
Grand Terrace, CA Real Estate News

By Matthew Sturkie, CRS, GRI 909-969-3805, CRS, GRI 909-969-3805
(Action Realty)
Here is the current inventory of condos for sale in the city of Grand Terrace California.As of today, there are two condominiums for sale in Grand Terrace priced from $379,900 to $512,800. The average price per square foot for these five is $311.71.Condos, townhomes, and attached homes usually provide a more affordable alternative to individual detached homes.To see these properties, click the link below.  Condos for sale in Grand Terrace The above link is a live search link which takes you directly to the current inventory of condos in the city of Grand Terrace. This is the most up to date list of properties for sale. The inventory can change on a daily basis, but the above link is always up to date. Check my other posts for more Condominium properties in many other cities.If you would...
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By Matthew Sturkie, CRS, GRI 909-969-3805, CRS, GRI 909-969-3805
(Action Realty)
Here is the current inventory of duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes and larger multi- unit residential income properties for sale in the city of Grand Terrace California.As of today, there is only one multi-unit residential income property for sale in the city of Grand Terrace California. It is a four-unit property priced at $1,325,000.   The average price per unit is $331,250. Unit mix varies by property. Rents vary by property and location.To see this property, click the link below. Grand Terrace Income Properties The above link is a live search link which takes you directly to the current inventory of multi-unit residential income properties in the city of Grand Terrace California. This is the most up to date list of multi-unit income properties for sale in Grand Terrace. The inventory ...
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By Kristin Hamilton CA REALTOR, (909) 557-6966- Specialize 55+ Communties Banning
(Berkshire Hathaway California Realty)
C.A.R. To Publish Names of Code of Ethics Violators           In an effort to make ethics violations and the disciplinary process more transparent, starting August 1, 2014, C.A.R. will publish the names and other information of members who are found in violation of the Code of Ethics. If a member is found in violation of the Code, and the discipline is anything other than a letter of warning or stand-alone education, C.A.R. will publish the following information: 1. The name and photo of the member found in violation.  If the member’s name is similar to another member’s name, their real estate license number and/or office address may also be included in the publication;2. A list of the Articles of the Code of Ethics that were violated and possibly the applicable standards of practice;3....
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By Todd & Devona Garrigus, Broker / REALTORS®
(Garrigus Real Estate)
Grand Terrace CA Standard Sales, Grand Terrace CA Short Sales, Grand Terrace CA Wash Sales As the Grand Terrace CA housing market improves, many more Grand Terrace CA standard sales are hitting the open housing market. This is great news for many that want to sell or need to sell for various reasons. Selling your Grand Terrace CA home and realizing equity after the sale is a great thing and easily appreciated considering the housing crash we just endured a few years ago. If you are considering selling your Grand Terrace home as a standard sale, we can help you determine what your Grand Terrace home is worth, how much you will walk away with after the sale and help you implement a great selling strategy that can garner you a good selling price without letting your Grand Terrace home list...
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By Todd & Devona Garrigus, Broker / REALTORS®
(Garrigus Real Estate)
Here are some Basic Grand Terrace real estate market facts and figures:                     Status: Active (19)     List Price ADOM Selling Price BR BA Year Built SqFt Lot SqFt Min 80,570 2 - 3 1.00 1947 1,325 1,836 Max 850,000 211 - 4 3.00 2013 3,726 222,156 Avg 346,954 61 - 3 2.42 1972 1,885 28,358 Sum 6,592,120   -           Status: Pending Sale (12)     List Price ADOM Selling Price BR BA Year Built SqFt Lot SqFt Min 125,000 4 - 2 2.00 1962 933 933 Max 379,900 100 - 5 3.00 2006 2,300 18,525 Avg 267,601 33 - 3 2.42 1978 1,682 8,486 Sum 3,211,210   -           Status: Backup Offer (5)     List Price ADOM Selling Price BR BA Year Built SqFt Lot SqFt Min 135,000 22 - 3 2.00 1958 1,152 7,000 Max 390,000 291 - 4 3.00 1987 2,022 8,250 Avg 253,000 115 - 4 2.20 1974 1,487 7,609 Sum 1,265,000...
