Simultaneous Clothes - the Simultaneous Note Sale for Real Estate Investors - Published in the Pasadena Independent
By Dawn Rickabaugh, Note Queen
(Dawn Rickabaugh (Note Queen) Owner Financing Consultant)
It’s hard to keep covered against the chill winds of the market sometimes. Perhaps it’s possible to get a nice, thick sheepskin warming the front half of your body, but investors, builders and developers are increasingly finding their backsides completely exposed to the elements . . . brrrr! If you’re a real estate investor, investing in shorts sales and REO’s, how can you keep clothes on both sides of your body simultaneously? Is there a way around the seasoning issues that hang these deals up? What in the heck am I talking about? Here’s a typical scenario: Investor buys REO bank foreclosure for 50 cents on the dollar or less. They get a great price (that’s the sheepskin in the front), but they’ve used hard money at 12% with a 1 year balloon, so they need a quick exit strategy. That...