
Greenwich, CT Real Estate News

By Eric L. Green, Your IRS Tax Litigator
(Tax Rep LLC)
The focus of our practice is civil and criminal taxpayer representation,as well as assisting taxpayers with foreign bank account issues, and we see many taxpayers in Greenwich, Connecticut who are dealing with reporting foreign bank accounts and dealing with related issues.   It was just announced that The United States has signed an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Italy to implement the Foreign Account Compliance Act (FATCA). The two countries have had a long-standing and close relationship with respect to mutual assistance in tax matters and they entered into the agreement to improve international tax compliance by further building on that relationship. FATCA is intended to obtain information on accounts held by U.S. taxpayers in other countries. It requires U.S. financial inst...
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By Eric L. Green, Your IRS Tax Litigator
(Tax Rep LLC)
The focus of our practice is civil and criminal taxpayer representation, and we see many taxpayers in Greenwich, Connecticut  and New York who are struggling with back tax burdens. New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has announced details of a more-than-$2-billion tax relief proposal that targets corporate (franchise) income, personal income, property, and estate taxes, as well as the temporary utility assessment, and is designed to increase economic opportunity and attract and grow businesses across the state. The plan also includes simplification of the tax code. Key points of the proposal are: the elimination of the corporate income tax on upstate manufacturers; a refundable credit against corporate and personal income taxes for manufacturers that would be equal to 20% of a firm’s annual r...
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By John Anello, Stamford Area Electrician, Call Safe and Sound Electric at 203-536-0021
(Safe and Sound Electric LLC)
Google Plus is a social media platform that many people do not know about.  The joke is that only Google employees use it.  It is much newer than Facebook, and has just a small fraction of Facebook’s one billion users.  If so few people use it, why should we put time and effort into building and maintaining a Google Plus business page?     The answer is that Google+ is important because Google thinks it is important.   Several years ago, the company paid people to drive around in special cars with cameras mounted on the roof and record and map every major street in the world.  We can only imagine how much such an endeavor would cost, and then add a few lawsuits to that total.  Google did this because they understand how important maps are in a digital world.  Once they mapped out most o...
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By John Anello, Stamford Area Electrician, Call Safe and Sound Electric at 203-536-0021
(Safe and Sound Electric LLC)
Portable generators are a hot item these days, and safety is a very important element when operating one of these units in Greenwich, CT.   The proper placement of the generator when it is running is critical to safe operation.  The operating instructions for many units state that the portable generator is not to be exposed to rain or other elements.  So, many people place the generator in an area with less than ideal ventilation, such as an open garage, or under an overhang and create a potentially harmful situation.  Without proper ventilation, the exhaust fumes can be extremely dangerous, and even deadly.  According to the Town of Greenwich, CT the proper placement of a generator must be at least six feet from any opening, door, window, vent, or any flammable materials.  These units ...
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By David Popoff, Realtor®,SRS, Green ~ Fairfield County, Ct
(DMK Real Estate )
Home Sales Are UP in Greenwich, Ct. ~ Real Estate Year End Report 2013. Jan 9th, 2014. Single family home sales on the Greenwich MLS are up 10% in 2013 compared to 2012 with a total of 642 sold vs. 2012 of 580. The average selling price for a single family home in Greenwich for 2013 was $2,248,900 down 5% when compared to 2012. The number of condominium units sold in Greenwich soared a whopping 44% compared to 2012 with a total number of units sold at 168 with an average sales price of $845,719. Currently on the GMLS there are 378 single family homes for sale ranging in price from $425,000 up to $140 million for a 50 acre waterfront estate. Along with that there are 74 Condos and Co-ops currently listed on the GMLS ranging in price from $195,000 up to $4.9 million.       To find home fo...
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By Grant Schneider, Your Coach Helping You Create Successful Outcomes
(Performance Development Strategies)
If you have not already done so please stop by and read the blogs of Active Rain newbie John Anello.   John is an electrical contractor in Fairfield County Connecticut.  His business is built on service and education.  John is a third generation contractor with roots in his community of Greenwich CT, Riverside CT, and Lower Fairfield County. John is active in the local Stamford Chamber of Commerce where I met him and invited him to join Active Rain. I am impressed with John’s New Years activity and look forward to inviting him to the next Active Rain Meet Up.  Here is a video from John’s website at
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By Eric L. Green, Your IRS Tax Litigator
(Tax Rep LLC)
The focus of our practice is civil and criminal taxpayer representation, and we have represented many taxpayer's involved with foreign bank accounts in Greenwich, Connecticut  and New York, New York.   The increased focus on international tax enforcement by both the IRS and the Department of Justice comes as no surprise.  However, the speed at which the United States Government has been able to improve its relationship and obtain information regarding foreign bank accounts held by US taxpayers from foreign governments has been most impressive. The Department of Justice recently announced a program that will encourage Swiss banks to cooperate in the department’s ongoing investigations of the use of foreign bank accounts to commit tax evasion. The department also released a joint statemen...
