
Arvada, CO Real Estate News

By Joetta Fort, Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder
(The DiGiorgio Group)
    Arvada’s Meadowglen neighborhood market report is below. If you’d like more details, just let me know!   Arvada Colorado is a small city with a historic town center about midway between Denver and Boulder.   The Meadowglen neighborhood consists of almost 291 homes, of mixed styles. There is an active HOA.  Meadowglen is north of 80th Ave and west of Wadsworth.    For more info, please click here Arvada’s Meadowglen neighborhood.   Before you buy or sell a home it’s important to know what’s happening locally – right down to the neighborhood level.  If you’re thinking you might buy a home or sell a home in Arvada, or even the Meadowglen neighborhood, I hope this information helps.            Read my other posts for more Arvada neighborhoods info.   The following is based on figures ta...
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By Joetta Fort, Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder
(The DiGiorgio Group)
Arvada’s Huntington Heights neighborhood market report is below. If you’d like more details, just let me know!   Arvada Colorado is a small city with a historic town center about midway between Denver and Boulder.   The Huntington Heights neighborhood consists of almost 700 homes, of mixed styles. There is no active HOA.  Huntington Heights is north of Arvada's historic Olde Town.   For more info, please click here Arvada’s Huntington Heights neighborhood.   Before you buy or sell a home it’s important to know what’s happening locally – right down to the neighborhood level.  If you’re thinking you might buy a home or sell a home in Arvada, or even the Huntington Heights neighborhood, I hope this information helps.            Read my other posts for more Arvada neighborhoods info.   The ...
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By Joetta Fort, Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder
(The DiGiorgio Group)
  Arvada’s West Woods neighborhood market report is below. If you’d like more details, just let me know!   Arvada Colorado is a small city with a historic town center about midway between Denver and Boulder.   The West Woods neighborhood consists of almost 1200 homes, of mixed styles. There are multiple HOAs.  West Woods is north of 64th Ave and west of Indiana.    For more info, please click here Arvada’s West Woods neighborhood   Before you buy or sell a home it’s important to know what’s happening locally – right down to the neighborhood level.  If you’re thinking you might buy a home or sell a home in Arvada, or even the West Woods neighborhood, I hope this information helps.            Read my other posts for more Arvada neighborhoods info.   The following is based on figures taken...
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By Joetta Fort, Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder
(The DiGiorgio Group)
  Joetta’s Newsletter Hello, Friends & Neighbors!   Local Family Does Good             The first thing I want to do is congratulate the Schultz family on the continued success of Schultz’s Gourmet. And now you can be a part of it! Schultz’s Gourmet is Colorado’s own gourmet cooking hot sauces and seasonings company. This is not your usual “hot sauce”! Schultz’s Gourmet is a true cooking hot sauce because they use only the finest ingredients (a blend of peppers, fresh garlic and olive oil), which is why so many chefs cook with their sauces and seasonings. In fact, the chefs at INVESCO Field and CU Boulder’s Folsom Field have chosen to cook with Schultz’s Gourmet for their fans at this season’s football games!! Schultz’s Gourmet will be introducing their sauces and seasonings to the publi...
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By Joetta Fort, Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder
(The DiGiorgio Group)
  Arvada’s Five Parks neighborhood market report is below. If you’d like more details, just let me know!   Arvada Colorado is a small city with a historic town center about midway between Denver and Boulder.   The Five Parks neighborhood consists of over 500 homes, of mixed styles. There is a voluntary HOA.   There are town houses and row houses too. However, in order to not skew the numbers this report sticks to only single family homes, which include patio homes.  For more info, please click here Arvada’s Five Parks neighborhood. Five Parks is in the northwest quadrant of Arvada, just north of 82nd Ave. and between Indiana and Alkire.   Before you buy or sell a home it’s important to know what’s happening locally – right down to the neighborhood level.  If you’re thinking you might bu...
