
Pasadena, CA Real Estate News

By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
  The Theory of Relativity  The Theory of Relativity.  I won't attempt to explain any of Albert Einstein's scientific theories.  Let others do that.  And likely more intelligently and perhaps more understandably too. But this Albert Einstein quote sums up things quite succinctly: Two things are infiinite:  the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe While abundant words are often used to sum up many of his theories, Einstein used just a handful or so to sum up something many of us have surmised for quite some time.    But I digress.  And, of course, that leads to some pondering. Why not?  I ponder about theories.  And connections.  Infinity.  The universe.  And beyond.  Way beyond.  Human supidity.  Is this an endless subject or merely a work in progress? And f...
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By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
  On The First  On The First.   So, it's February 1, 2019.  Surprised?  Just another day in paradise?  The first day of the second month of the year - so many places to be and so many goals still to achieve.   And don't even mention those resolutions from a month ago.  You know the first day of the first month of the new year.  And definitely don't mention that gym bag resting on the back seat of the car either. I'll get to it, I promise...Tomorrow.  Speaking of the car, did I remember to call the dealer for that service appointment?   You know you can drive yourself crazy with the "have-to" things in life.  Deadlines and stuff.  The ever and always growing "to do" list doesn't ever seem to stop.  I mean EVER.   I am not recommending tossing it all and forgetting about the obligations y...
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By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
  Channeling Rosemary Woods     Ahh, yes Rosemary Woods.  Many likely have no idea of the name Rosemary Woods.   It has been a long time since her name was a part of the daily news cycle.  Can you even imagine if the news surrounding Ms Woods were  occurring today?  Yikes!  Ms.Woods was the secretary of Richard Nixon from the time he was a member of Congress until his resignation as President.  For purposes of this post:  Her role came to the attention of the world for her role in the Watergate proceedings and the elimination of some eighteen or so mihutes of tape recording of information.  I don't know why I thought of Ms. Woods except I was pondering privacy.   Privacy as we know it today. On social media for example. And elsewhere in life. You know how certain things just kinda appea...
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By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
 The Importance Of  A Pat On The Back   The importance Of A Pat On The Back   I'd say that the act is pretty important all things considered.   Maybe not the most important.  But certainly deserving of a consideration for a job well-done or even well--a job done--just because.   Jan Green wrote a recent post What Makes You Happy that I found rather inspiring and one that is relatively easy for any of us to do.   And you can do as needed or just when you think of it.  Why not today?  Or tomorrow?  Why not as a part of YOU?   Try it.   Be inspired. Do inspiring things.  Make inspiring things a part of you.   And while you are at can ponder too.  There's inspiring things happening.  All around.   Photo taken by Michael Jacobs - saying thank you or giving a pat on the back need not...
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By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
 Far From Tidy  Far From Tidy. Littering is not a good sign in my opinion.  Definitely not a good sign.  Recently I came across an advertisement from a home cleaning service.  Not the right message.    Recently, the single post card-sized "help available" ad was tossed on some lawns. Others were seen throughout the neighborhood.  I have seen the fairly attractive menu in different neighborhoods over the years.  This is the first time I recall seeing this particular distribution.   An effective message?  Not exactly.  Tidy as the name of the service?   Memorable?  Hlmm...not broom clean for sure and not memorable for any of the right reasons.  Remembering the name as the advertisement made its way to the recycling container? Yeah, right. So I pondered.   photo taken by Michael Jacobs of ...
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By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
 It Is Okay To Quit     It is okay to quit.  What? Never quit. We have heard it often.  But is it correct?  Whether it's a job.  A class.  A relationship.  A bad habit.   Is it ever a good idea or a good plan to quit? How about those yearly resolutions that we often see--do we quit resolving to go to the gym on a regular basis for example?     Winners never quit and quitters never win                                                            - Vince Lombardi   There are seemingly countless quotes that discuss "never quitting" but what about the advice from others on the value of quitting.  I found some including this one:  If you never quit anything, you're going to have less time for the things that really matter                                                           - Eric Barker ...
