
Fort Collins, CO Real Estate News

By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
There is one home for sale currently in Brown Farm, a 4 bedroom 4-level priced at $409,900. We should be emerging from the slower winter season over the next couple of months and will hopefully see some more inventory for this neighborhood. But as prices rise, Brown Farm is rapidly losing its appeal as a good place to find nice affordable homes. Our recent market report - Brown Farm Fort Collins CO Homes for Sale - has sales and price trend data, along with real-time access to listing data for what's currently on the market.
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
Fort Collins area home buyers will find the substantial inventory of new homes to be a good alternative to the on-going shortage of resale homes for sale, at least for homes in the over-$300K range. Our recent market report - Fort Collins CO New Homes for Sale - has current sales and price trend data and access to listing information, updated in real-time, for the full MLS inventory of new homes.
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
Home buyers searching for a special home, one with a custom design on a larger lot, with high quality finishes and unique features, will be pleased with the range of available inventory and the moderate buyer's market conditions they will encounter in Fort Collins CO. Our recent market report - Fort Collins CO Luxury Homes for Sale - offers sales and price trend data, as well as listing information, updated in real time, for the full current inventory.
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
Home buyers looking for an affordable alternative to pricier single-family homes, or those seeking low-maintenance living solutions, will find useful current sales and price trend data in our latest market report - Fort Collins CO Condos and Town Homes for Sale - along with full listing information for what's currently on the market - always updated for real-time results.
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
The market for affordable homes in Fort Collins is a difficult one at the present time. Inventory is extremely limited, while demand remains high from first-time home buyers, renters seeking better alternatives, those with budget constraints and investors. Success in this market requires close attention to the market, prearranged financing, and a willingness to act quickly when a good opportunity arises. Our most recent market report - Fort Collins CO Affordable Homes for Sale - provides sales and price trend data, as well as access to listing data for the current inventory, always updated in real-time.
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
If a larger lot or some acreage ranks high on your list of features for your new home, you will be pleased to find that there is a nice inventory available for your consideration in Fort Collins CO. And in the coming months, that inventory should grow, as we enter a traditionally busier time for these properties. Take a look at our latest market update  - Fort Collins CO Acreage Homes for Sale - for information on sales and price trends, as well as access to real-time listing data for the complete current inventory.
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
Home buyers searching for a bigger home to accommodate a large or growing family, frequent house guests or a home office will find a nice inventory of five bedroom homes available to consider in Fort Collins CO. Our recent market report -  Fort Collins CO Five Bedroom Homes for Sale - provides sales and price trend data, as well as access to listing information for the complete inventory - updated in real time - for these homes.
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
Interest in four bedroom homes has always been strong in the Fort Collins real estate market. These homes satisfy a variety of buyer needs and there is usually a large inventory to choose from. If your home search includes four bedroom homes, our recent market report - Fort Collins CO Four Bedroom Homes for Sale - has information on sales and price trends as well as real-time listing data for all of these homes currently on the market.
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
Three bedroom homes enjoy wide appeal with home buyers because of their versatility in meeting a broad range of housing needs. There is usually a good inventory available - they make up the largest segment of homes currently for sale - so if you are curious about these homes, our recent market report - Fort Collins CO Three Bedroom Homes for Sale - provides detailed sales and price trends along with real-time listing information on all of these homes currently for sale.
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
Two bedroom homes - of interest to first-time home-buyers as well as those seeking an alternative to condos and townhomes - make up a small but intriguing segment of the overall Fort Collins real estate market. If these homes might work for you, check out our latest market report - Two-Bedroom Homes for Sale in Fort Collins CO - for a look at sales and price trends and real-time access to all of the current listings.
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By Joyce Giard, RE/MAX Alliance - Fort Collins Realtor
(RE/MAX Alliance)
Today's jobs report crushed expectations adding 313,000 jobs if February.  Fort Collins is no exception when it comes to a booming job market.  The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Unemployment Rate in Fort Collins, CO was at 2.5% in December.  This is the 12th straight month with an unemployment rate under 3%
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
With sales and inventory both heading in a positive direction, it appears that the busier spring real estate market has stuck its head out of its burrow and hasn’t seen its shadow yet. Check out our latest market report - The Fort Collins CO March 2018 Real Estate Market Update - to make your own guess as to where the market may be heading.
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By Joyce Giard, RE/MAX Alliance - Fort Collins Realtor
(RE/MAX Alliance)
Let’s face it, the only thing that is constant is change. Each life circumstance has a situation that may require you to change your residence, and that’s when it’s time to “right size” your home.  Life happens: we get married, have children, have blended families, kids move out, parents move in.  Maybe you are not interested in living in a construction zone for months as you prepare for your new twins or Mom and Dad moving in with you.  Maybe you don't want to have all those empty bedrooms you don't use anymore because you suddenly find yourself empty nesters.  Maybe you have retired, want to travel the world, and you need a maintenance free patio home you can leave for weeks at a time without worry (a very popular trend by the way).If you find yourself needing to “right size”, call me...
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
We publish market reports for all of the Fort Collins CO zip codes, so those home buyers using this convenient approach for searching by geographic area will find detailed and useful sales, price and inventory data, along with access to the complete current inventory of homes for sale in each zip code. Click on the zip code you're intered in for the most recent update: Zip Code 80521Zip Code 80524Zip Code 80525Zip Code 80526Zip Code 80528
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
This small neighborhood of 88 homes on large lots in NE Fort Collins only offers a few homes for sale each year, but they almost always are greeted enthusiastically by buyers attracted by the unique setting and nice custom homes. Our latest market report - Eagle Lake Fort Collins CO Homes for Sale - January 2018 - tracks last year's sales activity and has full information on currently available homes for sale.
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
Harvest Park, a uniquely designed, well-located and highly popular southeast Fort Collins neighborhood, has experienced very low inventory levels for several years now, and as can be see by our recent market report - The Harvest Fort Collins CO Homes for Sale - January 2018 - prices have risen sharply in response. Check it out for a look at the impact on prices and sales, as well as the complete current inventory of homes now on the market.
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
Like many similar Fort Collins neighborhoods, Westchase has seen its real estate activity constrained by a lack of available homes for sale. Our most recent market report - Westchase Fort Collins CO Homes for Sale - January 2018 - provides a detailed look at what happened in 2017 with sales and price trends, along with access to the complete inventory of homes currently for sale.
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
Even with rising prices, Old Town Fort Collins continues to be one of Fort Collins' most popular locations for home buyers, attracted by its location, charm and lovely period homes. Its always active real estate market had a good year in 2017, as shown in our latest market update - Old Town Fort Collins CO Homes for Sale - January 2018 - where you will find detailed sales and price information, along with a look at the complete current inventory.
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
Once known for its abundance of affordable homes, low inventory and high demand have driven up prices in Brown Farm. Nonetheless, 2017 was a good year for sales in the neighborhood, as can be seen from our recent market report - Brown Farm Fort Collins CO Homes for Sale - January 2018 - which provides a detailed look at what happened with sales and prices in the neighborhood, as well as access to the complete current inventory.
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