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By Joetta Fort, Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder
(The DiGiorgio Group)
Arvada’s Lake Arbor neighborhood market report is below. If you’d like more details, just let me know!   Arvada Colorado is a small city with a historic town center about midway between Denver and Boulder.   The Lake Arbor neighborhood consists of over 1000 homes, of mixed style including bi-levels, tri-levels, single story and two-story homes built in the 1970s. There is a voluntary HOA.   There is a town house section too. However, in order to not skew the numbers this report sticks to only single family homes.    Lake Arbor is in the northeast corner of Arvada, just south of 88th Ave. and east of Wadsworth. For more information please click here: Lake Arbor neighborhood. Before you buy or sell a home it’s important to know what’s happening locally – right down to the neighborhood le...
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By Joetta Fort, Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder
(The DiGiorgio Group)
  The chart below shows Arvada Colorado home sales in a few sample neighborhoods.  If you’d like information on your neighborhood, or any neighborhood in any city between Denver and Boulder, just let me know! And check out my individual posts on each of these Arvada neighborhoods for more information.                                                 Active         Sold Past                                                      Listings         12 Months Five Parks                                16                      37  Huntington Heights                 9                      11 Lake Arbor                              24                      41 Meadowglen                             3                        8 Pomona Lakes                           3                      16 Rainbow Ridg...
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By GARY DIGIORGIO -Denver- Arvada -Westminster, REOptions LLC
(THE DIGIORGIO GROUP /(303) 898 - GARY (4279))
I am so excited to tell the world .. we had a sign call...the buyer saw the sign..called ..wrote and we just closed. I must admit I get all wrapped up in the newest and best ways to sell a home in Arvada Colorado. I can tell you after...selling for over 11,000 days, some of the oldies but goodies still work. An oldie , the yard sign used to produce a buyer 8% of the time. Now days who knows,I guess its 1 % of the time. REGARDLESS ... the sign call still is one of the best calls. So in tribute to the sign..see below and please enjoy the song " I saw the sign "   Gary DiGiorgio The DiGiorgio Group 9035 Wadsworth pkwy 2000 Westminster.Co 80021 Direct 303 898 4279 Office 303 422 5200 fx 303 467 0211   Serving and selling Denver for over 11,000 days ARVADA***GOLDEN**...
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By Joetta Fort, Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder
(The DiGiorgio Group)
Joetta’s Neighborhood Newsletter Hello, Friends & Neighbors! I hope you’re having a great summer, and staying healthy. I’ve been having a lot of fun, taking advantage of as many local summer events as I can (no one could do them all!). I’ve also been spending a LOT of time at my computer. I’ve come to call it my task-Mac-ster! Do You Own a ‘Vintage’ Home? “What once was old is new again” – that could be good news to those of you who live in homes built in the 1960s or before, if your home still retains its original character. I answer real estate questions on a site called Trulia, and recently someone wrote in complaining that all the granite and stainless steel remodels going on are ruining the character of older homes. He said people want ‘retro-cool Mad Men style’, and that he would ...
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By Joetta Fort, Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder
(The DiGiorgio Group)
One of the most popular hangouts in Olde Town Arvada is the D-Note.  They have food, music, Baby Boogie, Zumba - just to mention a few. All this in a historic brick building right on Grandview, the heart of Arvada. The D Note is such a big part of Olde Town Arvada's life that it would be hard to talk about everything they do in one post. Check out the link above for more. I went to the D Note a few weeks ago with my family and a bunch of friends to see an acapella band called Cool Shooz. They packed the place out, and were as good and as entertaining as I'd heard they were. If you read my posts much you'll notice a lot of bands lately. I've been lucky to be able to enjoy all this great music in several venues between Denver and Boulder. I hope to catch Cool Shooz again some time soon! M...