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By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
Capernaum A Movie  Review        Capernaum and Weltanschuung Capernaum And Weltanschuung may confuse some who see these two words together.  Quite different indeed.   Two words equally difficult to pronounce by some but any other similarities between the two end there.  Weltanschuung is fairly well-known by ActiveRain members and Capernaum is a movie playing in selected movie theaters across the country.   This post is a movie review of Capernaum but I have written posts in the past discussing Weltanschuung.   Capernaum is a foreign lmovie that has been touted as a possible best foreign country film nominee in many circles and in my opinion is the leading candidate of the films eligible although there are many who disagree with me.  Oh, well.  I'll survive.  Again.    I realize that mov...
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By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
 Whether Conditions...        Whether Conditions. No, NOT weather conditions but what impacts your market, your livelihood and YOU.  Whether it be snow, hurricane or some other natural or not-so-natural occurrence things happen.   Whether it be weather or something else.  We know it. We experience it.  But I honestly believe that our attitude plays an important role maybe even the most important role if we look at the "big picture".  My career in real estate began in 1993.  I passed my California real estate licensing exam and almost immediately wildfires impacted some of the areas in my market(October of that same year).  The devastating Northridge earthquake of January 1994 followed not too long later.  This was on top of riots and a general unhappiness surrounding the economy that im...
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By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
Your Goals. Your Priorities. My Role.   So it's January.  A new year.  And the first month, almost half over.  Goals. Priorities.  Maybe some resolutions too.  My role?  Where do I fit in? If at all.    First, I don't break resolutions these days.  I don't make them so setting up myself for failure in this task is avoided.  If you do participate, good luck.  Embrace it.  Live it. Be it. Ask yourself the importance of the "resolution".  Anyway, resolutions are not my "thing".  If you subscribe and are up to the task--well, again good for you.  Now my role in your resolutions is nill.  And as far as your goals or priorities it is to say the least limited.  Don't get me wrong. I can and will be supportive.  Advice maybe.   Suggestions perhaps.   But I think YOU are responsible for this.  N...
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By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
      History Repeats Itself So history repeats itself.  We accept it as so at certain times.  On certain occassions.  And for many different reasons.  We can probably cite an example or two as well.  Even forgetfulness can be a part of this equation.  Other factors too.  It's definitely true in real life.  Obviously in real estate too. Repetitition. Repeating.  Repeating.  Repeating again.  Time and time again.  Over and over and then over.  One more time.  It is used for impact.  For emphasis.  And for emphasis. In the case of forgetfulness, it could be well err oh um, you know.  Is it effective?  Often we say it depends but is that true?  Of course, it depends.  Well, it's time to ponder some more.  Just because.   I mean if history can repeat itself.   Why not me?  And why not you? ...
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In December of 2018, reported that an average list price for a home and a condo was $1,878,999 in December of 2018 jumped 47.7% or from $1,710,297 in December of 2017; While, median listing price for a home and a condo was $1,100,000 in December of 2018, gained 10.6% or from $995,000 December of 2017 in Pasadena, California.There were 523 active listing of homes and condos in December of 2018 rose 34.4% or 389 homes and condos from December of 2017; While there were 2.9 months available inventory of homes and condos in December of 2018, up 15.3% or 2.5 months of available inventory from December of 2017 in Pasadena, California.An average sales price for a home and a condo was $1,262,122 in December of 2018 higher 10.8% or from $1,138,960 in December of 2017; While, median sales...
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By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
Staying Aware  Staying Aware No, not "Staying Alive" and memories of the  Bee Gees, disco music and hair beyond belief plus more.  Not that.  But Staying Aware.  Driving your car for example.  Look beyond.  Look to the left.  And the right. Over there too.  Expect the unexpected.  Another car.  That pedestrian pushing the baby stroller approaching or in the crosswalk .  Staying aware.   Another the grocery store aisle.  You know the guy standing...looking...analyzing... all his choices...decisions, decisions. He doesn't even see you and definitely doesn't notice you or anyone(or anything else);  Excuse me....deep in thought.  Not staying aware.  Now.  Think of your everyday life...people with who you goes beyond staying focused...but staying aware.  Co-workers...
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By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
A New Normal     Ah. Normal.  Think about the word. The definition.  Now add "new" to it and the meaning can become downright frightening.  Yes, I pondered. Normal.  Regular.  Average.   Usual.  Typical.  Ordinary,  Routine.  Convential.  Unremarkable.  Commonplace.Conforming to a standard. Yikes!  Run-of-the-mill.  I'll stop now.  Maybe it's too late.  Gone too far.But there's a reason.  Choose your words carefully.  Cigarettes may be hazardous to your health.  Cigarettes ARE hazardouous to your health. Resolution.  Make them or not.  Follow them or forget them.  The word alone can make some people cringe.  If this is true for you: then I say don't say it. Don't do it.   Don't make them.  Don't follow them.  There's no chance to break what you don't make, right?  Maybe it's more than a...
