Waterleaf Real Estate Market Report
By NoCo Home Team, Sell Smart, Buy Wise & Live Well in Nrthn Colorado
(C3 Real Estate Solutions)
Waterleaf Real Estate Market Report The NoCo Home Team Perspective Statistics are great but what does it all mean? Here is our take on this Waterleaf Real Estate Market Report: At the risk of being boring, there isn’t much exciting about the statistics for Waterleaf. It has maintained a steady market price and has sold a respectable number of homes this year, although it is down from 16 in 2010 to 9 this year. As the new construction finishes it makes sense to see a decline and we expect to see the number of Waterleaf homes sold to decrease further over the next year and then potentially level out in a few years when current owners start to sell or relocate. Waterleaf is another new home community located on the Southeast side of Fort Collins and offering energy-efficient homes ra...