
El Dorado Hills, CA Real Estate News

By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
Last year at our El Dorado Hills Chamber Christmas/ Holiday Luncheon I won a flower arrangement but I had left early to help a friend with one of her clients and they said I had to be present to win it.  This year I won again.... Lucky Me!  It was donated by a local florist - Verbena.  Thank you Verbena.  Verbena supports our Chamber with a beautiful raffle donation for our luncheon every month.  Please support Verbena back!   _________________________________________ I am a REALTOR® in El Dorado Hills with Lyon Real Estate. I love living in El Dorado Hills, where homes with views have become my passion. Working with both buyers and sellers, my concentration on homes for sale includes not only El Dorado Hills, but also Folsom and the Cameron Park vicinity. For more information on me or...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
Market Time   You're probably hearing all the hype about low inventory in our homes for sale across the country. Not only is this affecting an upward trend in prices but it is also having an effect on Market Time. The California Association of Realtors recently shared the following statistics on market time and where homes are selling the fastest. I wanted to pass it on to you along with what is happening locally in El Dorado Hills.       The following Trendgraphix shows Cumulative Days on the Market for El Dorado Hills over the past 15 months. I limited the criteria to just Regular (or traditional equity sales) and REO (bank owned) sales because short sales are so unpredictable and can really skew the statistics. (I'll save their market time discussion for another blog post!) As you ca...
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By Tom Arstingstall, General Contractor, Dry Rot, Water Damage Sacramento, El Dorado County - (916) 765-5366, General Contractor, Dry Rot and Water Damage
(Dry Rot and Water Damage Mobile - 916-765-5366)
I have written in the past about my experieces with planning my Mondays, they just seem to change. I had to rest this weekend because I wasn’t feeling well, I planned to take it easy on Monday. Because of the recent rains, orders being delivered, deadlines being moved up, and a couple of new project; Monday got busy in a hurry. It was a good day; the highlight was seeing DeeDee Riley in Home Depot.  J
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
Carriage Ride in El Dorado Hills Town Center Now that it's all decorated for the Holidays, come experience the charm of an old fashion Christmas with a carriage ride through El Dorado Hills Town Center. Weather permitting the carriage rides will be available Friday and Saturdays evenings, December 7th through 22nd from 6:00pm to 9:00pm in the Lower Theater Plaza (by the California Welcome Center and Cold Stone Creamery).     Sip on delicious hot chocolate and chat with some friends from Big Brothers Big Sisters and Hands 4 Hope.   All proceeds will go to Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Dorado County and Hands 4 Hope.       _________________________________________ I am a REALTOR® in El Dorado Hills with Lyon Real Estate. I love living in El Dorado Hills, where homes with views have becom...
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By Mike West, El Dorado Hills, CA CDPE, CNE, Licensed Loan Origi
(Heritage Oak Properties)
EL DORADO HILLS, CA HOME SALES DATA – OCTOBER 2012 The purpose of this post is to provide data to those interested in the El Dorado Hills, CA housing market. This report covers October 2012, and the fourteen previous months. The first chart lists the cost-per-square-foot for all homes sold in El Dorado Hills by month. Note the upward trend. The June number of $ 167 was a high for the year by a large margin until the October figure was published. The fact that the October 2012 number is $ 27 higher that it was in October of 2011 should not go unnoticed. If you would like to see all of the homes available in El Dorado Hills right now, select this link. It is a two-part process. First check the El Dorado Hills Area box part way down on the left side of the page and then scroll down and cl...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
Home Buying in El Dorado Hills   Last week I wrote about What's Selling in El Dorado Hills, today I want to give you a look into what's available and what buyers need to know about Home Buying in El Dorado Hills.     Real estate market data for El Dorado Hills CA by DeeDee Riley with Lyon Real Estate.     What's Available   There are 112 residential lots for sale as of today ranging from $49,900 for a .59 acre lot off of Guadalupe on Encina Drive to $600K for a lot just over 1 acre in Southpoint on La Sierra Drive with Folsom Lake views.   There are also 97 single family homes for sale as of today ranging from $280K to $3.850M with the average list price of $795,205 and the average size home of 3542 square feet. Of these homes for sale there are 40 under $500K, 25 between $500K and $750...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
What's Selling in El Dorado Hills - October 2012   Real Estate Market Data for El Dorado Hills provided by DeeDee Riley of Lyon Real Estate.   There's not much inventory but here's What's Selling in El Dorado Hills and the high and low homes that sold in October 2012.   A total of 63 homes sold in October 2012 with the average selling price of $527,192 and an average square foot selling price of $173. Below is a Trendgraphix graph of the last 15months of the Average Square Foot Selling Price for El Dorado Hills. As you can see, prices are up 19% over October 2011. This is in large part due to the low inventory we are seeing. Inventory is down 48% from the same month last year.         Lowest priced home sold - This home on Arrowhead Ct. It was a bank owned property (REO), built in 1962 ...
