
Estes Park, CO Real Estate News

By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
This is the July 2017 Real Estate Market Report for Homes for Sale in Fort Collins CO Zip Code 80528  The 80528 zip code for Fort Collins CO encompasses the southeast section of the city , where most of the recent growth in Fort Collins has occurred. The area is very popular with buyers, and offers many new and newer neighborhoods, significant on-going new home construction, and extensive commercial development. The availability of homes for sale in the 80528 zip code continues to be insufficient to satisfy strong buyer demand. There are only 66 homes on the market, priced from a low of $350,000 to a high of $1,700,000. There are another 42 homes under contract and waiting to close.  Low inventory has had an effect on home sales in the 80528 zip code so far this year - there have been 1...
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By RJ Baxter, 303-670-0137
(Clear Path Home Loans)
Special Government Rehab Program- FHA 203K Rehab Loans in Estes Park CO. This article will explain the little-known special government loan program that is part of FHA (Federal Housing Administration- a department within HUD). A home buyer or existing home owner can remodel or update their home without having a higher cost second lien thanks to this special FHA loan program. "Luxury items" like a hot tub and a swimming pool are not allowed by this FHA loan program. You can repaint, remodel cabinetry in kitchens and bathrooms, replace appliances and flooring, add wallpaper, or even add a room to an existing structure (which will increase the value of your home because of more square footage). The biggest advantage with this government loan program is that instead of having two higher in...
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By RJ Baxter, 303-670-0137
(Clear Path Home Loans)
VA Mortgage Loans in Estes Park Colorado and 100% financing on VA Loans - the best loan program and loan payment in the country! Designed for both active duty military and honorable discharged Veterans, VA Mortgage Loans are one of the best mortgage loan programs available today. Here are some of the highlights of this incredible program: - 100% financing, no down payment required. - Monthly mortgage insurance is not tacked on to your payment. - Compared to other types of mortgage loans, easier credit-qualifying requirements. - Low fixed mortgage rates result in a low monthly payment. So how do you qualify for a VA Mortgage Loan in Estes Park Colorado? The first step is to verify your eligibility. Eligibility is verified by ordering your Certificate of Eligibility or COE. A Colorado VA...
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By RJ Baxter, 303-670-0137
(Clear Path Home Loans)
Buying a Colorado Home? Interested in 100% financing? Check out the USDA Loan program in Estes Park Colorado, a smart choice for your home financing. The Estes Park Colorado USDA Loan program has the following highlights: - 100% financing, meaning no down payment is required. It's possible to get into your home with nothing out of your pocket including closing costs! - Mortgage rates are low on the USDA program which comparing to other types of financing- Estes Park CO USDA Rate Quote - Monthly mortgage insurance is very low compared to other programs - Just .4% of the loan amount per year as of July 2013. - Save an even more, over $100/mo on average, by using the Colorado Home buyer tax credit. We are one of only a few lenders who can offer the tax credit! Call for details 303-670-0137...
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By Lisa VonBargen, Estes Park Real Estate Photographer
The Big Band Bash is an all day FREE concert at Performance Park in Estes Park on Sunday, June 24 from Noon to 8PM.We will be featuring some of the best Big Band, Swing and Jazz Bands from Colorado! Here’s our lineup:Noon:        MCC Big Band1PM:        Estes Village Big Band2PM:        Just for Kicks3PM:        Don Elwood Big Band4PM:        Kream of the Krop5PM:        Colorado Swing Big Band6PM:        John Mills Orchestra featuring Rick Blessing on vocals....and our amazing headliner band from Denver...7PM:        Metropolitan Jazz OrchestraBetween bands there will be drawings for restaurant gift certificates including a $100.00 gift certificate to Orlando’s Steak House!Performance Park is located at 417 West Elkhorn Avenue (HWY 34) behind the Big Horn Restaurant across the pedestri...
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By Rob Lang, Local Expert in NE Central Kansas Real Estate Home
(At Home Kansas)
One of the best places my family has stayed in while visiting Colorado is the Hermit Park Open Space Cabins.  The camper cabins are in Larimer County's Open Space.  They aren't exactly luxury- porta potties and no running water, but you do have propane lights and heat.  The cabins are only about 20 minutes away from Rocky Mountain National Park and even less for the town of Estes Park. Most of the Hermit Park cabins have two sets of double bunk beds, a table, outdoor picnic table, and a covered porch.  For around only $86 a night or so for the cabin and park permit, it's a great price for being so close to Rocky Mountain National Park and Estes Park!    