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By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
Being There    I didn't think this day would come.  Maybe it has happened to you.The words flowed and it starts with "back in the day..."The title of this post is based on a recent thought.  "Being There' is a book(1970).   And it was also an Academy Award winning movie(1979).  The book was written by Jerzy Kozinski.  I read the book many years ago and ran across the movie years after it was first released.  Yes, pondering led me to thinking of "Being There" back in the day and being there/being here today.  Both the book and the concept of "being there" as "Being Here. Right Now".  Be Present.  Be Aware, Be Mindful.I know this is not unknown to many of us.The book was a quick read as I recall.  I watched the movie with much anticipation even though it was years after its release and ye...
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In December of 2018, reported that a median list price for a home and a condo was $999,000 in November of 2018 unchanged from $999,000 in October of 2018, but higher 3.0% or from $968,000 in November of 2017 in Pasadena, California. While, median sales price for a home and a condo was $960,000 in November of 2018, jumped 6.0% from November of 2017 in Pasadena, California.The median listing price per square foot of a home and a condo was $576.00 in November of 2018 down from $579.00 in October of 2018, but gained 4.0% or from $554.00 in November of 2017 in Pasadena, California.  Homes and condos averaged 55.0 days in the market in November of 2018, decreased from 57.0 days in October of 2018, and lower from 57.0 days in November of 2017 in Pasadena, California.For complete mo...
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By Endre Barath, Jr., Realtor - Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties)
Did you know that, Pasadena is getting ready for the Rose Parade? Well they are, take my word for it.Then again, might as well see some of these photos, that I took on my way to Vroman's Book Store. Not to digress too much, but it has become a tradition of sorts, for us, since the day  after Christmas Vroman's has their biggest Christmas Card Sale. Generally all boxes of Holiday cards are 40% off. Hence I make the trek to buy as many of the cards I can for the following year.Diane is at work hence I have to send her pictures of the cards and she provides the input of "yes" or "no", just keep in mind, she is jealous that I am there and she can not be. I would prefer her to be there as well, since it would be easier....Now getting back to my point as you can see the barricades are being s...
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By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
'Generally,I Believe Most People Are Kind    I ponder.Yeah, I ponder quite frequently. Recently, Patricia Feager, MBA, CRS, GRI,MRP wrote an ActiveRain post 'Etiquette and Comments on Social Media'.  I pondered her thoughtful post.  My mind wandered a bit too.  Pondering goes hand-in-hand with wandering I might add.  Toss in some wondering into this mixed salad.  Pondering and wandering and wondering.  I digress.  And that may have occurred while commenting on Patricia's post.  Admittedly, my comment on Patricia's post may have gone off-track too.  It happens.  But there is a point.  Really there is.  Earlier that day I read an editorial which spoke to me in much the same language as Patricia's words.  A quote came to mind:  "Be kind whenver possible.It's always possible." This quote(Da...
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By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
I ponder.  Once again.  The Ultimate.    Should this be followed by a "period"?  An exclaimation point! Perhaps a question mark? Maybe no punctuation all.  The Ultimate   A gift.  A gift!  A gift?  Same word.  Different interpretations.  So yes, I ponder.  And I digress.  Because I can.  So can you.  Go ahead and ponder.  Or not.  Over yonder perhaps.   Pondered on December 24, 2018 and published on December 25, 2018  The Ultimate    
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In November of 2018, reported that a median list price for a home and a condo was $999,000 in October of 2018 gained from $998,000 in September of 2018, and higher 1.0% or from $989,990 in October of 2017 in Pasadena, California. While, median sales price for a home and a condo was $803,000 in October of 2018, declined 6.0% from October of 2017 in Pasadena, California.The median listing price per square foot of a home and a condo was $582.00 in October of 2018 down from $589.00 in September of 2018, but rose 3.0% or from $564.00 in October of 2017 in Pasadena, California.Homes and condos averaged 57.0 days in the market in October of 2018, decreased from 61.0 days in September of 2018, but increased from 51.0 days in October of 2017 in Pasadena, California.For complete more ...
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