
El Dorado Hills, CA Real Estate News

By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
El Dorado Hills' Newest Park - Windsor Point Park   El Dorado Hills does not lack parks having 31 public parks as well as the private parks withing the Serrano Villages.  Yesterday El Dorado Hills' newest park - Windsor Point had it's grand opening.  I went by before the festivities and snapped a few pictures for you.         For a list and map of all the parks check out the CSD's Park Locator Map. For a larger and printable version of the map click here.     _________________________________________ I am a REALTOR® in El Dorado Hills with Lyon Real Estate. I love living in El Dorado Hills, where homes with views have become my passion. Working with both buyers and sellers, my concentration on homes for sale includes not only El Dorado Hills, but also Folsom and the Cameron Park vicinit...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
El Dorado Hills Holiday Home Tour - 2013 The Assistance League of the Sierra Foothills is holding their Annual Homes For the Holidays Tour, December 7th and 8th.  What I've heard about the Mitchell Estate mentioned is that it took 8 years to build!     Assistance League of Sierra Foothills is a nonprofit organization that is committed to improving the lives of those in need in El Dorado County through hands-on philanthropic programs. Some of their programs include: * Assault Survivor Kits * Bags for Belongings * Books and Beyond * Operation School Bell You can read more about these programs on their website.   Hope you can make it! _________________________________________ I am a REALTOR® in El Dorado Hills with Lyon Real Estate. I love living in El Dorado Hills, where homes with views ...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
Is The El Dorado Hills Real Estate Market Slowing?   The El Dorado Hills Market may have slowed a bit but looking at the sales and pending sales, we are not far off from our normal numbers for each month.  What is more important to consider is what it is costing you to wait if you are contemplating a move.  The first two charts below show Trendgraphix Market Data over the last 12 years with regards to our inventory verses sales and our average selling price per square foot. The last chart shows how the interest rates have fluctuated through the years.     Inventory For Sale, Sold, and Pended  Average Price Per Square Foot Selling Price    Long Term Morgage Rate Trends  Reproduced with the permission of   As inventory rises, you may have more to choose from but it may cost...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
Home is Where the Heart Is -  El Dorado Hills It may mean something totally different for you but for me home is where I'm free to be me - in my pajamas or sweats, singing out loud, with or without makeup.  Home is where my dog is and most of the time, my wonderful husband as well.  Home is where my kids come to visit me. Home is where I find peace, joy and laughter, sometimes sadness, always safety. Home is like an old friend. Home is where the heart is!  As a Realtor, I help people buy houses and sell homes.  On the buying end, my goal is to help clients find a house that they can be at home in.  It is always an exciting process as together we find a house that meets their needs. The selling end is much more difficult because of what the sellers have vested while they've lived there. ...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
  Sources say the lake is going down 9 inches per day!  For pictures of it the first of this month see my post How Low Can You Go? - Folsom Lake October 1, 2013.  
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
  View of Folsom Lake from the Highland View neighborhood.   View from Guadalupe Drive - El Dorado Hills    View from one of the Browns Ravine boat launches.   View of the gas dock at Browns Ravine in El Dorado Hills.   View of Folsom Lake from Browns Ravine.   Boat slips and gas dock at Browns Ravine.   The boat slips at Browns Ravine - October 1, 2013 Folsom Lake always gets low this time of year but how low can it go?  You tell me!  
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
Love that Fall Color in El Dorado Hills Not sure about the yellow leafed tree but the brilliant orange colored tree is a Chinese Pistache. They display color in many shades of orange and red.     _________________________________________ I am a REALTOR® in El Dorado Hills with Lyon Real Estate. I love living in El Dorado Hills, where homes with views have become my passion. Working with both buyers and sellers, my concentration on homes for sale includes not only El Dorado Hills, but also Folsom and the Cameron Park vicinity. For more information on me or our wonderful area visit my website at or email me at When you're ready to sell or buy a home – I would love to help! To read what my clients have to say about me and my service, visit my Client T...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
What Solar Power Means for Your El Dorado Hills Home   More and more we are coming across solar power that generates electricity on homes for sale in El Dorado Hills.  To date appraisers don’t add value to a photo voltaic solar system on a home but there is another way to look at what solar power means for your El Dorado Hills home purchase.  When purchasing a home, you will need to budget for many costs of ownership. Lenders tend to include such things as home insurance, HOA dues, property taxes but maintenance and utilities can be a big chunk of change each month and need to be considered as well.  PG&E supplies electricity here in El Dorado Hills and the rates are high.  For example: A 3300 square foot home built in 2004 (well insulated with newer and more energy efficient windows) ...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Dorado County -Big Autumn Auction It's that time - The Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Dorado County -Big Autumn Auction fundraiser is just a week away.           As Winston Churchill so eloquently put, "We make a living by what we get,      but we make a life by what we give."         Price includes dinner and dessert catered by Diane Wilkinson. There will be many fabulous raffle prizes in addition to the silent and live auction items.  During the evening you will be able to meet some of the outstanding BIGS (Big Brothers and Big Sisters)- who will be sharing a few stories. The evening wouldn't be complete without the amazing Dave Bender as MC. Purchase tickets for the Big Autumn Auction by clicking here.   Can't make the event but want to to find out more...
