 Our trip to Death Valley California was cut short because of business reasons.  Death Valley was nothing like I expected, we had a wonderful time and we will be going there in March because the flowers will be bloom, and we will stay for a few days.  In the 5 hours that we spent in the park I shot a 227 photographs and the ones that I have attached to this blog are areas that we saw before reaching Death Valley.  I will have around 4 parts to my Death Valley blogs because I would like everyone to really get a feel of how beautiful Death Valley really is. From the lowest point below sea level to Scotty's Castle, you will be amazed.  The photo above is a favorite place I want to visit, but many people from Las Vegas tell me not to go there because they don't want anything bad to happen ...
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