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By Todd & Devona Garrigus, Broker / REALTORS®
(Garrigus Real Estate)
Coldwell Banker Grand Terrace CA - REALTORS Grand Terrace CA - Grand Terrace Realty Are you buying or selling a Grand Terrace home? When hiring a Grand Terrace REALTOR make sure you use an agent with experience, and works for a trusted name, like Coldwell Banker, in Grand Terrace, California. We are Todd and Devona Garrigus, Garrigus Real Estate, and we work under the trusted Coldwell Banker Kivett-Teeters brokerage that has been serving the Southern California area for decades. If you're buying or selling a Grand Terrace house, we have extensive experience in short sales, standard sales, foreclosures, and home purchasing. We can help you avoid the many pitfalls of selling, and help you find the right home and deal when buying. Give us a call and interview us to see if we are the right ...
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By Kristin Hamilton CA REALTOR, (909) 557-6966- Specialize 55+ Communties Banning
(Berkshire Hathaway California Realty)
The Tree is Finally Decorated.....Happy Holidays My kids arrived and we had to drive to LAX to pick them up plus a few other events like holidays parties, baking, shopping and closing out a couple of properties which had all put me behind on my schedule. The stockings were hung and the decorations sitting out but no tree yet. My kids wanted to decorate it themselves but then they were busy seeing friends and late minute shopping as well. On the 24th, we did a little last minute shopping and then home to wrap all afternoon. So last night on Christmas Eve, we f-i-n-a-l-l-y decorated the tree and here it is.     Happy Holidays to all  
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By Todd & Devona Garrigus, Broker / REALTORS®
(Garrigus Real Estate)
Short Sale Agents in Grand Terrace CA arrange with mortgage lenders to agree to accept a mortgage payoff that falls short of the balance that is owed by a borrower. In other words, a bank agrees to accept less than what is owed on a borrower's mortgage. Foreclosure is avoided through the Grand Terrace CA short sale process, which is the primary goal so that the borrower's credit is not severely damaged as it would be through a foreclosure. If a foreclosure is imminent, a Grand Terrace CA short sale can help soften the blow. A foreclosure can seriously affect an individual's credit and financial future. As a result, and because of the stress that the foreclosure process can cause, most Grand Terrace homeowners are willing to consider just about any alternative. When facing foreclosure, t...
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By Todd & Devona Garrigus, Broker / REALTORS®
(Garrigus Real Estate)
 Are you looking for Grand Terrace CA real estate agents and Grand Terrace CA REALTORS to sell your Grand Terrace home in this tough real estate market? Do you need a Grand Terrace Real Estate agent that can maximize your realty sale to ensure the highest possible price for you Grand Terrace CA home or property? Do you believe that extensive marketing and advertising of your Grand Terrace listing is how to attract the most possible buyers to bid? Do you need a tough negotiator with attention to detail to avoid the many transaction and other real estate sale pitfalls that can arise from a Grand Terrace CA real estate transaction? We are Garrigus Real Estate, of Coldwell Banker Kivett Teeters and we have experience with standard sales, short sales, foreclosures, land sales and commercial ...
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By Kristin Hamilton CA REALTOR, (909) 557-6966- Specialize 55+ Communties Banning
(Berkshire Hathaway California Realty)
Flowering Trees make Summer so Special Trees in Redlands and Loma Linda                                                                                                                                                     Thanks for Reading my Blog   California is a dream-come-true state no matter what your needs or wants are. We have year round warm weather, beautiful beaches, rustic mountains and desert communities. If you are looking for a home in Southern California, please contact me. I am a local California Realtor, live in the Inland Empire community and am aware of the local market. I am here to help you find a home or to sell the home you currently own. California has great opportunities to view Nature and Bird Watching. Whatever your needs are, you will find it here in Californi...