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By Eric L. Green, Your IRS Tax Litigator
(Tax Rep LLC)
The focus of our practice is civil and criminal taxpayer representation, and see many taxpayers in Greenwich, Connecticut who now are staring at a significant tax debt due to their spouse’s tax issues. Whether from non-filing or simply playing games with the book and records, the spouse (or soon-to-be former spouse) now has created a financial nightmare.  Does the innocent spouse have to pay the back taxes to the IRS and CT DRS?  Perhaps not. There are three forms of innocent spouse relief available from the IRS for the spouse: innocent spouse relief (IRC § 6015(b)), division of joint liability (IRC § 6015(c)), and equitable relief (IRC § 6015(f)). To seek relief under 6015(b) or 6015 (c) the spouse seeking tax relief needs to show that the liability is due to an error or omission that ...
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By Eric L. Green, Your IRS Tax Litigator
(Tax Rep LLC)
The focus of our practice is civil and criminal taxpayer representation, and see many taxpayers in Greenwich, Connecticut who have a spouse that has old IRS tax debt following them from before the relationship.  They are understandably concerned that they will be held responsible for these old IRS federal tax liabilities.  In order for a taxpayer to be liable for a tax debt that taxpayer must have signed the actual tax return file with the IRS or Connecticut Department of Revenue Services.  Therefore, the new spouse cannot be held liable for the spouse’s old IRS or CT DRS tax debts.  However, where these spouses do get dragged in to the tax problem is when the joint tax return is filed and the refund is taken to pay the debtor spouse’s back tax debt.  Often part of that refund belonged ...
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By Eric L. Green, Your IRS Tax Litigator
(Tax Rep LLC)
The focus of our practice is civil and criminal taxpayer representation, and see many taxpayers who find out about a tax debt that truly belongs to their spouse (or former spouse) in Greenwich, Connecticut. There are a few basics you need to understand about IRS federal tax liabilities and innocent spouse claims.   Do Not Just File Joint Returns with your Soon-to-be Ex   Most taxpayers realize that there are tax savings when filing a joint tax return with their spouse.  However, in signing a joint return with their spouse they are accepting responsibility for any liability that flows from that return, both on the return and any additional assessment made later, such as from an IRS audit.   Unfortunately most family law attorneys do not think about the potential tax issues when negotiati...
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By Eric L. Green, Your IRS Tax Litigator
(Tax Rep LLC)
The focus of our practice is civil and criminal taxpayer representation, and see many taxpayers who find out about a tax debt that truly belongs to their spouse (or former spouse) in Greenwich, Connecticut. There are a few basics you need to understand about IRS federal tax liabilities and innocent spouse claims.   Most taxpayers realize that there are tax savings when filing a joint tax return with their spouse.  However, in signing a joint return with their spouse they are accepting responsibility for any liability that flows from that return, both on the return and any additional assessment made later, such as from an IRS audit.   Frequently, family law attorneys contact us after the soon-to-be ex-spouses prepared and filed their joint tax returns to realize that they cannot pay the ...
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By David Popoff, Realtor®,SRS, Green ~ Fairfield County, Ct
(DMK Real Estate )
Top Websites for Real Estate Listings. What are the top national websites for Real Estate listings? It all depends on what report your read but you consistently find Zillow, Trulia, and Yahoo Homes in the top ten. InmanNews reports that the ten largest real estate listing websites capture nearly half of all traffic to U.S. real estate websites (Excludes traffic from mobile devices). If you are an agent affiliated with a National Real Estate firm then you are probably on dozens of these websites but as an independent Broker or regional company you need to pick where your MLS listings should go on the internet. ListHub is the nation’s premier platform for listing management and online listing activity reporting. ListHub network includes more than 450 participating MLS’s, 48,00...
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By David Popoff, Realtor®,SRS, Green ~ Fairfield County, Ct
(DMK Real Estate )
Greenwich, Ct Homes Sales Up Rentals Down YTD Sept ~ 2013. Oct 16, 2013. According to the listings on the Greenwich MLS single family homes sales are up 10.7% as of September Year-to-Date with a total of 497 sold vs. YTD 2012 of 449 with average selling price of $2,111,827 and median selling price of $1,670,000. While total rental YTD are down 23.5% from a high YTD 2012 of 655 down 2013 to 501. The market is continuing to grow with new listings Year –to-date up 3.72% with a total of 2,538 new listings on the Greenwich MLS. Currently on the GMLS there are 523 single family homes for sale ranging in price from $487,000 up to $140 million for a 50 acre waterfront estate. Along with that there are 112 Condos and Co-ops currently listed on the GMLS ranging in price from $195,000 up to $5.49 ...
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By David Popoff, Realtor®,SRS, Green ~ Fairfield County, Ct
(DMK Real Estate )
WILDLIFE IN CRISIS 25th Fundraiser @ Audubon Greenwich, CT ~ Oct. 5th, 2013. The twenty-fifth annual fundraiser for Wildlife In Crisis, WIC will be held at the Greenwich Audubon this Saturday, October 5th, 2013 from 3:00 to 6:00pm. WIC is a non-profit, tax exempt organization out of Weston, Connecticut founded in 1989 to care for injured and orphaned wildlife. WIC averages 10,000 calls about wildlife annually and their care emphasizes on emergency medical care and temporary housing for injured and orphaned animals. The center is based on a nurture system were the animals are rehabilitated and then released. ALL funding goes directly to the animals, staffed entirely by volunteers, interns and dedicated people. Donations will be $100 for adults and $25 for children that include: RECEPTION...
