Friday Flags A Giant Sized Flag in Cheshire CT
By Ed Silva, 203-206-0754, Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally
(Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 )
Friday Flags A Giant Sized Flag in Cheshire CTI pass a Cheshire CT business often, House of Doors, where one can buy any type of replacement door imaginable. They have a rather large guardian that doubles as their flagpole.This Paul Bunyan statue was once one of the many story images that lined the entrance of the old Danbury Fairgrounds, long since replaced by a mall, that may not be the heathiest with the online shopping reality we live in today.He does get noticed on his resent spot and I will give a quick wave when I pass by, probably more so for the flag. Friday Flags A Giant Sized Flag in Cheshire CT