Summer Blooms
By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
The timing for Belinda's Summer Bloom contest couldn't be worse for us, having moved into our newly-built home just 6 weeks ago. We're just getting started with our landscaping, but we have managed to install a sprinkler system, sod and mulch. The rest is on the agenda for this fall and next spring, and we're really excited about it. It took us 10 of our 12 years at the old place to get it right, learning from our many mistakes, but we have all of that experience working for us now. We're much wiser about gardening and it shouldn't take more than 7-8 years of mistakes this time around. All of the garden centers will be having huge sales in trees and shrubs in a couple of weeks, so we're currently arguing about what kind of trees we want and where they should go. But at least we're in a...