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By Mike West, El Dorado Hills, CA CDPE, CNE, Licensed Loan Origi
(Heritage Oak Properties)
BANK OWNED (FORECLOSURE/REO) HOME SALES DATA FOR El Dorado Hills, CA – SEPTEMBER 2013 This is the latest monthly report of our more than five-year study of bank owned (foreclosure/REO) home sales in El Dorado Hills, CA.  This report covers September 2013. For the purposes of simplification, we will use the term foreclosure for all homes in this category from this point forward. If you would like to see all of the foreclosure homes available for sale in El Dorado Hills, select this link.  To view the available foreclosure homes you will have check the box marked “are REO/Bank Owned,” in the “Including the above criteria, only show me properties that:” section.  Then scroll down and check the “El dorado Hills Area” box on the left side of the page and finally select the Search Now (List ...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
Safety Tips for Sellers   The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and our local El Dorado County Association of Realtors have worked hard to keep REALTOR® Safety foremost our minds but it’s important for our clients to be aware of as well as they also face some dangers in allowing strangers into their homes or visiting other people’s properties.   Here are a few tips I found that you should keep in mind when you are selling your home: • Strangers will be walking through your home during showings or open houses make sure to hide any valuables in a safe place. Remember to remove keys, credit cards, jewelry, crystal, and other valuables from the home or lock them away during showings. Also remove prescription drugs.  Some seemingly honest people wouldn't mind getting their hands on a bottle ...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
Seller's Market or Buyer's Market Varies by Price Range Inventory of single family homes in El Dorado Hills has jumped 145% since January 2013 but looking at the overall picture we are still in a Seller's market with 3.9 months of inventory.  If only things were that simple. As you will see by the following charts, whether it's a seller's market where sellers have the advantage or a buyer's market where buyers tend to have the advantage, varies depending on the price range.  A couple things to remember: below 6 months of inventory is considered a seller's market, above 6 months of inventory is considered a buyer's market.  The months of inventory mean that if no other homes came on the market, it would take that long to deplete the current number for sale.  It is calculated by dividing ...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
Who Needs You? If you have some time or resources to spare there are many non-profit organizations in El Dorado Hills and El Dorado County who need you!  This coming Wednesday,October 9th,  local non-profit organizations will be represented at our monthly Chamber of Commerce Mixer.  It is a great time to talk find out what they are all about and how you could help those in need.      Hope to see you there!     _________________________________________ I am a REALTOR® in El Dorado Hills with Lyon Real Estate. I love living in El Dorado Hills, where homes with views have become my passion. Working with both buyers and sellers, my concentration on homes for sale includes not only El Dorado Hills, but also Folsom and the Cameron Park vicinity. For more information on me or our wonderful are...