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By Tom Arstingstall, General Contractor, Dry Rot, Water Damage Sacramento, El Dorado County - (916) 765-5366, General Contractor, Dry Rot and Water Damage
(Dry Rot and Water Damage Mobile - 916-765-5366)
  The floor plan may be the same, be sure to check it out anyway.   I have seen a lot of apartment floor plans in the last 25 years as a general contractor, there seems to be something for everybody. I think it is important for the future tenant to take time to really look at the unit that they will be moving into before signing the lease agreement. Not the model, see your unit. True, you may love the floor plan and it is everything that you want in an apartment. So why do I need to see the unit? There are some things that may be a problem later on, after you move in. I saw a stairway that partially blocked the window; the only window looking out front. There may be some other things to consider.     Will headlights of cars be shining in your  windows at night? Are there railroad tracks...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
 Lyon Real Estate - Toys for Tots   It time for Lyon Real Estate's Toys for Tots event Thursday, December 6th! It's a wonderful event that we have done for the last 15 years. I'm proud to have been part of it for my 6 years at Lyon.   I hope to see you there but if you can't make the event, we are collecting toys until Christmas Eve when the El Dorado Hills Fire Department will come to pick them up and dispurse them.       Thanks so much for your support and contributions!       _________________________________________ I am a REALTOR® in El Dorado Hills with Lyon Real Estate. I love living in El Dorado Hills, where homes with views have become my passion. Working with both buyers and sellers, my concentration on homes for sale includes not only El Dorado Hills, but also Folsom and the ...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
  Our poor little lemon tree.  This is after my husband took off a whole bucket of lemons.  Since life has given us lemons guess we'll be making not only lemonade but lemon pies, lemon squares, ........!  It's safe to say, citrus trees do well in El Dorado Hills! _________________________________________ I am a REALTOR® in El Dorado Hills with Lyon Real Estate. I love living in El Dorado Hills, where homes with views have become my passion. Working with both buyers and sellers, my concentration on homes for sale includes not only El Dorado Hills, but also Folsom and the Cameron Park vicinity. For more information on me or our wonderful area visit my website at or email me at When you're ready to sell or buy a home – I would love to help! To read wh...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
El Dorado Hills Town Center Tree Lighting   It's time for all the great El Dorado Hills holiday events starting next weekend with the Town Center Tree Lighting and Santa's arrival in town!   Photos with Santa Starting Friday, November 23 and through Christmas Eve, Santa Claus will be at the El Dorado Hills Welcome Center spreading holiday cheer and available for family photos.   The Welcome Center is located at 2085 Vine St., El Dorado Hills. Next to Coldstone Creamery and under Chilis. For more information call: (916) 358-3700. For Santa's schedule visit:   Holiday Tree Lighting Saturday, November 24th will mark the 48th Annual HolidayTree Lighting in parnership with the El Dorado Hills Chamber of Commerce and the El Dorado Hills Community Services District....
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
      _________________________________________ I am a REALTOR® in El Dorado Hills with Lyon Real Estate. I love living in El Dorado Hills, where homes with views have become my passion. Working with both buyers and sellers, my concentration on homes for sale includes not only El Dorado Hills, but also Folsom and the Cameron Park vicinity. For more information on me or our wonderful area visit my website at or email me at When you're ready to sell or buy a home – I would love to help! To read what my clients have to say about me and my service, visit my Client Testimonial page.   If you like what you're seeing here please come back or better yet...... Subscribe to My Blog by Email!   Join Active Rain for free and you'll see how fun blogging can be!...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
In this week's Village Life our El Dorado Hills Chamber of Commerce President, Debbie Manning, writes about buying local and what it really means. You may or may have seen the Village Life because they have gone to a delivery schedule of every 5th week with the exception of Serrano who should still be finding it their mail every week. (Which by the way, you can still find it free on numerous racks and store locations or you can guarantee getting it every week in your mail with a $20 per year subscription.)   Anyway..... Debbie gives us some things to think about and why buying local is so important not only to the local business but to us as well as a community.   * For every dollar spent, 60 cents is retained and re-circulated right here. * Part of the sales taxes funnel back into our ...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
El Dorado Hills REO Market - October 2012   Yesterday I posted about El Dorado Hills Foreclosure cancellations and outcomes. The following Trendgraphix charts will give you an idea of the El Dorado Hills REO market. REOs are the properties that went back to the bank at the trustee sale and became part of their inventory (Real Estate Owned).   As I mentioned yesterday, Foreclosures or REO's have not been a big percentage of our total listings. The first chart shows a five year look at the REO for sale and sold listings and the second chart shows our total for sale and sold listings in El Dorado Hills. At the peak of the REO market (January 2009) there were 48 REOs for sale out of 332 total listings for sale that month accounting for 14.5%. During that same month Sacramento County REOs ac...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
El Dorado Hills Foreclosures     For the El Dorado Hills real estate market, foreclosures have never been an overwelming quantity like they were in other parts of the country or parts of the Sacramento Region. However we have still been hearing the buzz for quite some time about shadow inventory of foreclosures that were being held by the banks and many buyers were holding back with the thoughts of buying cheaper bank owned properties.  A recent article from Foreclosure Radar talks about the dramatic increase in forclosure cancellations in California and their theory on why these numbers are so high.     In years past, many banks would not even consider a short sale or loan modification until the homeowner was behind in payments.  Consequently the banks would start the foreclosure proce...
