0% Credit Card Transfers are back but with confusing terms
By Matt Liistro, Your Credit Repair Expert
(National Credit Fixers - Matt Listro)
0% Credit Card Transfers are back but with confusing terms In recent postings, Credit CRM professionals have explained that 0% credit card transfer offers are coming back surprisingly ahead of schedule. Just a few years ago, many heavily in debt credit card holders thrived on the ability to cheaply transfer balances from card to card, paying off plastic with plastic. Sometimes consumers used low interest and 0% credit cards as a means to borrow for high risk investments such as stocks. As a recession set in and banks became swamped in bad debts as a result lenient lending behavior and risky consumer behavior, banks and credit card companies become much more stringent in their who they loaned to. Lenders began to lower credit limits and retract low interest and 0% transfer offers that of...