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By Todd & Devona Garrigus, Broker / REALTORS®
(Garrigus Real Estate)
Is Your Grand Terrace Home Underwater? Short Sale that Grand Terrace House!Grand Terrace Short Sales are nothing new. In fact, most of the Grand Terrace housing market consists of short sales these days.If you’re struggling to make your mortgage payments on a property that is worth half the value of what you purchased it for? This is NOT the American dream. No one wants to lose their home to foreclosure. And no one wants to sell them home if they don’t want to move. But doing nothing and letting the bank foreclose, or staying with a home that is financially crushing is not the way to support your family.A Grand Terrace short sale may be the best option for you. But how can you know without talking to a Grand Terrace Short Sale Expert (That’s us!)? Have you considered a loan modification...
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By Todd & Devona Garrigus, Broker / REALTORS®
(Garrigus Real Estate)
We are Grand Terrace CA REALTORS and we can help you in this difficult time. Grand Terrace short sales are declining as the real estate market stabilizes, but that doesn't mean a short sale process can't help you if you are struggling to make payments or if you've endured a hardship like losing a job or loss of income or unforeseen medical bills. Grand Terrace real estate consists of many short sales, and we have helped numerous distressed home owners unload that cumbersome mortgage and regain control of their financial future Are you: Underwater on that Grand Terrace home? Struggling to make large mortgage payments? Realizing that the home is not worth what you owe? If you need advice about how the Grand Terrace short sale process is handled call us and let's talk. We have worked with ...
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By Kristin Hamilton CA REALTOR, (909) 557-6966- Specialize 55+ Communties Banning
(Berkshire Hathaway California Realty)
Grand Terrace CA Market Report for May-June 2013   Recent reports from CAR show a 20% increase in Single Family homes for 2012 and they expect a 20% increase in value for 2013. Currently 64% of the working populace are now finding a home purchase affordable compared to 16% when the market was at its peak in 2007. If you are looking to buy now is the time. For Sellers, our listing inventory is very low and this opens the opportunity to obtain multiple offers. Kristin Hamilton DRE #01492138 Keller Williams Realty – I am a full time agent and deal in all types of real estate transactions. Trusts, Probate, Short Sales, Standard Listing, Single Family Homes, Apartments 1-4 units, Duplexes and Condos. I am also an experienced REO agent. I sell real estate in the Riverside, San Bernardino, Ora...
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By Kristin Hamilton CA REALTOR, (909) 557-6966- Specialize 55+ Communties Banning
(Berkshire Hathaway California Realty)
Did Anyone Say Polly Want a Cracker or a $1…Beautiful Birds in Cartagena?   While I was in Cartagena, Columbia, one of the historical museums, the Palacio de la Inquisicion in the downtown area had birds that you could take a picture with for $1.               It was the best part of the building.                     So here is my bird. Excuse the sweat on my face as it was unbearably hot.               California is a dream-come-true state no matter what your needs or wants are. We have year round warm weather, beautiful beaches, rustic mountains and desert communities. If you are looking for a home in Southern California, please contact me. I am a local California Realtor, live in the Inland Empire community and am aware of the local market. I am here to help you find a home or to sel...
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By Kristin Hamilton CA REALTOR, (909) 557-6966- Specialize 55+ Communties Banning
(Berkshire Hathaway California Realty)
Put Some Orange in Your Life...the Color that is   The color orange is associated with the sunshine and the warmth of the sun. It is a power color and also a healing color. (I grew this flower)       Besides being a Realtor, I am a lover of nature.             The color orange is so prevalent in nature; the sun, sunrise and sunset, flowers, orange trees, carrots, peaches, apricots, pumpkins, fire opals, birds, and the colors of autumn.           Put some orange in your life when you want: to spice things up when time is dragging   to increase creativity to spread happiness stimulate hunger (not good for dieters                                                 "Orange is the happiest color." by Frank Sinatra.     Kristin Hamilton  DRE #014092138 Keller Williams Realty -I sell real estate ...