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By Rob Lang, Local Expert in NE Central Kansas Real Estate Home
(At Home Kansas)
  Colorado is one of my favorite places to visit.  There is so much to see and do there, especially outdoors.  The picture above is of my son and his children as they walked along a trail in Rocky Mountain National Park.  They took many beautiful pictures on their trip of waterfalls, rivers, flowers, and snow capped mountains.    
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By Patty Clark, Helping Families Move with Care
(Morningside Homes, LLC 720-231-5200)
The Elks are out and about these days.  It seems like the males are getting possessive. The pictures where shot in Estes Park at the golf course along Fish Creek Rd., by the two lakes when you drop down into Estes Park   The larger of the two elk had a harem of ladies around the corner and according to some other people, he had been running smaller bulls off all day to keep them away from his girls. Then this 6X6 bull decided he was going to challenge the bigger bull which was a 6X7 with more body weight and he ended up getting his butt kicked. The fight lasted about 7-8 minutes and then the loser made a mad dash out of there with the bigger bull right on his butt. We were up on a road about 60 yards away. It was quite exciting watching and listening to their antlers clash. Pictures and...
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By Patty Clark, Helping Families Move with Care
(Morningside Homes, LLC 720-231-5200)
I feel that there is no place as peaceful and beautiful at this time of year than in the mountains of Colorado.We were fortunate enough to spend a Sunday with a group of 40 of our good friends in the mountains of Estes Park and one of the best parts of the day is no cell phone reception!The picnic grounds allowed us to explore the hiking trails, long walks around the fishing lake and BBQ pits.We all brought dishes to share so there was plenty of food to go around.Games were played and we had music to dance to,.Since the group are all dancers we started the line dancing in the dirt with tennis shoes on.And best of all we got to visit with each other and catch up with our lives.Until next year when we do it for the 4th annual picnic.......
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By Sherilyn M. Whistler, Need a Referral, Call Me !
(ERA Herman Group Real Estate-NoCo)
Statistics for Estes Park Prepared 08/12/2011   1 Qtr. (2011) Category # Sold Sales Volume Avg Price Median Price* Residential 43 13,676,270 318,052 297,500 Attached 14 3,751,000 267,928 226,000 Income 2 433,000 216,500 N/A Lease 1 23 23 N/A Commercial 2 420,000 210,000 N/A Vacant Land 3 242,500 80,833 N/A Farms 0 0 0 0   2 Qtr. (2011) Category # Sold Sales Volume Avg Price Median Price* Residential 50 20,178,839 403,576 326,448 Attached 13 3,887,300 299,023 251,000 Income 0 0 0 0 Lease 0 0 0 N/A Commercial 0 0 0 0 Vacant Land 5 912,500 182,500 131,000 Farms 0 0 0 0   3 Qtr. (2011) Category # Sold Sales Volume Avg Price Median Price* Residential 30 9,657,686 321,922 300,000 Attached 7 1,994,500 284,928 289,000 Income 1 375,000 375,000 N/A Lease 0 0 0 N/A Commercial 0 0 0 0 Vacant Land ...
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By Gerald Mayo, Mr. Estes Park
(Prudential Team Realty)
Colorado has a small moose population that is growing.  Typically the few moose that we have can be found on the Western Slope or the West side of the Continental Divide if you know where to look.  Occasionally over the past few years we have had some bulls that wander over to the Eastern side of the Continental Divide looking for love.  Once they figure out they are lost they typically head back up the Poudre Canyon for the West side. Recently we have had some sightings of some moose around Estes Park.  This cow along with her calf have been wandering around town.  The first sighting I heard of was by the big slide at 7:00 AM on Sunday morning.  The next day by the Catholic Church and moving North.  I captured this shot while the cow and her calf were resting at the MacGregor Ranch Nor...
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By Lisa VonBargen, Estes Park Real Estate Photographer
Greetings from Estes Park! This morning the sunrise was so amazing, i just had to grab my camera and head outside to capture it. The light was so pink that it made the snowcapped mountains have a rosy glow!  