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By David Popoff, Realtor®,SRS, Green ~ Fairfield County, Ct
(DMK Real Estate )
Greenwich, Ct. Real Estate Market Shows Increase in Activity July 2013. August 14th, 2013. Year To Date, YTD the Greenwich Real Estate Market has seen an increase of sales compared to same time last year with Condominiums up at 154% and single family homes sales up 13.5%. Along with these increase number of sales Greenwich Real Estate market is seeing slight tightening of properties listed for sale on the Greenwich MLS with homes down 6.6% and condominiums down 16%. Year to Date Median Sale Price of Single Family Homes in Greenwich are up at $1,689,536 compared to the 12 months of 2012 of $1,615,667. Currently the Greenwich Multiple Listing Service, GMLS, is reporting about 515 single family homes listed for sale in Greenwich, Ct.  ranging from $429,000 up to $32.9 million plus an addit...
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By David Popoff, Realtor®,SRS, Green ~ Fairfield County, Ct
(DMK Real Estate )
Winning Real Estate Bidding War. With for sale inventory down, prices rising and the uptick in mortgage rates bidding wars on homes are on the increase. According to on-line real estate brokerage Redfin in June 69% of homes faced multiple offers. This weekend’s edition of the WSJ has a great article on Real Estate bidding wars and “How to Win a Bidding War” written by Molly Hensley-Clancy. Real Estate agents give tips to help buyers get the best deal in bidding wars and it is not necessarily paying top dollar. Know the Market ~ stay up to date on last closing prices of homes sold in the area. Be realistic about the Price ~ Low ball offers not in this market; with multiple bids put your best offer in. Have a “Walkaway Number” ~ going into a bidding war have your walk away number and stic...
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By David Popoff, Realtor®,SRS, Green ~ Fairfield County, Ct
(DMK Real Estate )
‘Welcome to Greenwich’ 2013 Guides Are In.   The new 2013 ‘Welcome to Greenwich’ is a guide for newcomers and are now in local real estate offices and as well at the Greenwich Association of Realtor’s office. The issue is updated with the latest information about Greenwich schools, healthcare, culture and more local information for real estate agents to share with their clients about Greenwich, Connecticut.       To view the issue on line please click the link below.     David Popoff is a certified “Green Homes Specialist” Realtor with William Pitt Sotheby’s in lower Fairfield County, Connecticut.   DMK Property Management llc a locally owned company serving lower Fairfield County, Connecticut. Specializing in Residential Pr...
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By Debbie Gartner, The Flooring Girl & Blog Stylist -Dynamo Marketers
(The Flooring Girl)
Are you looking to sand and refinish hardwood floors in Glenville CT?   It's amazing what a difference refinishing your hardwood flooring can make.  Your floors will look brand new and you even have the option to change the color.  You can go light, dark, mid tones, or red tones. It can really give your home (or room) a whole new look.   If you have hardwood underneath your carpets, we can restore the beauty of the hardwood underneath. It's amazing what a big difference this can make in your home.  And, believe it or not, it is usually less expensive to refinish your floors than to recarpet.  Refinishing your wood floors will also improve your home's value and it will be easier to clean and maintain.   At Floor Coverings International, we are a shop at home service.  We will bring the "...
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By David Popoff, Realtor®,SRS, Green ~ Fairfield County, Ct
(DMK Real Estate )
Inforgraph "The High Price of Ignoring Home Repairs" illustrates what can happen is homeowners fail to do the proper maintenance on their real estate and the possible long term costs. Thanks to and a subsidiary of Home Depot for putting this together. 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' for Homes.    Courtesy of: and Redbeacon        David Popoff is a certified “Green” Realtor in lower Fairfield County, Connecticut. cell 203-228-0646 email     DMK Property Management llc is locally owned company serving lower Fairfield County, Connecticut. Specializing in Residential Property Management that can custom tailor a program to fit the homeowners needs be it short term or long term from rental management...
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By David Popoff, Realtor®,SRS, Green ~ Fairfield County, Ct
(DMK Real Estate )
WSJ Most Expensive Home Listed at $190 Million, Greenwich, Ct. The Wall Street Journal reported the most expensive home for sale in the United States is at an eye-popping price tag of $190,000,000. The home is on 50 ½ acres of waterfront property in Greenwich, Connecticut that includes two off shore islands. The home itself is a 12 bedroom Victorian, French-renaissance mansion was built in 1896. All combined the property has a total of one mile of shoreline and comes with walled formal gardens, 75 foot pool and spa, grass tennis court, pool house, carriage house and gate house and of course its own beach. Greenwich is a town filled with old money estates and has had many grand listings in the past. Leona Helmsley’s mansion originally listed for $125 million sold for $35 million in 2010....
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