Mary & Dick - Residential Real Estate in Northern Colorado. Using the latest technology, attention to your needs, and plain old hard work to get the real estate results you're looking for.
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Jon is an experienced real estate agent, representing both buyers and sellers in the northern Colorado region serving Fort Collins, Loveland, Windsor, Severence, and Wellington.
By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
As is often the case in Eagle Lake, a gated north-side neighborhood of only 88 custom-built homes on large lots, there are no homes currently for sale, and no homes under contract and waiting to close. When homes do become available, however, they tend to sell attract significant buyer interest.Our mosy recent real estate market update - Eagle Lake Fort Collins CO - takes an in-depth look at sales, price and inventory trends over the last 3 years, and will also display detailed listing information for homes as they do come on the market.
By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
With only 88 homes in this lovely neighborhood of custom homes on large lots, there are typically few or none for sale at any given time, and there are none currently on the market. But Eagle Lake's unique qualities make this a neighborhood worth watching, and our latest real estate market update - Eagle Lake Fort Collins CO - can help do that. There are links to detailed listing information, updated and always current, that will appear there whenever homes do become available. And we have also provided an in-depth look at sales, price and inventory trends for the neighborhood over the last three years.
By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
As a small custom home neighborhood - there are only 88 lots - the inventory of homes available for sale has always been limited in Eagle Lake. Buyer interest remains high, though, as large 2+ acre lots, wonderful views, and unique recreational amenities offer much sought-after features not often found in this price range. Our latest market update - Eagle Lake Homes for Sale - takes a look at recent sales, price and inventory trends, and when homes are available for sale, provides detailed, updated and always current listing information for those homes.
By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
As a small subdivision with only 88 homes, real estate activity in the neighborhood has always been limited. But with lovely custom homes, all lots over 2 acres, and access to three lakes, buyer interest remains high. Our latest market update - Homes for Sale in Eagle Lake - offers an in-depth look at recent sales, price and inventory trends, and when homes are for sale, detailed listing information for them, always updated and current, is available as well.
By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
12 years ago today, we closed on the purchase of our home, and today, we close on its sale. While we’re excited to be starting a new chapter in our lives, we’re all really going to miss the place. Yesterday evening, we went over to do a final walk-through, say goodbye and thanks to a wonderful home, and let the big guys have a last swim in the lake. After a very chaotic week of moving to a new home, it was exactly what they needed. They had a great time, swam until they were exhausted, and even Mario went wading. Now, it’s on to the business of adapting to a new home, discovering new smells, new sounds and new routes to walk. And we’ll find new places to go swimming too, just as soon as we get these *#%%*!! boxes unpacked.
By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
It's Monday, so I ought to be posting a market report, but I'm running a bit low on those and don't feel like writing one at the moment. And it's Memorial Day and others have already expressed their and my feelings of gratitude more eloquently than I could have. That leaves me with this curiously flattened rainbow that appeared yesterday after a brief thundershower. I asked Science what the deal was, and apparently there's nothing special about this - the size and shape of rainbows just depends on the position of the sun - but it still looked unusual, and gave me something marginally good enough for a blog post. For those of you disappointed about the market reports, I promise to post one tomorrow.
By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
When the desperate, lazy and unprincipled wake up on Sunday morning and realize they got nuthin', they grab their camera, go take a picture, and do a Speechless Sunday post, making sure to add at least 50 words so they can get their precious points. So it has been and so it shall always be. To honor that tradition, here's a picture of a small hawk that showed up looking for some tiny animals to eat. After posing for his minute of fame, he was encouraged to seek sustenance elsewhere.