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By GARY DIGIORGIO -Denver- Arvada -Westminster, REOptions LLC
(THE DIGIORGIO GROUP /(303) 898 - GARY (4279))
There is a question to be contended with  !!! I am trying to put myself in a buyers shoes whos looking to find the lowest priced home, that they want, in Denver. So If I'm a buyer what do I google ?? Do I google one of the following ?? 1. How to find the best priced homes in Denver. 2. Best priced homes in Denver. 3. Most home for your money in Denver. Perhaps our AR bloggers have a better question for Mr. Google..  Please !!! share with da group!!! Thanks Gary DiGiorgio The DiGiorgio Group 9035 Wadsworth pkwy 2000 Westminster.Co 80021 Direct 303 898 4279 Office 303 422 5200 fx 303 467 0211   Serving and selling Denver for over 11,000 days ARVADA***GOLDEN***THORNTON***WESTMINSTER I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR REFERRALS
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By GARY DIGIORGIO -Denver- Arvada -Westminster, REOptions LLC
(THE DIGIORGIO GROUP /(303) 898 - GARY (4279))
I'm doing an open house on Saturday and just thought to ask the world on some tips. I've done a hundred open houses, yet looking for the TOP GUN  method of doing an open house. Here are 20 Top Gun REALTOR Ideas for a successful open house. OBTW.. My open house is at 13046 W. 78th Cir,Arvada ,Co 80005--Google it !!! Blog about it on AR Email invites Facebook it Place a sign in the yard a few days earilier to advertize Send out snail mail invites to neighbors Have FOOD Hand out personal invites to your peeps..cleaners grocery, gas station Twitter if you twitter Stay open till 5 pm Set up a road block - NOT Bottle water with Agents name on it Have a CMA on the home Have available homes in area BIG BALLOONS !! Email fliers to your agent peeps Have a raffle to get the attendees names... Free...
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By GARY DIGIORGIO -Denver- Arvada -Westminster, REOptions LLC
(THE DIGIORGIO GROUP /(303) 898 - GARY (4279))
In today's Real Estate market we all need to be the best we can be. I loved the Army slogan " We are looking for a few good men ( women)". We as Real Estate professional need to be on top of our game. We must be educated, skilled and ready for battle. I am reminded of the movie "Top Gun ". The pilots at Top Gun were the best of the best. They were at the top of their class. We must be at the top of the class to do the best we can for our buyer and sellers. Below are a few best of the best , from movies. Take a peak and send me your best of the best actor movie ! Angelina Jolie in ...Wanted Matt Damon in ...Bourne Identity Jennifer Garner in ....Alias George Clooney in ..Michael Clayton Jennifer Aniston in ... Rumor has it Tom Cruise in ...Top Gun Catherine Zeta -Jones in.. Entrapment So...
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By GARY DIGIORGIO -Denver- Arvada -Westminster, REOptions LLC
(THE DIGIORGIO GROUP /(303) 898 - GARY (4279))
A Smart Buyer will arrive at this spectacular home in Arvada and see its great location.. on a cal de sac and backing to a green belt. They will enter and see a gorgeous upgraded kitchen. They will see the upper three bedrooms and two in the basement. They will see the real value in the fine basement finishes. They will love the new custom wood window. They will be able to see themselves sitting on the rear deck, enjoying the pm shade and the quietness of the greenbelts.. aaaaaa They will totally agree that the home is worth 250 k and are so excited to buy it for 200,000...with the seller paying their close cost... and then they will say...where do we sign  Are you that smart buyer ?? me ..Gary 303 898 4279 ~~~~ today   Area: JNC Jeff No Central     Architecture: Traditional Sub A...
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By Joetta Fort, Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder
(The DiGiorgio Group)
I recently had the pleasure of showing an older home (1961) in one of Arvada's charming neighborhoods. The seller was the original owner. Consequently, there were a lot of original features. The oven, for one. This oven was so cool - pretty good sized, and the oven door swung up instead of out. That's because the burners were in a drawer that pulled out from under the oven.  Crazy cool! But is that oven a keeper?  It was super clean, and it worked. But it probably used a lot more energy than a newer model. I don't know if anything like it can be found, so it may get replaced. I think it would depend on how much cooking people do. Me? I'd keep it! The kitchen counters had the 'boomerang' style decoration. Unfortunately, they were pretty banged up, and there was room for more cupboards an...