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By Mike West, El Dorado Hills, CA CDPE, CNE, Licensed Loan Origi
(Heritage Oak Properties)
BANK OWNED (FORECLOSURE/REO) HOME SALES DATA FOR El Dorado Hills, CA – OCTOBER 2012   This is the latest monthly report of our five-year study of bank owned (foreclosure/REO) home sales in El Dorado Hills, CA.  This report covers October 2012. For the purposes of simplification, we will use the term foreclosure for all homes in this category from this point forward.   If you would like to see all of the foreclosure homes available for sale in El Dorado Hills, select this link.  To view the available foreclosure homes you will have check the box marked “are REO/Bank Owned,” in the “Including the above criteria, only show me properties that:” section.  Then scroll down and check the “El dorado Hills Area” box on the left side of the page and finally select the Search Now (List Your Result...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
Fall in El Dorado Hills   El Dorado Hills is a wonderful place to live in general, but Fall in El Dorado Hills is the best! If you live here or happen to visit in September, October, or November you can attest to its incredible beauty.    As soon as the spring rains come to a halt, the undeveloped areas of our foothills take on a golden color that is typical for summer and fall.           But with our hot summer months of July and August behind us the landscape seems to take a sigh of relief and breath before the colder months of December, January and February set in.  We are in a planting zone that allows for a wide variety of trees and plants that turn brilliant fall colors before their leaves drop. In the fall the colors blend beautifully as our golden hills and valleys accented by e...
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By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(, covering the USA)
203k for Realtors from San Jose to Placerville 1)  What properties are eligible for financing under the 203b loan program That is the loan that has been most commonly known as "the standard FHA Loan" and used by millions of American home owners over the years since 1931… 1-4 family residential properties with the emphasis on the 1 family or single family home. You find a home that fits the buyers needs without need of repairs and they buy it. 2) How is the 203k different?  On the surface it isn’t different. A 203k is merely a 203b with a construction component. Once we look below the surface there is a huge difference. We are allowed to be creative.  Let’s look at some property types and see if you can “imagine” the possibilities with me. a. Single family home on a lot zoned for duplex....
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
2012 Homes for the Holidays Tour in El Dorado Hills     The Assistance League of the Sierra Foothills is holding their 2012 Homes for the Holidays Tour in El Dorado Hills December 1st and 2nd. This is always a fun event with with six to seven decorated homes on tour throughout our El Dorado Hills community!     Assistance League of Sierra Foothills is a part of a national organization consisting of over 120 chapters and guilds thoughout the US with over 26,000 members. Thier mission is to help those in need achieve a better quality of life through their fundraising. This Sierra Foothills chapter was founded in El Dorado Hills in 2008 as a way to help those in our own county.     They have two major events during the year - their annual "Gardens of the Hills" garden tour and their " Home...
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By DeeDee Riley, Realtor - El Dorado Hills & the Surrounding Areas
(Windermere Real Estate - El Dorado Hills CA)
  An Erie Look at El Dorado Hills Inventory     This Halloween day, things are a little scarey for home buyers in the Western Sierra foothills because of our low low inventory. Here's An Erie Look at El Dorado Hills Inventory over the last 11 years.     Ironically the numbers look much like the months in 2004, just before our home prices went through the roof. Interest rates in 2004 were in the high 5's however, compared to our high 3's rates we are seeing today.  These low rates make it a great time to buy a home but the low low inverntory make it a little scarey for buyers trying to figure out how much to offer, etc. That's why you want a good realtor!       Happy Halloween!   _________________________________________ I am a REALTOR® in El Dorado Hills with Lyon Real Estate. I love li...
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