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By Mike West, El Dorado Hills, CA CDPE, CNE, Licensed Loan Origi
(Heritage Oak Properties)
EL DORADO HILLS, CA HOME SALES DATA – AUGUST 2013 The purpose of this post is to provide those interested in the El Dorado Hills, CA housing market data about that market.  This report covers August 2013, and the fourteen previous months. If you would like to see all of the foreclosure homes available for sale in El Dorado Hills, select this link.  To view the available homes you will have to select the box next to El Dorado Hills half way down on the left side of the page and finally select the Search Now button at the bottom of the page. The first chart lists the cost-per-square-foot for all homes sold in El Dorado Hills by month.  Although there is a slight fluctuation from month to month, the viewer can see that there is a decidedly upward trend.  The August figure is not as high as...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
Fall Color in El Dorado Hills     Maple trees are a big part of the beautiful Fall Color in El Dorado Hills.  We have a variety of Maples on my street, all turning colors and losing their leaves at different times.  My neighbors up the street have Maple trees that always have a jump start on ours.  Theirs will be in full color before mine even begin to turn.  I guess that's what extends our beautiful fall season!      _________________________________________ I am a REALTOR® in El Dorado Hills with Lyon Real Estate. I love living in El Dorado Hills, where homes with views have become my passion. Working with both buyers and sellers, my concentration on homes for sale includes not only El Dorado Hills, but also Folsom and the Cameron Park vicinity. For more information on me or our wonde...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
View Lot in Serrano OverviewMapsPhotosFeaturesDescriptionNeighborhood $179,000 Lots and Land Main Features Lot: 0.35 acre(s) Location 5280 Breese CircleEl Dorado Hills, CA 95762USA DeeDee Riley Lyon Real Estate(916) 225-2719driley@golyon.com   Listed by: Lyon Real Estate Nearby properties for sale
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By Mike West, El Dorado Hills, CA CDPE, CNE, Licensed Loan Origi
(Heritage Oak Properties)
BANK OWNED (FORECLOSURE/REO) HOME SALES DATA FOR El Dorado Hills, CA – AUGUST 2013 This is the latest monthly report of our more than five-year study of bank owned (foreclosure/REO) home sales in El Dorado Hills, CA.  This report covers August 2013. For the purposes of simplification, we will use the term foreclosure for all homes in this category from this point forward. If you would like to see all of the foreclosure homes available for sale in El Dorado Hills, select this link.  To view the available foreclosure homes you will have check the box marked “are REO/Bank Owned,” in the “Including the above criteria, only show me properties that:” section.  Then scroll down and check the “El dorado Hills Area” box on the left side of the page and finally select the Search Now (List Your R...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
Lyon Real Estate's 3rd Annual Coat Drive Lyon Real Estate's 3rd Annual Coat Drive is coming up!  If you're cleaning out closets hang on to those coats for us. Large, small, thin, or heavy, we can take them all. You can drop them off at our Lyon office in El Dorado Hills - 3900 Park Drive. (Just at the top of the hill as you are entering the Raley's shopping center.)         _________________________________________ I am a REALTOR® in El Dorado Hills with Lyon Real Estate. I love living in El Dorado Hills, where homes with views have become my passion. Working with both buyers and sellers, my concentration on homes for sale includes not only El Dorado Hills, but also Folsom and the Cameron Park vicinity. For more information on me or our wonderful area visit my website at www.DeeDeeRiley...
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By Mike West, El Dorado Hills, CA CDPE, CNE, Licensed Loan Origi
(Heritage Oak Properties)
BANK OWNED (FORECLOSURE/REO) HOME SALES DATA FOR El Dorado Hills, CA – JULY 2013 This is the latest monthly report of our more than five-year study of bank owned (foreclosure/REO) home sales in El Dorado Hills, CA.  This report covers July 2013. For the purposes of simplification, we will use the term foreclosure for all homes in this category from this point forward. If you would like to see all of the foreclosure homes available for sale in El Dorado Hills, select this link.  To view the available foreclosure homes you will have check the box marked “are REO/Bank Owned,” in the “Including the above criteria, only show me properties that:” section.  Then scroll down and check the “El dorado Hills Area” box on the left side of the page and finally select the Search Now (List Your Resul...
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By Tom Arstingstall, General Contractor, Dry Rot, Water Damage Sacramento, El Dorado County - (916) 765-5366, General Contractor, Dry Rot and Water Damage
(Dry Rot and Water Damage Mobile - 916-765-5366)
  Sometimes you just have to get up close to the damage.     I was called out to look at some wood decking that was showing signs of wood rot this week. While a lot can be seen from the deck top, often times we need to get up close to the underside. Water damage to the joists and deck boards needs to be looked at up close and not from the ground.   Many decks are well off the ground and a ladder is necessary to see it.     Since I was in this neighborhood in El Dorado Hills, I drove by, not knowing how high the deck was. I will need to return to give a better estimate of cost to repair.     The painted underside of the decking makes it even tougher to judge the extent.    
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