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By Joetta Fort, Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder
(The DiGiorgio Group)
The other day, I saw this comment about remodeling a vintage home to flip it on a real estate web site called Trulia:   "If it's vintage, pre-1980's, just clean it, update the HVAC, and leave it alone!!! When I go into these homes and see "updated" granite counters, cherry cabs, stainless (or worse, Sam's club) appliances, 9 times of 10 I walk. The fix 'n flip worked years ago, but now it's so overexposed it has become a detriment. If it's a great floorplan, but I see these "upgrades" I think "lowball offer". Retro cool & "Mad Men" is changing what people are looking for, and by throwing that stuff out, you're shooting yourself in the foot. Vintage?"   A lot of the people responding defended the standard practices of fix & flippers, based on their need to sell the home and make money. I...
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By Joetta Fort, Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder
(The DiGiorgio Group)
  Tennyson Park in Arvada Colorado has a lot of unique features to offer. Homes in Tennyson Park are almost new, yet established enough to have full-sized trees lining the streets and shading the grassy yards. Most of Arvada's newer neighborhoods are on the more-expensive western side. But in Tennyson Park, you can get more newer house for the money. Plus, if you will need to get on I-25 to head to Denver, Fort Collins, or you'll be at the airport more than a couple of times a year, this is a better location than neighborhoods farther west. Tennyson Park has 2-story and ranch-style homes. There are 103 2-story homes, and six ranch style (one level homes).  They range in size from 1,356 to 2,147 square feet. Some of the lots are quite small, essentially patio home size. That's a big nega...
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By Joetta Fort, Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder
(The DiGiorgio Group)
The parade of new bloomers is slowing down as we head into late summer, so I haven't been able to post a favorite plant to my Facebook account every day. But there's still a lot of beauty out in my Arvada backyard so I'm gonna keep sharing until it's all over.  This is the ninth post in a series. If you haven't been keeping up, you can go back and read my first post about Gardening Between Denver and Boulder, and from there go to the second, third,etc. Or go on to the tenth Gardening Between Denver and Boulder post. If you are a Colorado gardener, especially in the area between Denver and Boulder, I'd love to hear about your favorite plants. July 20 - Fav plant of the day - lily silk road - she towers over my head and gives a fragrance that perfumes the whole bed! I planted this fall of...
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By GARY DIGIORGIO -Denver- Arvada -Westminster, REOptions LLC
(THE DIGIORGIO GROUP /(303) 898 - GARY (4279))
After working over 11,000 days in Real Estate. The number one question I hear almost daily is... I have been in Real Estate for 11,000 plus days. I run into hundreds of people each  year. I love to talk real estate and answer questions on real estate. I hear questions like ..What are the interest rates?  Are homes selling? How are you doing in real estate.? Has the market hit the bottom?  When are going to come out of this market? Where is the market heading ? Is this good time to buy? The number one question that I'm asked is.... Can I see your ID.. hummm got cha !!!   Seriously, as a real estate professional, I must know my statistics. Below are the Denver MLS stats. I would state for the records our market is down from the previous month, 5-7 %. I would also like to make a prediction...
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By Joetta Fort, Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder
(The DiGiorgio Group)
The Colorado Renaissance Festival in Larkspur, Colorado is great fun, but the 2010 season will soon be at an end!  The last weekend is July31/August 1. Even their website is fun - you can get all the info you need there, so I'm just going to share some of my pictures here and encourage you to take a day and get out there before it's too late.  Colorado Renaissance Festival My daughter and her hubby have loved their annual trek to the Festival for about a decade now, but it took a few years for her to convince me to spend a day in Larkspur. I don't enjoy most 'festivals' because they're all about selling stuff I don't want, and very little entertainment. But I grudgingly went in 2009 (most of my pics are from 2009, I'm just now getting the post written!), and I was eager to go again this...
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