Greeley CO Homes on Acreage for Sale - December 2015
By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
This is the December 2015 Real Estate Market Report for Homes on Acreage for Sale in Greeley CO If you're tired of feeling crowded by your neighbors and are looking for some elbow room and a bit more peace and quiet with some nice views and maybe the opportunity to have some horses or do a 4-H project with your kids, you'll want to check out Homes with Acreage for Sale in Greeley CO. There are currently 65 acreage properties for sale in the Greeley area, ranging in price from a low of $200,000 to a high of $2,349,000, offering a nice range of sizes, styles, locations and features. 24 of these homes, about 37%, are identified as horse property, and may already have barns, paddocks, fenced pasture and other facilities in place. Sales of homes on acreage in the Greeley area have been good...