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By Kristin Hamilton CA REALTOR, (909) 557-6966- Specialize 55+ Communties Banning
(Berkshire Hathaway California Realty)
It is February....Is Your House in Order? It is the middle of February and we are always focused on our listings and our clients but are we always focused on our own house? Maybe not, so I have just gone through my house this past weekend and cleaned filters, replaced batteries which should be done every 6 months.  Then there are a few other things that need to be done once a year to keep our house cleaner. All of these items will keep us safe, healthy and happy.         Replace the batteries in your thermostats.                   Replace the batteries in your smoke detectors.                    Make sure to install a Carbon Monoxide Detector in your home. If you have a 2 story home, you need two detectors. I have the ones that plug in. *It is the law in California and Washington to ins...
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By Kristin Hamilton CA REALTOR, (909) 557-6966- Specialize 55+ Communties Banning
(Berkshire Hathaway California Realty)
  Birds Soaring thru the Air     No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings.                                               Kristin Hamilton  DRE #014092138 Keller Williams Realty -I sell real estate in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties commonly called the Inland Empire. I am a trained and experienced Short Sale agent. If you are looking for a professional and experienced agent, I am just a click away. Google me at Kristin Hamilton-Real Estate Agent. Homeowners and Buyers both will find my services top notch and successful. Call me to sell your home; both traditional and short sales.   California is a dream come true state no matter what your needs or wants are. We have year round warm weather, beautiful beaches, rustic mountains and desert communities. If you are looking...
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By Kristin Hamilton CA REALTOR, (909) 557-6966- Specialize 55+ Communties Banning
(Berkshire Hathaway California Realty)
Bird Watching is a Popular Sport in California                                                                                                               Author’s Notes: Although it looks like the dogs could easily get the birds, it is not the case. I took the picture at an angle and there is really 4 feet between the feeder and the wall plus the feeder is higher.     Kristin Hamilton  DRE #014092138 Keller Williams Realty -I sell real estate in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties commonly called the Inland Empire. I am a trained and experienced Short Sale agent. If you are looking for a professional and experienced agent, I am just a click away. Google me at Kristin Hamilton-Real Estate Agent. Homeowners and Buyers both will find my services top notch and successful. Call me to se...
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By Kristin Hamilton CA REALTOR, (909) 557-6966- Specialize 55+ Communties Banning
(Berkshire Hathaway California Realty)
  ©First Signs of Spring in California©       Today I noticed this tree has blossoms on it. None of my other trees or my neighbor’s are blooming yet so I was so excited!   Kristin Hamilton  DRE #014092138 Keller Williams Realty -I sell real estate in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties commonly called the Inland Empire. I am a trained and experienced Short Sale agent. If you are looking for a professional and experienced agent, I am just a click away. Google me at Kristin Hamilton-Real Estate Agent. Homeowners and Buyers both will find my services top notch and successful. Call me to sell your home; both traditional and short sales. California is a dream come true state no matter what your needs or wants are. We have year round warm weather, beautiful beaches, rustic mountains and des...
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By Todd & Devona Garrigus, Broker / REALTORS®
(Garrigus Real Estate)
Do I Qualify for a Real Estate Short Sale in Grand Terrace CA?So you're considering a real estate short sale for your Grand Terrace, California Home…..Either you are near default or have already missed mortgage payments, and you are undoubtedly under-water on what you owe on the Grand Terrace home compared to what it is currently worth.We see this every day from people of all aspects of life and economic backgrounds. We know it's a difficult and daunting position to be in. We know there is so much information out there that its difficult to decipher what is correct, and what isn't.... and who to trust.We also know its embarrassing. We've been in similar situations ourselves, and we'd like to discreetly help you avoid foreclosure and get out from that upside-down Grand Terrace CA house n...
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