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By Lisa VonBargen, Estes Park Real Estate Photographer
Greetings from Estes Park! The Estes Park High School Jazz Band and the Estes Park Village Big Band will present a combined concert this Monday evening at 7PM in the High School Auditorium. The kids have been rehearsing twice a week at 7AM for two months for this concert...the Village Big Band is bringing in "ringers" to keep up...
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By Lisa VonBargen, Estes Park Real Estate Photographer
Greetings from Estes Park! The Estes Park High School Band under the direction of Chuck Varilek and UNC student teacher, Leigh Thielen, participated in the Colorado Bandmaster's Association Contest event yesterday in at Fossil Ridge High School in Ft. Collins, Colorado. They performed three selections for the event. After judging, the band had the opportunity to have a workshop with a guest conductor on the pieces just performed. It was a great experience for the students!
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By Nanci Garnand, REAL Broker LLC * Helping Buyers and Sellers
(REAL Broker LLC)
There were 9 new listings this past week in Larimer County. ( 2 of them land with no house)  Great places to camp, dream about building or just enjoy. Estes Park had 3 listings, Livermore had 2, the rest of the communities had 1: Bellvue, Berthoud, Fort Collins, Loveland & Wellington. FREE Market Watch at   Keep an eye on the new listings coming on the market on a daily basis. Pick of the day is in Estes for $1,495,000  on 2661 Eagle Rock Dr.
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By Nanci Garnand, REAL Broker LLC * Helping Buyers and Sellers
(REAL Broker LLC)
It is starting to feel like summertime in the Rockies. There are 19 new listings this week on 2 acres or more. Covering from Red Feather Lakes, to Wellington, Fort Collins, Estes Park, Loveland and Berthoud. Prices range from $155,000 in Estes Parkt to $1,950,000 in Loveland. Start "Window Shopping" and receive your FREE Market Watch at: Pick of the day is at 3438 Taliesin Way • Fort Collins for $1,490,000. on 2 acres. The house is 10,741 sp feet. No, that is NOT a typo. View at: Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.
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By Lisa VonBargen, Estes Park Real Estate Photographer
Greetings from Estes Park! Nineteen members of the Estes Park High School Band were chosen as members of the Patriot League Honor Band. In addition, nine more members of the band were chosen to the League Honor Ensembles. The Honor Band and Ensembles presented a concert on Monday, January 24 at the Union Colony Civic Center in Greeley. Students rehearsed all day with guest directors and presented a concert that evening. Students were chosen by video-taped auditions, being evaluated on performance skills on scales, etudes and sight-reading. Students selected to the band include: Kimberly Barosh and Michelle McQuinn, flute; Kimberly Hansen, Taylor Bobowski and Audrey Ault, clarinet; Cain Bratrud, bass clarinet; Jennifer Klink and Wulfgar Pfaus-Novak, alto sax; Dylan Childs, tenor sax; Aus...
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By Lisa VonBargen, Estes Park Real Estate Photographer
Greetings from Estes Park! It's really cold here today, but sunny...and apparently a little windy at 14,000 feet above sea level! This is what Meeker and Long's Peak looked like on my way home from dropping the boys off at school this morning...
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By Lisa VonBargen, Estes Park Real Estate Photographer
Greetings from Estes Park! Chuck Varilek and the Estes Park Band program would like to welcome their student teacher, Leigh Thielen, to Estes Park. Ms. Thielen is a senior in music education at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley and will be graduating in the spring after completing her student teaching requirement here in Estes Park. Leigh grew up in Steamboat Springs. While attending school in there, she participated in basketball, softball, band, peer tutoring and was a member of the National Honor Society, graduating in the top 5% of her class. Ms. Thielens’s music education began in the clarinet section in 5th grade. She played in her high school concert band all four years, and joined the jazz band in her senior year. Leigh describes a unique experience as a Steamboat S...
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By Lisa VonBargen, Estes Park Real Estate Photographer
Greetings from Estes Park! After I dropped the boys off at school this morning, I couldn't resist driving out on HWY 7 to get a shot of Meeker and Long's Peaks with the clouds blowing across them...and the morning sun shining sideways across the sky. I was out of the car just long enough to take a photo or two, with the temperature right at zero and 60 mph was a little chilly!
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