The Power of Trusted Referrals | Who Do You Trust With Your Wallet?
By Kathleen Daniels, Probate & Trust Specialist, Probate Real Estate Services
(KD Realty - 408.972.1822)
Among the many honors, this Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist receives, is a referral from an attorney. In this case, the referral came from a real estate attorney, not an estate planning or probate attorney which is where Kathleen Daniels receives most probate real estate and trust property referrals. A past client of the real estate attorney was so confused by all the information real estate agents were telling them their head was spinning. Trusting the real estate attorney who helped them in the past, they scheduled an appointment with the attorney to get a sanity check. That is when my phone rang, and I answered it. The conversation that followed was interesting, to say the least. His client was the successor trustee of her sister's trust. Many agents were interviewe...