Should I Sell My House- or wait? Tracy - Mountain House CA - Susan Goulding
By Susan Goulding, Northern CA - Tracy & Mountain House Real Estate
(Crown Key Realty, Inc; Tracy & Mountain House Sales and Property Management)
Should I sell my home in Tracy, CA? There are several appropriate answers to this question....I'm only going to give one answer here.... more to come. First - WHY? Why are you wanting to sell? Simple question however your answer can make a difference on the answer. IF you are selling because you have equity and the $800,000 house that you wanted to buy in 2002 is now on the market for $400,000 - yes 50% off. It might be time to sell. Yes I know you bought your house 10 years ago, and at one time it was appraised at $500,000... however you didn't refinance or take money out... so now your house will sell for $250,000... a 50% difference -- HOWEVER do the simple math --- the difference is you save $150,000 by buying now, as opposed to buying in 2002. If you had paid $800,000 -- now ca...